A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Argentinean Empire (1606 D)
27 Apr 17 UTC
Word Association Thread
Hello! I saw a thread like this on WebDip. We start with a word, and you then post the one word that pops into your mind after you read that word. The first word is FIRST.
838 replies
Major Problems (1364 D)
23 Sep 17 UTC
Live game anyone?
If anyone likes live games (gunboat, anon) let's see if we can get one going. Only an hour to sign up!
2 replies
BenjaminHester (1035 D)
14 Sep 17 UTC
While I'm going through the long slog of rebuilding Sengoku...
...any interest in a vDip implementation of my most recent, and arguably best balanced variant that rolled off the assembly line before my last long Dip sabbatical?
21 replies
NManock18 (1019 D)
18 Sep 17 UTC
Are there any tips on software to use for designing a variant? Thanks!
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faded box (1101 D)
05 Sep 17 UTC
anyone up for a live 1v1? u can choose map if u dont like one i got posted
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Vauban (953 D)
17 Sep 17 UTC
Colour for Neutral Province
Check below
4 replies
Cometk (1278 D)
15 Sep 17 UTC
Replacing Inactive Member
how does my group go about replacing an inactive member?
1 reply
President Eden (1588 D)
13 Sep 17 UTC
Is England* vs Turkey truly balanced?
The stats spread on England* vs Turkey is innocuous enough. England* wins 55% of games which do not end in a draw, Turkey wins 45%. England is favored, but not to the extent that Turkey can't win; the game is not balanced, but it also isn't drastically skewed either way.

However, I have recently encountered an opening from England that I'm struggling to counter as Turkey.
8 replies
Anon (?? D)
12 Sep 17 UTC
Gunboat with me
Hey, if anyone is interested in playing a beginner gunboat with me (I suck at gunboat) holla at me for the password
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
12 Sep 17 UTC
"...tuesday" game sequel is out...
Pls play this WWII map...
Remember, only on Tuesdays!
8 replies
michael_b (952 D)
11 Sep 17 UTC
Strong British Position
0 replies
The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
06 Sep 17 UTC
Online Dip Pet Peeves
We're introducing a new segment to the podcast. Have your say (more below)...
53 replies
Jamie_T (895 D)
16 Aug 17 UTC
I have been banned from webDiplomacy because Zultar wants it to be a safe space for neo-Nazis and other white supremacists.

You nice people will have to put up with me instead (until I get banned here, I guess).
42 replies
TheatreVarus (874 D)
09 Sep 17 UTC
Looking for someone to play a few friendly duels on the Cold War map. Just picked the game back up and I want to get some practice in. Anyone interested can DM me.
0 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
24 Sep 16 UTC
I've been Boursed!!! 2016
Hi all, when Amby and I were recording our recent podcast ( the topic of Bourse came up, and I got really excited and thought that I would try to get another game of this variant running...
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kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
24 Sep 16 UTC
Bourse is a game that runs 'inside' a game. Essentially you are buying and selling stock of a power in the game that is running. Speculation and misinformation is encouraged between players, buying into good solid stock can see your net-worth increase, but beware! If a country is eliminated from the game than that country's stock is reduced to nothing. Play large and win big on the stock market!

The rules are:

1) A Diplomacy Bourse is associated with a Diplomacy game, and runs parallel with it.

2) Any number of players may participate. Each begins with 1000 units of currency of each country in the game: Austrian Crowns, English Pounds, French Francs, German Marks, Italian Lire, Russian Roubles and Turkish Piastres. All currencies are equal at the start, each being worth $1 US. Throughout the game the value of currencies is expressed in Dollars.

*However due to the nature of vDip the players themselves will compete in the variant, so if there are 10 players who want to give this a shot then Modern will be the variant played

3) Orders are in two parts, buying and selling. Players may never sell more than 500 units of any one currency at one time, but may buy as many as he may afford. Any surplus after purchases may be retained as a Dollar balance against future purchases. There is no limit to the number of dollars that may be withdrawn from this balance at one time, but it may never go into deficit.

4) Each time 100 units of a currency are sold its value in relation to the dollar drops 1¢. Thus if in the first season the total of all orders results in 500 more Marks being sold than bought the price of the Mark for the following season would be $0.95. Each time an aggregate of 100 units is bought the price rises similarly by 1¢. Only complete multiples of 100 units affect the price - thus if 299 more Marks were bought than sold its value would rise by only 2¢.

5) Each season the GM will list who bought and sold what, old and new prices, players' holdings and Dollar surpluses, and their net worth.

6) When a country is eliminated from the Diplomacy game (i.e. when its Winter supply centre holding is 0), the value of its currency drops to zero and all trading in that currency ceases. Other than this, the value of a currency may never fall below 1¢. There is no upper limit to the value of a currency.

7) When the associated Diplomacy game ends, each Bourse player's "Victory Points" will be calculated as follows: for each currency in which he has a holding, the number of blocks of 100 units of currency multiplied by the number of supply centres owned by that country in the Diplomacy game. Thus if Turkey wins with 18 centres, with France on 14 and England on 2, and a player has 6000 Pounds, 10,000 Piastres and 4000 Francs, then his VPs would be 120+1800+560 = 2480. The GM will endeavour to maintain running totals of Victory Points during the middle and end game.

8) Orders may not be made conditional. If orders are incorrect or illegal, the GM will adjust them in accordance with what he discerns to be the player's wishes. Players are asked to check adjudications for errors, since the Diplomacy game will not normally be delayed on account of Bourse errors. Players are also requested to include details of their calculations with their orders.


Additional rules for making this work:

i) I will be the GM on the board for the purposes of publishing the results
ii) The GM will not pause or extend the game, this is up to the players themselves and the vote buttons are there for this purpose
iii) I will make a spreadsheet available to each player (or they can make their own one for the purpose of the game)
iv) Retreats and builds are encouraged to be saved until the results of the Bourse is published, then they can be finalised
v) Players will PM me their Bourse orders, given that I won't be an active player on the board, only GMing the Bourse.

RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
24 Sep 16 UTC
Yes, please! Can we do it on the 901 map again?
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
24 Sep 16 UTC
Sure can! 13 more players needed!
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
24 Sep 16 UTC
I was waiting for this thread to pop up after listening to the podcast :)


Hopefully I do a bit better this time than in the last one.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
24 Sep 16 UTC
Welcome! Great to have another old hand get onboard!

2) Captainmeme
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
24 Sep 16 UTC
Ah, what the heck I'm in too. Just hoping I don't draw Arabia again this time
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
24 Sep 16 UTC
2) Captainmeme
3) Leif_Syverson
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
24 Sep 16 UTC
If we end up doing Known World 901, any chance of a smaller one to be going on at the same time?
I'll play.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 Sep 16 UTC
Welcome Lukas and YCHTT.

I think running more than one Bourse game at a time would do my head in at the moment, that's not to say we can't get another one up and running at a later date. I'm happy to GM the bourse on whatever map you guys decide upon. KW901 was a success the last time around and provided for heaps of opportunities to manipulate the market. Let's see how many people aign up and make a decision on what variant to play from there:

2) Captainmeme
3) Leif_Syverson
5) Lukas Podolski
Caerus (1470 D)
25 Sep 16 UTC
Phase length?
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 Sep 16 UTC
I suggest a minimum of two day phases
With the market, I think 2 days is a minimum. Might want to go longer.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 Sep 16 UTC
Three days would be better, as it would allow me a little bit of time to compile and publish the results of the bourse, factoring in the fact that the game will likely take place in a timezone different from mine. But as I said 2 days would be the absolute minimum for this to work.
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
25 Sep 16 UTC
did someone say bourse
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
25 Sep 16 UTC
sorry I suck tho haven't played in forever and I still have A levels ;_;
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 Sep 16 UTC
Good to have you on-board DoubleCap! welcome back buddy!

2) Captainmeme
3) Leif_Syverson
5) Lukas Podolski
6) DoubleCapitals
If we have 3 day phases I'd be in.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 Sep 16 UTC
Once you've played it... you can't go back ey Amby?

2) Captainmeme
3) Leif_Syverson
5) Lukas Podolski
6) DoubleCapitals
7) The Ambassador (3+ day phases)
ingebot (1922 D)
25 Sep 16 UTC
I'm in! But who and how exactly do we contact to indicate buying or selling of credits/stocks (ie, is it through in-game messaging, email or some other method)?
ingebot (1922 D)
25 Sep 16 UTC
^Ignore that, I never seem to read things through before commenting.
ingebot (1922 D)
25 Sep 16 UTC
^Meaning the stupid question... I'm still in for the game! Guess I don't read my own thing either.
Caerus (1470 D)
26 Sep 16 UTC
I would love 3 day phases. But I am in at two days just the same, if you'll have me.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
26 Sep 16 UTC
Welcome to both Caerus and ingebot!

2) Captainmeme
3) Leif_Syverson
5) Lukas Podolski
6) DoubleCapitals
7) The Ambassador (3+ day phases)
8) ingebot
9) Caerus (3+ day phases)
I'm good with anything over 2 days.
ingebot (1922 D)
26 Sep 16 UTC
Personally I'd like to see one of those ten people variants again, e.g: Colonial 1885, Modern Diplomacy, Youngstown Redux (with a much higher win condition) and Enlightenment & Succession. I'm fine with anything other than Rinascimento though.
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
26 Sep 16 UTC
fuck did you read that as an /in though because I meant my A Levels are like right around the corner (I hiatused the whole year b/c I didn't want to get too committed before the exams) ><. can you out please my insides are itching to do this but I really can't *sadface*

oh, also overseas/ V/LA Dec 10 - Dec 18. Last time I had that the game stalled and I think y'all might be mad at me if I call one again..
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
26 Sep 16 UTC
I'll spec tho I promise
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
26 Sep 16 UTC
Well, best of luck with your studies DoubleCap, I know you'll return when you have more time up your sleave.

2) Captainmeme
3) Leif_Syverson
5) Lukas Podolski
6) Caerus (3+ day phases)
7) The Ambassador (3+ day phases)
8) ingebot
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
26 Sep 16 UTC
heh :P I don't wanna slow down the game and cause trouble is all :P (PM me the game link when you start btw)

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d-ice (1969 D)
06 Sep 17 UTC
Force drawn games
Games with fixed end year are (for ranking purposes) treated like solo victories for the power with the largest SC tally (even when PPSC scoring is used). Is that intentional? Not that I think it matters much to me, but I do find it rather odd, it would seem like the more logical approach would be that they are treated as force drawn, or possibly use affect ranking differently depending on scoring system used.
6 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
12 Aug 17 UTC
Update regarding vPoints/Rankings
See below:
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jason4747 (1633 D)
03 Sep 17 UTC
“Vietnam: Apocalypse Then” – new variant in development
I am working on a Diplomacy variant and am seeking opinions on the board and design. See below
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The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
02 Sep 17 UTC
Dumb question: where is Imperium?
I felt like playing a map I haven't played in a million years: Imperium Diplomacy (

More to follow...
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Enriador (1507 D)
26 Aug 17 UTC
Early game vs. End game
Every game of Diplomacy has two distinct phases, which mix a bit in the middle: the early game and the end game, each of them with a very different vibe and atmosphere.
1 reply
BenjaminHester (1035 D)
24 Aug 17 UTC
Oli - still out there? (re: Sengoku V6)
just posting here in case my vacation delay caused you to lose the other thread. Several responses there, including the map with names you requested.
0 replies
Vauban (953 D)
23 Aug 17 UTC
New Variant: Corsican revolt
See reply
2 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
21 Aug 17 UTC
How are Points Per Supply Center calculated?
Hello guys;

I searched the forum but did not find any information on the formula used at PPSC games. If anyone can come up with an example using the formula as well I would thank you very much.
32 replies
ScubaSteve (1202 D)
21 Aug 17 UTC
Bug in game. What action to take?
I am trying to enter a move in a variant but for some reason, the game won't allow it. I sent a message to the mods. Is there anything else I can/should do?
5 replies
00matthew2000 (2409 D)
16 Aug 17 UTC
New Rinascimento Game
The password for this game is "a" (lowercase). Players are greatly desired, but be advised, several players in this game know each other in real life. We will keep communication strictly within the game as per site rules.
1 reply
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
10 Aug 17 UTC
To Everyone in Furnace of Affliction
I'm really sorry, as I was trying to fix the Indonesia Build bug the game sent everyone into CD and cancelled itself. This was because I forgot about another bug - if you enter all holds, it counts as an NMR even if saved, so when I tried to advance the game 2 phases it assumed everyone had NMR'd twice (even though I'd set hold orders for everyone).
34 replies
Vauban (953 D)
12 Aug 17 UTC
HOW TO for variants
For anyone who wants to share their variant creating skills
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CCR (1957 D)
10 Aug 17 UTC
Furnace of Affliction
"Due to inactivity the game was abandoned and removed."
5 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
09 Aug 17 UTC
Cross-site advertisement: The Tournament Through Time
Just thought I'd put in a plug for the 2018 tournament that I'm running online over at the PlayDiplomacy forums. I know there are lots of variant players over here on vDip, so you might find one or more of these interesting. (Link will be in the response.)
1 reply
Cav (1153 D)
06 Aug 17 UTC
Joint Victory?
Is it possible to declare a joint victory in the game?
24 replies
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