A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Imagonnalose (992 D)
06 May 13 UTC
Game Takeover
I need a willing volunteer to take over a game for me. Its not the best situation, but not the worst.

gameID=12086 it will be as cuba.
0 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
04 May 13 UTC
Sitter needed!
My parents just told me we are going to drive to Latvia for four days from this Thursday on, so I need one or several sitters for the games i can't get extended...
4 replies
Schnormann (862 D)
04 May 13 UTC
Shameless advertisement for a youngstown WWII game
It´s called Total War! with a bet of 10 D.

2 days per phase, 3 more players needed.
6 replies
Spanish Dip
I know there are some players her who play on the Spanish site as well. Does anyone know what is going on with the board? I haven't been able to access it since early yesterday.
10 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
28 Apr 13 UTC
How to bypass being banned on webdip
Sandgoose here just here to give you a couple quick tips and strategies in case you ever get banned on webdiplomacy. As I have not yet been caught, please accept this rather expensive method to not get caught:
63 replies
Yuul (1178 D)
03 May 13 UTC
Can't input orders
I am in a game, can't say which as its Anonymous, and it has the double exclamation points telling me to input orders and I go to the game, and it says at the bottom "You have no orders to fill for this phase." Yet it is Autumn, and everything else is indicating I do. What's up?
10 replies
theemperor000 (1040 D)
03 May 13 UTC
Classic game?
Any interest in just playing a regular ol' classic game? gameID=14083
0 replies
General Cool (978 D)
03 May 13 UTC
Help Me!
Please sign up and help me beat my friends!
0 replies
So who here thinks they can handle the truth?
Then sign up here to play a full press non-anon 24 hour game of Ankara Crescent. Once I have six other suckers, I will create the game. Buy in of 164 OK?
2 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
01 May 13 UTC
(Small) change in how the RR works...
Till now the RR relied on the "missed phases".
9 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
29 Apr 13 UTC
SYnapse Hostage variant
Hey SY,

I liked your thoughts on a hostage map, if you need any help, let me know. :)
14 replies
Youngstown WWII
After some time of work, my new Youngstown variant is ready to be released. I would like to take this time to thank everyone who helped me make this a reality, especially Oli.

You can post comments about the game here.
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
28 Apr 13 UTC
Link to the variant?
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
28 Apr 13 UTC
It's not been released just yet - it probably will be sometime today.
Alphonse_Z (915 D)
28 Apr 13 UTC
In my humble opinion "Imperial Diplomacy II" would make a better template.
Here is the link :
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
28 Apr 13 UTC
Thanks, ImperialDiplomat!
Philcore (968 D)
29 Apr 13 UTC
What makes it Youngstown? I'm not familiar wih that variant and the page doesn't describe it. It just says that it is ore WWII
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
29 Apr 13 UTC
Pfft. Rookie.
(that was simultaneously a joke and a reference to your thread)
Philcore (968 D)
29 Apr 13 UTC
I looked at that one before posting the question, and it calls itself "Youngstown with a twist" implying that there is some set of rules which defines standard youngstown, that I should already be aware of, before reading about the redux variant.

And yes, despite my thread claiming I'm no longer a "rookie" as far as the reliability rating, I'm still very much a rookie with the different variants.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
29 Apr 13 UTC

Youngstown is mentioned very briefly in the Diplomacy Wikipedia article. This is the only map I could find quickly (Not particularly good, but it shows what the variant is at least):
Halt (2077 D)
30 Apr 13 UTC
I'll post my thoughts after I've played the first few phases out of the game, if you don't mind =)
Kk, post here immediately if there are any coloring problems.
Philcore (968 D)
30 Apr 13 UTC
@captainmeme, oh so its just a reference to the map, rather than a rules change?

Halt (2077 D)
30 Apr 13 UTC
ok 1st game playing as Japan.

Russia strikes me as a tad bit overpowered, having very easy expansion in the Middle East, Europe and China. Also, I find it odd Japan has 2 armies and 1 fleet rather than 2 fleets and 1 army in the Japan homeland. It also seems odd that Russia is allowed immediate access to the Sea of japan, while Japan is not.

This might be a tad biased of course, but I think Japan's unit placement cripples its early game initiative (was that intended?)
I think that I will change that

14 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
29 Apr 13 UTC
Join this new YoungstownWWII variant!
New game by ImperialDiplomat, YoungstownWWII variant now in session:
gameID=14019 Join up and let's rock the house!
0 replies
Philcore (968 D)
28 Apr 13 UTC
Woo Hoo! No longer a rookie!
Apparently 20 phases is the magic number to become a non rookie. That was really bothering me!

I pledge to the site to never fall below my current 98%+ rating!
8 replies
Schnormann (862 D)
24 Apr 13 UTC
Need a sitter
I´ll need a sitter next week cuz I´m on vacation.

Who wants?
15 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
25 Apr 13 UTC
New feature: Notices...
Merged the main webdip-code with our codebase.
In games you will now have a "Notes"-tab, where you can post personal notes for this game.
Let me know if there are problems...
46 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
25 Apr 13 UTC
My church is finally progressing!!
Ok so, the brief story is, my church just had a big national conference where they decided to accept homosexuals as priesthood members and support gay marraige in states where it is legal. I just wanted to share that.
12 replies
This is for #meepmeepismoronmoron - FUCK! MOTHER FUCKER! FATHER FUCKER!
Ok, that should get him to mute me here too.
12 replies
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
24 Apr 13 UTC
(+6) what is it?
I found a mysterious website called It looks like vdiplomacy and has a similar format, but it's not exactly the same. It has a very raucous forum, way more users, and has very few variants available. Anyone know what this is all about?
15 replies
Anon (?? D)
25 Apr 13 UTC
Anarchy in the UK
I haven't seen this one before. Should be good. 10 point buy in. Starts soon.
0 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
22 Apr 13 UTC
Need a sitter
As you all know I am going to be getting married soon and in that regard I need someone to sit my account for me while I'm on my honeymoon about three weeks from today do I have any takers?
39 replies
chris (589 D)
24 Apr 13 UTC
Sitter request for a World IX game
Anyone free to sit my World IX game for a few days? Another sitter of mine is in this game too so I am not asking him to do this. Please PM me if you are not in this game and you are free to sit.

2 replies
Gen. Lee (997 D)
25 Apr 13 UTC
Live game thread
Who is online now and wants to play?
4 replies
I understand MeepMeep doesn't like f-words... Join me in posting your favorites here.
Fast Food
Fried Fish
44 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
24 Apr 13 UTC
Two questions:
6 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
24 Apr 13 UTC
Minor Feature Request on New Games Page
Would it be possible to show the number of players needed next to each game on the New Games page?
5 replies
Schnormann (862 D)
24 Apr 13 UTC
Need a sitter

I´m on a vacation next week, so I´ll need a sitter then.
1 reply
fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Apr 13 UTC
Ankara Crescent
Time to start a new game in celebration of the diplomacy variant. To keep it simple, we'll ignore all the conventions that have occurred since 1991 with exception to the London 2009 convention, so I do especially like that one.
I'll start the game off with an army in Prague
45 replies
Word Chain
This was something orginally made popular on WebDip. Let's try it out here. The rules are simple; each person posts a new word and the words posted before s/he, in order. For example, if I posted "Salutations", the next person to post would post "Salutations <insert word>" and so on.
70 replies
zultar (1241 D)
22 Apr 13 UTC
Political thread for blankflag: Please post so blankflag will move here
As per blankflag's request, I'm asking people to step up their political debates here. Blankflag said that he will consider the move if this forum is more lively. Please, please, be more thoughtful and considerate. Please post more political debate.
In exchange, we can take back MeepMeep.
12 replies
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