A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
22 Apr 22 UTC
Ankara Crescent
London to Bulgaria
Edinburgh to Naples
Liverpool to Ionian
63 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 Oct 22 UTC
Provocative Question
If Xi Jinping had been recruited as a long term, deep cover agent by the CIA (perhaps during his visit to Iowa) a la Günter Guillaume, Anthony Blunt or Eleanor Iselin, what would the CIA have him doing differently to sabotage China as a potential competitor of the USA?
24 replies
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
25 Sep 22 UTC
One bourbon, one scotch and one beer
Thoughts on the topic?
26 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
19 Apr 22 UTC
Bourse 2022
Bourse 2022 sign up thread...
111 replies
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
03 Nov 22 UTC
Weird weather?
It's like less than a month until summer here in Australia and we're going through a cold snap. Those in the northern hemisphere have you got similar whacky stuff happening with warmer than normal (or something else odd) going on?
18 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
25 Oct 22 UTC
VDip Community
See Below
5 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
24 Oct 22 UTC
The least played variant
It’s this, with just four games:
11 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
20 Oct 22 UTC
Anarchy in the UK
British Politics seems to be taking over the "Putin for Diplomats" thread. Offering such discussions a home.
8 replies
Xenon Radon (2119 D)
20 Oct 22 UTC
How does the Rank system work?
I'm curious why everyone else with 1800+ points are "Diplomat" but I am ranked as "Experienced".
15 replies
David Hood (976 D)
20 Oct 22 UTC
Oct 2022 edition of Deadline News from the Diplomacy Broadcast Network
Hey there Diplomacy fans, the latest issue of the Diplomacy Broadcast Network's monthly news show has just been released. An interview with the TD of the upcoming World Dipcon in Vermont, a panel discussion about using Dip skills in everyday life, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy.
0 replies
Rancher (1207 D)
19 Oct 22 UTC
Favorite Variants?
As mentioned recently, the forum could use a little reboot with some casual but relevant conversation. Naturally, then let me ask all of you to discuss your favorite variants here, and then we can all tell you why you are wrong

Those who know me well will not be surprised that I say Rinascimento and Germany 1648
2 replies
Qapoleon (1000 D)
16 Oct 22 UTC
New column in the variants list?
Was browsing statistics and was thinking it would be sweet to see the standard deviation of the performance values listed on the variants list page. That way you could essentially sort the collection by how balanced it is.
0 replies
Quarantino (1485 D)
16 Sep 22 UTC
1900 New Game Available
Tillers of the Poppy Fields. Someone's gotta do it.
2 days. 20 points. Random country.
1 reply
AJManso4 (2318 D)
04 Oct 22 UTC
Question - Brain fart
Say there are 5 provinces in a sealane. C is the center. A, B, C, D, and F are placed like this. All 4 of them can touch the other.
5 replies
frostwind (1326 D)
06 Sep 22 UTC
Temporary Replacement in Unranked 50 States
tl;dr will be touching grass and hauling ass, someone plox manage a dozen+ center power in my absence for up to 10 days. willing to negotiate if my replacement wants to keep the power or some other compensation.
6 replies
David Hood (976 D)
19 Sep 22 UTC
September 2022 Deadline News is out!
Latest episode of Deadline News was just released by the Diplomacy Broadcast Network. This one includes a panel discussion about endgame strategy, an interview with longtime Dip hobbyist Brad Wilson about both Diplomacy and his sports journalism career, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy.
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
15 Sep 22 UTC
Europa Renovatio New Game Available - All Welcome

A new Europa game is here, for all who missed the previous most recent one. Join if you dare... O_O
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
06 Sep 22 UTC
Join the game
Hi, if you want to join this Europa Renovatio game so we can start come do so:
3 replies
Qapoleon (1000 D)
27 Aug 22 UTC
Variant Bank - The Embassy has extensive records of variants, but there are a lot of broken links. I've been working on a Discord-based variant bank if anybody wants to join.
1 reply
Fake Al (1673 D)
28 Aug 22 UTC
Tragedy of the Commons Rules Variant
I was thinking about what we see with the politics of climate change, how countries play the game of talking about reducing emissions but are hesitant to do so because they're afraid of being put at an economic disadvantage compared to their competitors. Not to get into a discussion of politics, more I thought about how this tragedy of the commons dynamic could be incorporated into a Diplomacy rules variant.
9 replies
kitczing (958 D)
18 Aug 22 UTC
Europa Renovatio- Sea lanes, OZs
Can anyone explain to me how the differing ocean tiles function on map: Europa Renovatio; because the explanation on the Variant page is gibberish to me.
4 replies
David Hood (976 D)
20 Aug 22 UTC
August 2022 Deadline News Is Out
The August edition of Deadline is out, on the YouTube channel of the Diplomacy Broadcast Network. This one includes an interview with Markus Zijlstra, aka Captain Meme, about playing Blitz press on Webdip and other topics; a panel discussion on the ins and outs of tournament Diplomacy; and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy.
0 replies
Flame (1073 D)
15 Aug 22 UTC
2 new variants released and installed!
Two new variants are installed and ready to testing and playing (please inform of any bug is detected):
Speed Europa -
Cold War Redux -
3 replies
WineGod (1534 D)
15 May 22 UTC
So Many Toxic Players??
Is it just me, or has the amount of toxic players on this site recently skyrocketed? Over the course of just a few games, I’ve seen people shoving strange moves in each others faces like a dog that crapped on the carpet, players belittling each other, piss poor attitudes after stabs, etc. - I don’t mean to complain, but I’m also seeing how it is effecting new players and this is generally something I can’t stand. (1/2)
35 replies
thecuntsman (924 D)
01 Aug 22 UTC
Feel free to join!
This is a private game, but the join code is letsgetthisbread
0 replies
Heronickk (708 D)
28 Jul 22 UTC
more points
how i can get more points? i have only 2 and i will still playing
4 replies
Orange (2132 D)
31 Jul 22 UTC
Crashed games in the new games list
Is there a way to get rid of the crashed games that appear in the new games list? They've been there for like a year and they keep making me think there's more potential games than there actually are.
1 reply
Macca573 (1517 D)
18 Apr 22 UTC
Around the World 2
As some of you may remember, I ran the "Around the World" tournament 2 years ago (visible on Tournaments page). I'm looking at perhaps doing it again, depending on interest. What do y'all think?
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Excellent, count me in then.

1. Butterhead
2. Rainau
3. ubercacher16
4. General Treanor
5. M Shadow
6. Amby
rainau (1126 D)
16 May 22 UTC
Sounds like a fun one, I'd be down. How long will phases be? My personal preference is 1d12h

1. Butterhead
2. Rainau
3. ubercacher16
4. General Treanor
5. M Shadow
6. Amby
7. xXDoritoJunkieXx
butterhead (1272 D)
20 May 22 UTC
Can we get one more brave soul?!
JacobL582 (2315 D)
20 May 22 UTC
I would try to defend my runner up title… but I just hate that Who Controls America map so much. And I’m in too many games already
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
21 May 22 UTC
As the variant creator (not that we can actually make/edit maps currently on vDip), what aspect of it puts you off it Jacob? Interested to know.
I forgot that was yours. I would say I dislike it as a symmetrical map with the checkerboard of spaces. I personally would have liked it if there was some asymmetry, all wedges still with 3 SCs, just some factions clustered further out from the center, some closer in, etc to influence the decision making a bit. But that's just me. It's more pure diplomacy with the checkerboard, that just isn't my strength as a player
JacobL582 (2315 D)
21 May 22 UTC
@Amby: apologies, no offense intended. Like DoritoJunkie said, it doesn’t play to my strengths. I consider myself especially good at diagnosing the critical locations on a new map and adjusting play to gain those before others do. This small tactical advantage often plays a large factor in success. It’s why I enjoy playing variants so much. In Classic, everyone knows how important English Channel/Burgundy/Black Sea/Galicia/etc are. But with a map so symmetric, all the spots are of somewhat equal value and my advantage is negated.

Also I think I still have a bitter taste in my mouth because at this stage of the tournament last time, I needed a solo to jump from second to first. All Uber needed to do was prevent a solo. That is incredibly easy to accomplish on this map…
Thanks guys. Kind of hard to fix when the intent was to create it to iron out things to make it equal. Do really appreciate the feedback though! Will keep that in mind when variants can be created here again and I make a new one.
JacobL582 (2315 D)
21 May 22 UTC
Yeah absolutely. I think the variant accomplished its intent. But not every person will enjoy every variant, and that’s perfectly fine!
JacobL582 (2315 D)
21 May 22 UTC
On the plus side, I enjoyed the territory names - very clever and amusing!
Haha, probably some territory names need to be given a 2022 update!
rainau (1126 D)
21 May 22 UTC
To add to this: I find it more entertaining to play as nation-states in variants, rather than political entitites. It's fun to imagine armies and navies moving just as you've ordered, creating alternate histories of the past or of the present. Whereas for ideological wars, such as in 'Who controls America', it is difficult for me to visualize the "patriot" unit moving and occupying an area, even though I fully understand what is implied with each territory. No offense to those who like the variant, but it's just not something I would be excited to play. Of course, I can cope with it being included in the tournament due to the player count. It is a balanced variant, after all.
butterhead (1272 D)
21 May 22 UTC
Jacob- sounds like you need to try to improve your runner up title, not just defend it! Let’s do it, join up! No such thing as too many games!(j.k, I know there is because that used to be me, 13+ games at a time overextending myself, if you really think it’s too many I get ya, but it would be a pleasure to have you!)
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
22 May 22 UTC
Perhaps we start with Who Controls America so it can’t effect the final calculus as much as it did last time.
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
22 May 22 UTC
I was quite pleased that it was the last variant since my solo made it nearly impossible for Jacob to catch me.

There are a couple other 8p Europe variants, maybe we consider another one of those? Just to shake things up a little?
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
22 May 22 UTC
And on phase lengths, 36h is an absolute minimum for me. 48 is preferable
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
22 May 22 UTC
Perhaps Karibik could count for North America? I know it’s half south. Viking Dip is also an option for Europe which is nicer than USA
JacobL582 (2315 D)
22 May 22 UTC
Also, I’m still a little salty about your solo on the South American variant… we had you stopped, but somebody messed it up for no good reason (I forget who/the exact circumstances, it was a long time ago)
It looks like I'm going to have a multi week business travel coming up here, so I'll probably have to back out to avoid overcommitting. And it sounded like a fun one too!

1. Butterhead
2. Rainau
3. ubercacher16
4. General Treanor
5. M Shadow
6. Amby
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
24 May 22 UTC
I spent a lot of time looking at that map, and as far as I could see there was no stalemate in that position.
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
24 May 22 UTC
Not to say you didn't, just my memory
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
24 May 22 UTC
Looking back more closely, had you guessed right on one turn and kept me from taking a nearby non-sc province Paraguay would have been able to build another army and the line would have been secure.
JacobL582 (2315 D)
24 May 22 UTC
@Uber: Autumn '44 was when we screwed the pooch. There was some bad blood between Peru and Paraguay that led to each of them independently threatening to throw the solo to you. I wasn't able to talk sense into them in time, you got into Antofagasta, and it was just a slow march to the inevitable from there.
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
24 May 22 UTC
Ah I see.

Anyway, hope the salt isn't too bad
butterhead (1272 D)
26 May 22 UTC
frostwind (1326 D)
28 May 22 UTC
If you need an extra player to deal with games, let me know!

1. Butterhead
2. Rainau
3. ubercacher16
4. General Treanor
5. M Shadow
6. Amby

1. frostwind
(I do have other commitments so would prefer to see how those shake out before committing to something like this in earnest)
Macca573 (1517 D)
28 May 22 UTC
Hey everyone!

It's getting quite late in the year, and I don't want it to run over too much. If we can't get off the ground by June, I'm gonna call off and wait 'till next year.
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
29 May 22 UTC
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
29 May 22 UTC
Quick we need one more and frost will play, somebody join!

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71 replies
Are points important?
Clearly a measure of a players ability can be glanced through points, but what are the pros and cons of rated and unrated games? Unrated games provide a bit more of a laid back attitude and from my experience are more open to draws, but at the same time when points are at stake players are less likely to miss turns and more likely to play to the best of their ability.
0 replies
David Hood (976 D)
15 Jul 22 UTC
July 2022 Deadline News Is Out
0 replies
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