Finished: 10 PM Thu 16 May 24 UTC
The Ancient Mediterranean-2
1 day /phase
Pot: 25 D - Spring, 9, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, Anon, WTA, noProcess:Sat,Sun
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game drawn

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23 Apr 24 UTC Spring, 1: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders.
25 Apr 24 UTC Autumn, 1: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders.
25 Apr 24 UTC Autumn, 1: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Rome replacing "Admiral Boysenberry". Reconsider your alliances.
09 May 24 UTC Autumn, 5: Everybody, Carthage of going for solo!
E we should stick together and stop them!
09 May 24 UTC Autumn, 5: yeah
09 May 24 UTC Autumn, 5: I figured I should really play a game aggressively at some point in my career lol
09 May 24 UTC Autumn, 5: sorry Carthage; I really was serious about Cyrene at the time. until I saw I could go +3 this year :/
09 May 24 UTC Autumn, 5: er, who am I? Egypt. I'm Carthage.
15 May 24 UTC Autumn, 8: I propose to draw after this building phase
15 May 24 UTC Autumn, 8: okay
15 May 24 UTC Autumn, 8: so is Alexandria adjacent to Sinai? this map around the Nile gets a bit weird
15 May 24 UTC Autumn, 8: yeah, I never got the hang of the rules regarding the Nile
15 May 24 UTC GameMaster: Persia voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
15 May 24 UTC Yes, the Nile delta has always been full of surprises !
16 May 24 UTC Greece, are you voting for draw or do you prefer a that cartage and me we share your centers at 17-17 ?
16 May 24 UTC Carthage, in order to give you some context, Greece is very angry against me because he imagine that I stabbed him, and therefore in order to take his revanche against me he want to give you his centers so that you solo. This is why he does not draw.

You can judge by yourself the level of my discussions with him.

I tried to explain him that it would have been a very strange stab from me, I even never attacked any of his supply centers, I only attacked Egyptian positions. So stabbing without attacking is a very strange concept…

By the way, let’s suppose that I stabbed him : to stab in this game is not a shame, it is the heart of the game. So if I had done it, why wouldn’t I assume it ?

But nothing, no way to convince him to draw here. He is sticking on his idea to sabotage the game, like a child which makes a caprice.

So if you have a chance to make him reasonable, please do. Me, I give up here. This game is finished.

Good game to you Carthage. I appreciated your moves, especially when you decided to accelerate and play aggressively. It was quite challenging for me to stay in your wave.

I hope not to meet this Greek anymore because we are here to play and have fun, and this kind of attitude kills all the pleasure.
16 May 24 UTC Ooh, "revanche", nice word of the day :)

I suppose that explains a few things. Honestly I expected more pushback when *I* stabbed him.

It is unfortunate how common it is to run into thin-skinned Diplomacy players online. I admit I can get cranky sometimes, but that's more to do with players' personalities/press style than their moves in the game.
16 May 24 UTC GG
16 May 24 UTC Fair point : revenge and not revanche….
I am not english native
16 May 24 UTC (nor fluent)