Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Finished: 03 AM Mon 04 May 20 UTC
Private I win again
5 minutes /phase
Pot: 2 D - 7 October 1571, 4 hours after the start of the battle, Finished
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always

Player Rating Status Re Ø Rr Ø Ch
Rasputin the third 999 -> 1006 Won (15 SC) 52% 100% 7
Bob!sKool 962 -> 955 Defeated (2 SC) 48% 0% -7

Rasputin the third (Won / 15SCs / 999->1006) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Bob!sKool (Defeated / 2 SC ) 52% 100% 48% 100% 15.39 7.37

Bob!sKool (Defeated / 2SCs / 962->955) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Rasputin the third (Won / 15 SC ) 48% 0% -48% 100% 15.39 -7.37
