A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Heer Alvaro (1000 D)
13 Apr 20 UTC
Want to create a new variant map - Middle East 21th Century - 5 players
Dear colleagues, I need your help. I have designed a variant map for five players set in the Middle East in the 21st century. info of this map:
11 replies
CCR (1957 D)
14 Apr 20 UTC
Bug on Mongolian
Fleets in Adaman Sea are unable to convoy armies to Siam.

Players of "Make war, not love" please either pause, draw or cancel because this bug has affected my plans twice in this game.
1 reply
diplopoet (739 D)
11 Apr 20 UTC
strategy/tactics guides for non classic variants?
Do any exist?
6 replies
adamkelly2.0 (611 D)
30 Mar 20 UTC
create your own varient
is it possible to create your own variant?
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How can I see my private messages
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Flame (1073 D)
11 Apr 20 UTC
What does it mean?
What does this param mean?
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umbletheheep (1023 D)
10 Apr 20 UTC
Variants and Copyright
I've seen some other sites have Game of Throne and Lord of the Ring Diplomacy variants. Is there a particular reason why vDip doesn't? I know in the past postal zine there were even Star Wars and Star Trek ones. Is this a copyright issue or just no one has put one together?
1 reply
BBQSauce123321 (2026 D)
10 Apr 20 UTC
Classic- Caspian Variant?
Now I don't know how to code or make maps, so I likely can't do this, but I do think it would be entertaining for someone to create a map based upon this discussion ( where Moscow can build fleets and have them move through Sev (perhaps by means of the Volga-Don Canal?)
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Flame (1073 D)
10 Apr 20 UTC
Alexander's wars period maps
Interesting map to be developed as WebDiplomacy-map. Of course balance-fix and terretory-changes to the map are to be done.
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Eham (992 D)
09 Jan 20 UTC
Variants to Port to webDip
I won Zultar's (webDip co-owner) New Year's prize, which is getting to pick three variants, of which they'll pick one (if possible) to port over. I don't play many variants, so I'm asking the experts:
What are three popular, stable variants that don't have much—if anything, in terms of special rules, (basically nothing that involves messing with the adjudicator, since it is a big, scary, complex bit of code)—that you would want to see included on
30 replies
ubercacher16 (2196 D)
06 Apr 20 UTC
I just completed my 10,000th phase on vDip. Just thought that is cool and wanted to share it with everyone.
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Sky_Hopper (365 D)
01 Apr 20 UTC
Appears to be allowed, although it really shouldn't be
Apparently, if you take over a country in CD in one game, then CD yourself, you can later take over a different CD'd country in the same game. Perhaps this should be disallowed? I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts.
7 replies
Anon (?? D)
30 Mar 20 UTC
Classic game (gameID=42112) including some friends
Two friends and I want to play a game and we're looking for others to make it up to the full contingent. gameID=42112

13 replies
DesertPunk (969 D)
02 Apr 20 UTC
Can phase times be changed mid game?
Is it possible to change the phase times to something like 24hrs to 12hrs once the game has started or do we need to start a new game?
1 reply
diplopoet (739 D)
28 Mar 20 UTC
Players know each other outside the game?
Anything going on here?
12 replies
Purple141 (935 D)
29 Mar 20 UTC
instructions for entering orders
We have many players in our game who are familiar with Diplomacy but new to vDiplomacy or web-based Diplomacy in general. Is there a guide somewhere for how to enter orders on vDiplomacy and how to check that they have been understood by the adjudicator?
1 reply
tsvi14 (971 D)
28 Mar 20 UTC
OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCING Diadokhi II play-testing!
I am officially announcing Diadokhi II for playtesting! More in comments
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Aelfred Smith (1051 D)
27 Mar 20 UTC
Problem 2

There seems to be a problem in the game which I am in .
4 replies
Aelfred Smith (1051 D)
27 Mar 20 UTC

There seems to be a problem in the game which I am in .
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Elipticon (736 D)
21 Mar 20 UTC
Problems with variant
Whenever I try to open the variant "13th Century Mongol Empire," I get the message "error triggered: require_once(variants/MongolianEmpire/install.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory." Does anyone know how to fix this?
3 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
11 Mar 20 UTC
Saga of the Nine (r2) Recruiting (Discord game)
Last year, we held the first playtest of new variant "Saga of the Nine" on Discord, using the PlayDip forums as a permanent hosting site. "Saga of the Nine" is an alt-history alt-geography variant for nine players based loosely on Norse mythology.

My co-designer, Aeschines, is running round two, and we're recruiting for it now. Details to follow in this thread.
2 replies
Swede03 (1517 D)
10 Mar 20 UTC
Africa map bug
I am in several games on the Africa map, and though Ethiopia appears orange on the map, their chat messages and name are red. Could someone look into this?
0 replies
Dale_Fuego (1417 D)
10 Mar 20 UTC
Variant page
When will it work again?
1 reply
Pomerschen (1199 D)
08 Mar 20 UTC
Graph Feature
Is the graph feature new? The feature I'm talking about is to the right of the archived orders, maps, and messages. It's a cool feature to show the divisions of centers.
4 replies
13th Century Mongolian Empire
This is just Eurasia flipped onto the side
10 replies
The variable "fixStart" is needed to create a game, but was not entered.
im getting this error when starting a game. any idea how to fix?
1 reply
Shootersb33 (1061 D)
04 Mar 20 UTC
Variant page not loading
Anyone else having this issue just loads a blank page when trying to look at variants.
4 replies
diplopoet (739 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
Game to be played as 2 teams of 3.
diplopoet (739 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
Like many people on this website I’m a big fan of military history. I’ve created a new game called "WW2 Team Game". The idea is to recreate world war 2 as it was fought between the 2 teams of axis and allies. The invite code is "fatboy". Below are the rules. Please read and understand them before signing up.

1) Team 1 will consist of the allies (England, France and Russia). Team 2 will consist of the axis (Germany, Japan and Italy)

2) No draw may occur if it contains both a member of team 1 and team 2. All drawing players must be on the same team. What this essentially means is that all 3 players from one team must be eliminated before the other team can draw.

3) As soon as all 3 players from one of the teams are eliminated then the surviving members of the other team must draw immediately and end the game. They are not allowed to continue fighting in the hope of attaining a solo win.

Anything not covered by those 3 rules is allowed. You are allowed to attack your own team mates (although it’s probably not a good idea) and a solo win is possible.

The allied powers in ww2 were not a hive mind. Even within an alliance each country had its own agenda and goals and there was often distrust between allies. They were more like alliances of convenience rather than a loving brotherhood. This game attempts to re-create that. You are still trying to achieve the best result for your individual country within your team.

Some further points to consider:

1) If one of your team members is eliminated then you still must kill all the members of the other team before you can end in a draw for your team. Since a 2 way draw is impossible on vdiplomacy, what this essentially means is that if one of your team members is eliminated then the only way that you can then win is by a solo victory. This means that there is an extra incentive to protect and support your weaker team mates if they are in trouble.

2) If you are (secretly) hoping to achieve a solo win remember that the game ends in a draw immediately after all 3 members of the other team are dead. This means that you have to arrange for either one or both of your team members to be eliminated BEFORE all 3 members of the enemy team are dead if you are to achieve this goal.

Any questions or comments put in this thread and I will answer them.
Macca573 (1517 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
Mechanically, you can solo even if no-one is eliminated, what's stopping you from doing that?
ubercacher16 (2196 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
Two questions: what map are you using? And will it be full press?
Macca573 (1517 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
The game's already up. gameID=41338
diplopoet (739 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
Nothing is stopping you from solo by yourself. It's much more difficult though than achieving a draw and how many games of vdiplomacy do you see where there is a solo win and NOBODY is eliminated? Is youngstown WW2 map. Normal press. I admit that this is a bit of an experiment and may not work. That's why its an unrated game. I just wanted to give it a try.
diplopoet (739 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
Global press won't work because then then the other team can hear what you are discussing with your allies about how you are going to co-ordinate your attack.
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
28 Feb 20 UTC
You can also just set the target SC count to much more than half of the standard amount, or ask the mods to change it since the game has already been set up :)
diplopoet (739 D)
29 Feb 20 UTC
need 2 more
If you're going for authenticity there should be a rule that no Japanese unit can attack a Soviet unit or SC and vice versa.

Japan and the USSR never declared war on each other until the Soviets declared war like a week before the Japanese surrendered.
FYI - both Japan and the USSR attacking a neutral at the same time is cool. Oh and of course the Japanese can't support a German/French attack on the USSR and likewise if Germany/France attacks the USSR it can't be supported by Japan.

I assume fair though for Japan to support hold I/G if its is attacked by Russia and vice versa (USSR support hold F/UK against a Japanese attack)
Typo above, I mean Japan can't support a Italy/German attack on the USSR and likewise if UK/France attacks Japan the USSR can't be support.
<sorry blame the red wine>
diplopoet (739 D)
29 Feb 20 UTC
Thanks for your suggestions ambassador. I wanted to keep the game as simple as possible. Too many rules and things get messy.
diplopoet (739 D)
02 Mar 20 UTC
need just 2 more players
DocSloppy (1319 D)
02 Mar 20 UTC
I don't feel confident enough to join this match, but I'm spectating. I think this'll be quite interesting.
Samj (1801 D)
02 Mar 20 UTC
Come on in Doc, learn with the rest of us... We'll be gentle, right guys? ;-)
Totally... You never know, you might be lucky enough to be on my team, everybody wants to be on my team!
Flamebere (1081 D)
05 Mar 20 UTC
Maybe this could be its own mode as well, like "Historical Mode".

18 replies
13th Century Mongol Empire
Why are support holds orange?
2 replies
Macca573 (1517 D)
02 Mar 20 UTC
More Fog of War?
I've made a similar post before, but I have a very specific idea/request now.
3 replies
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