A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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papamac (1046 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
Colonial Dip - Constantinople to Black Sea?
Why would Black Sea not be offered as one of the options for a fleet in Constantinople to move to in a Colonial game?
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mace (1287 D)
06 Feb 11 UTC
0 replies
mace (1287 D)
06 Feb 11 UTC
searchin for 2 player a live game
someone interested?
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Shep315 (1435 D)
06 Feb 11 UTC
how can he retreat there, they dont have a border but you can support from it and retreat to it
6 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
05 Feb 11 UTC
Imperium Glitch
Oli theres was a glitch in this map alamanni was able to retreat where he wasnt supposed to be able to
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jubjub109 (762 D)
06 Feb 11 UTC
Japanese DIplomacy Advertisment
I'm looking to start a new Shinto game with anonymous players at 1 day phases. If anyone would like to join its open at
3 replies
Dutch Revolt Problem
Cantia cannot retreat to Tha.
2 replies
papamac (1046 D)
05 Feb 11 UTC
8 player crowded South American Supremacy map, with passage across the Andes through mountain passes only (like in Rinascimento).

3 more players needed - starts in 4 days. gameID=420
0 replies
Bug in Imperium?
It lets you retreat to regions that had a bounce in them
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fasces349 (1007 D)
05 Feb 11 UTC
Live 100
Whos up for a live 100 years war?
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Gobbledydook (1083 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
Chaos Again: EoG Statements
Ok, the first Chaos Game on the site has ended in a 5-way draw. Now, players can post their statements and discuss here.
14 replies
Graeme01 (1224 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
So who wants to play 1897?
10 replies
papamac (1046 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
Modern Game

6 more players needed in the next 40 minutes...
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President Eden (1588 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
Critique of variant "Hundred"
Premise: While "Hundred" is an interesting concept for a Diplomacy variant, its geography and number of players reduce the number of potential outcomes such that the variant is not worth playing.
25 replies
So, who would like to start the next Chaos Game?
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Graeme01 (1224 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
This is the one where every unit has a range of 2. I have a feeling it's going to be a headache but I'd like to try it anyhow.
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mace (1287 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
hey... looking for two oponents in to livegames... just join me :)
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Jimbozig (1179 D)
02 Feb 11 UTC
Grey Press Variant
Is there any way to have an option for only grey press? Specifically, only global grey press?
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mace (1287 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
join now... live game
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fasces349 (1007 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
Please Pause game
Ruud said he was going to leave for a few days and is in one of my games:
His enemies are refusing to pause and I would like to make sure the pause happens.
4 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
12 Jan 11 UTC
Rinascimento: Strategies, openings, observations & innovations
A thread dedicated to discussing this intriguing variant.
20 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
20 Jan 11 UTC
1880s treaties
We will use this thread to keep track of the war declarations and treaties in the 1880 war declaration game, current wars and treaties are:
Franco-German War
Austro-Italian friendship pact
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Imperial Civilization (760 D)
25 Jan 11 UTC
I have a question
See below...
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I have noticed that in that their are plenty of threads that have nothing to do with diplomacy, but why is there none here? Is it because we dont have obiwanobiwan to post philosophy and football threads and Draugnar to post meaniless, but quite enjoyable, stupid game-like threads? Is it because Oli doesnt allow it? Is it because we need our own community philosiphers and goof-offs to make them, if so, I nominate myself for the second, but I will just end this with this: Why?
diplomat554 (1203 D)
25 Jan 11 UTC
I think it's just because this site is a lot smaller. And no...characters like Draugnar, etc.
tt612 (1404 D)
25 Jan 11 UTC
The community here is not as big, so there won't be big multi-sided arguments. Plus anyone who wants to participate or create said discussions usually would just heads straight to webdip. This site's forums are more known for being focused on talking about the games and especially, the variants.
I see, until I started this topic...
butterhead (1272 D)
25 Jan 11 UTC
Haha, yes, until now. but It's kinda nice to get away from all the crazy threads over there some times.
Until the crazy threads die due to people who complain when they should know not everything has to be so serious.
butterhead (1272 D)
25 Jan 11 UTC
haha, exactly, like our fabulous STLPTPW game.
Yes, which I still maintain to have won.
butterhead (1272 D)
25 Jan 11 UTC
possibly, I have no idea who one...
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 Jan 11 UTC
won what? why don't you go and find a crusty civilisation somewhere - and show off your silly threads.

That sounds like an excellent idea, I could return th crusty Mongols to their former glory! And then show them my silly threads! (translated in mongolian of course)
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 Jan 11 UTC
lol :)
butterhead (1272 D)
25 Jan 11 UTC
* Note to self, Sleeping through Algebra 3 Trig for the past 18 weeks= Bad Idea.
I actually like this site more because there's less dicking around, and more talk of diplomacy. If I wanted to talk about sports or philosophy, I'd do it elsewhere.
butterhead (1272 D)
25 Jan 11 UTC
lol. the occasional off topic thread(like this one) is ok, but webdip gets to be too many...
Plus, this thread may become the official one for posting random thoughts, or notes to self like butterhead demonstrated above
Well, good night all!
butterhead (1272 D)
25 Jan 11 UTC
haha, yea, bad idea to sleep through 18 weeks of math. now I shall fail my exam tomorrow.
note to self- if you do sleep in class, make sure you copy notes from a friend.
fasces349 (1007 D)
25 Jan 11 UTC
"* Note to self, Sleeping through Algebra 3 Trig for the past 18 weeks= Bad Idea."
No fair, now I have to sleep in Accounting for 19 weeks while maintaining a 90+ average to top your record. (7 weeks down, 13 more to go)
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 Jan 11 UTC
bully for you fasces349
butterhead (1272 D)
25 Jan 11 UTC
haha, my average in alg 3 trig is a... 70.
Butterhead, your winning
butterhead (1272 D)
25 Jan 11 UTC
say what?
Now I'm winning! Wait a second....
(Get what I am bringing back?)
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
26 Jan 11 UTC
? winning - whining ?
butterhead (1272 D)
26 Jan 11 UTC
indeed. but I don't think It will be as fun here as on WebDip. less people. oh and BTW, Kaner, you are winning until we stop doing this here...
Its worth a shot.
@kaner: the point of the game is whoever is the 2nd to last PERSON to post wins
So, curenttly butterhead is winning.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
26 Jan 11 UTC
It is, but look, your winning!
butterhead (1272 D)
26 Jan 11 UTC
It is so stupid, but so fun at the same time.

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butterhead (1272 D)
01 Feb 11 UTC
question regarding a variant.
How hard would it be, If there isn't one already, to make a variant where Switzerland is passable? I would like to see how that would play out, and would love to see such a thing implemented here.
33 replies
Oli, I think this game is stuck
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Daiichi (1339 D)
02 Feb 11 UTC
Bugs, s hold in a different coast.
Ok, so this is a bug, which in this case has benefited me, but it's still a but.
The fleet at GoB should NOT be able to s hold the fleet in st Pete (nc), should it?
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Jimbozig (1179 D)
01 Feb 11 UTC
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John (962 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
Mod to Unpause "I Hope I get Holland"
Hi there, can a mod please unpause this game: ?

China fell into CD as we were pausing, and doesn't seem to be coming back. All other players have voted for the unpause. Thanks.
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Rancher (1275 D)
01 Feb 11 UTC
Da plane, da plane Boss!!
Fantasy Island! Join up cheap, full press, fantasy island world map ...
1 reply
canaduh (1293 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
A simple game - building dykes
gameID=404 - Dutch revolt. Only 20 D, but may be a challenging game. Looking for reasonably experienced players, but it is anonymous, so .....
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