Finished: 06 AM Tue 24 Apr 18 UTC
Private Wartime-2
2 days /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1909, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game won by jamesois (1455 D)

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07 Apr 18 UTC Spring, 1901: (GOD): The map makes things a lot easier for Germany though...
07 Apr 18 UTC Autumn, 1901: Good luck!
07 Apr 18 UTC Autumn, 1901: dank sie auch
07 Apr 18 UTC Autumn, 1902: the dramatic irony of a van ploughing into a crowd in Germany less than 24 hours after you say your country is "very very safe" from terrorists must be noted.
08 Apr 18 UTC Autumn, 1902: What I mean is that auch cases get a lot of public attention, but a few deaths in the single digits every one or two years means close to nothing in a country of 82 Million. Same applies more or less for western European countries.

Our homicide rates are very low, in fact even lower than the Australian ones.

You would not say that the US are unsafe too, although they have lethal shootings on the daily, would you?
08 Apr 18 UTC Autumn, 1902: This is something that really annoyed me in California as well, a lot of the people I talked with asked me if I still feel safe and that they wouldn't wanna go to Europe because of the Terror attacks.

That's just so irrational that it was laughable, especially considering how many no-go zones for whites the big cities there have...
08 Apr 18 UTC Autumn, 1902: And Australia may be closing off everything, thus reducing Terror attacks by foreigners by a lot (although I think you've had some as well?), but that is simply not possible with Europe.
09 Apr 18 UTC Spring, 1903: your response makes me feel sad. though I suppose if the Germans don't care about Germany then why should I? please let's not dwell on the subject, i'm sorry that I brought it up.
09 Apr 18 UTC Spring, 1903: No, please continue, I mean apparently I do care about the country, don't you think?

Btw, apparently that late at attack was by some German guy who was just a little bit psycho...
09 Apr 18 UTC Autumn, 1903: "just a little bit psycho".

think about what you said. the man commits an atrocity and you rationalise it away. your thinking is typically Euro and it makes me very, very sad.

the attack was on the anniversary of the Copenhagen attack last year. there are no coincidences. I do not believe the newspapers and I *definitely* do not believe German authorities who tell me there is nothing to worry about.

please, let's not discuss it further, we will only upset each other. you are a Master at Diplomacy and i wish to learn from you.
09 Apr 18 UTC Spring, 1904: Well I really agree with you, this is nothing good or normal and not ao.ething that should not be taken care of, obviously. Especially the immigration IS undeniably a big problem, probably the biggest issue in Europe right now.

My point is just that of all the regions I've seen so far in my life and from what I hear and read, western and northern Europe are really among the safest and well structured possible nations you can have on earth. Comparable to maybe NZ, Canada or Australia...
So all I'm saying really is that yes, there are issues that need to be addressed and improved, but nobody I know in Germany feels really unsafe and rightly so, since we are still among the leading nations in terms of safety, be it health, crime, civil rights or transportation.

If you have a different view on that, I would like to hear it, I'm not offended at all, just curious.

And thank you for that compliment, but this is really going to be a very very tough game...
09 Apr 18 UTC Spring, 1904: I'm just curious to get different perspectives and opinions, and since you're obviously politically interested as well... :)
10 Apr 18 UTC Spring, 1904: Ugh, completely miscalculated your moves :/
12 Apr 18 UTC Spring, 1905: I apologise for being rude to you earlier. of course you have your country's best interests at heart. i don't have the answer to the world's problems. i think my emotions get the best of me at times even though I try to remain dispassionate.
12 Apr 18 UTC Spring, 1905: Haha you weren't rude, it's all right :D
14 Apr 18 UTC Autumn, 1905: Very interesting game!
15 Apr 18 UTC Autumn, 1906: I agree. we'll do a more balanced map next time. I looked up the statistics for GvI and Ger appears to have a great advantage
19 Apr 18 UTC Autumn, 1907: oops! i intended to retreat to Mar!
19 Apr 18 UTC Autumn, 1907: i'll join your Godmode game =)
19 Apr 18 UTC Autumn, 1907: Nice!

Yeah I mean even without the statistics, just look at the map, you are able to get out your armies easily to all sides, while I'm effectively locked in Italy...but well, that's the challenge, I guess :D