Finished: 12 AM Tue 02 Jun 20 UTC
Private Norton 223
2 days /phase
Unrated - Autumn, 7, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, Unranked, noProcess:Mon
3 excused NMR / regain after 2 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by agp613 (1310 D)

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Chat archive


12 Apr 20 UTC Spring, 1: (agp613): WAZZZZUUUP!!! bout to dominate this salty pond
13 Apr 20 UTC Spring, 1: (andboom): yo yo yo yo yo yo
13 Apr 20 UTC Spring, 1: eyy
13 Apr 20 UTC Spring, 1: everyone get how to move there pieces?
people understand the rules? feel free to holler with questions.
14 Apr 20 UTC Spring, 1: i still gotta watch the rules vid
14 Apr 20 UTC Spring, 1: me too. when are orders due?
14 Apr 20 UTC Spring, 1: Yeah ima spend some time on this tonight.
15 Apr 20 UTC Spring, 1: yeeee i moved les goooooo
15 Apr 20 UTC Spring, 1: Just wanna make sure yall know - The basic goal is to control more supply centers (territories with dots) at the end of each Fall turn - which will be the end of the turn after this. Then you get to build more troops so your troop number equals the number of supply centers you control.
15 Apr 20 UTC Autumn, 1: If you get to build more troops, do you decide if its army or naval? Can you change these at any point?
15 Apr 20 UTC Autumn, 1: If you get to build more troops, do you decide if its army or naval? Can you change these at any point?
15 Apr 20 UTC Autumn, 1: If the supply center borders a sea territory, you get to decide, but you don't get to change it back once it's on the board
15 Apr 20 UTC Autumn, 1: Another qu - if two different armies move on the same empty territory, what is the outcome?
15 Apr 20 UTC Autumn, 1: they bounce, neither gets to move
15 Apr 20 UTC Autumn, 1: that's why the support order is so important
15 Apr 20 UTC Autumn, 1: im a little confused. i would have expected to have byzantinum, but it is not my color... is that just because there is "ocean/sea" there, or am i misunderstanding something?
15 Apr 20 UTC Autumn, 1: the same goes for egypt and cyrene. what's going on there?
15 Apr 20 UTC Autumn, 1: another Q: i will get my extra troops (via territories with dots) when i have armies there during Fall? for example, if i move my troops out of byzantinum this turn, i will not get the extra armies during fall?
15 Apr 20 UTC Autumn, 1: That's the key thing -- you control a territory and get any additional armies at the END of the year
15 Apr 20 UTC Autumn, 1: you also might have to disband units at the end of a fall turn if you control more units than supply centers