Finished: 09 PM Mon 30 Apr 18 UTC
Private Hey!
1 day /phase
Pot: 2 D - Spring, 1902, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game won by Rivaldo (1053 D)

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27 Apr 18 UTC Spring, 1901: Hi!
27 Apr 18 UTC Spring, 1901: Right. So usually you can message everyone here in the "global" chat, or each individual person by clicking on their country. As it's just us two, global is the only option.

You have two armies and one fleet. Armies can go only on land, fleets can go on the sea or on costal land areas. You can move one 'square' adjacent, any direction each turn with each unit. Only one unit can occupy a square at a time.
27 Apr 18 UTC Spring, 1901: So, to start, I'd put in the following if I was you:

Brest > move > English Channel
Paris > move > Burgundy
Marseilles > move > Piedmont

Use the drop down menus below the map, put in those moves, and then click ready to go to the next turn. You can save the moves first if you don't want to ready, and there is a preview button you can press that'll show you how you're moving this turn.
27 Apr 18 UTC Spring, 1901: There are land "squares" with little circles inside, and these are called centres. They're what you're after generally, not the ones without the circles. There are 34 centres on this map, so to win overall, you need to claim 18 of them (a majority).

The game is split into turns, going Spring > Autumn > Spring > Autumn etc etc.
You only claim the centre, turning it your colour, in Autumn.

Otherwise, the best way to learn, as with any game, is to play.
29 Apr 18 UTC GameMaster: Austria voted for a Cancel. If everyone votes Cancel all points will be refunded and the game will be deleted from the database.