Finished: 03 PM Sun 08 Jul 12 UTC
Turkish Tea
1 day /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1906, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend never
Game won by Rancher (1275 D)

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05 Jul 12 UTC Spring, 1901: Let's start the fight for Europe then :D
05 Jul 12 UTC Spring, 1901: ok, I can pretty much play live or close it, may have to be in and out a little, but should be able to go relatively fast
05 Jul 12 UTC Spring, 1901: just make sure you ready up so this can move along
05 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1901: Yes
And I have some time too, to play... but getting stopped in less of an hour sorry
05 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1901: it's ok
05 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1902: Hehehe, you see you have gone too far with St. Petersburg, and if you move Norway the Turk horde will be soon in the north? >:D
Anyway don't feel pushed, we can take all the time we need, it's the game of course :)
05 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1902: Ahhhh our first battle! :D
05 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1902: it's a fun one my man
05 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1902: Ooooohh, I can't believe you reached Tunis before me! LOL =))
05 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1902: I must whip more my oaring mariners to be faster ROFL
05 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1902: there was really no way you could have beaten me there ... ok, we are positioned now, the fun really begins from this point on!
05 Jul 12 UTC Spring, 1903: :D
05 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1903: I'm sorry business calls me now :( but I'm returnig surely tomorrow before Time is Up for the move
05 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1903: ok, see ya then
05 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1903: Here again but for a while, before tomorrow! So I build...
06 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1903: well, finalize it and we can move on, you will still have 24 hrs
06 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1903: Here I am, for some time, if you are there too!
06 Jul 12 UTC Spring, 1904: I will be for a bit, let's go
06 Jul 12 UTC Spring, 1904: hey, thought we were going to play here!
06 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1904: Yes, but let me think about moves, LOL