Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for JustAGuyNamedWill (1704 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
57016 Colonial-8 Colonial Drawn 94 1094
56694 Everyone Kill Paraguay Karibik Defeated -27 1067
57341 Third congo war Africa Defeated 0 1067
57768 Classic FvA -3 ClassicFvA Defeated -3 1064
57664 ww1 1/2 ClassicFog Drawn 5 1069
57521 long time no America Empire4 Defeated -13 1056
57414 Imperial Gunboat Extravaganza Imperial2 Defeated -12 1044
57530 Taifa Kingdoms (Test 1) Iberia1065 Defeated -12 1032
57106 Mars Low Threat Mars Drawn 10 1042
57935 1880 Classic-2 Classic1880 Defeated -29 1013
58586 HEy!@everyone ColdWar Defeated -6 1007
58599 Kuld War ColdWar Drawn 0 1007
58045 Gunboat 555: Colonial 1885 Colonial1885 -14 993
58611 Frigid Fight ColdWar Won 8 1001
58616 Chilly Challengers ColdWar Defeated -4 997
58615 Sub-Zero Scuffle ColdWar Defeated -3 994
58131 Got to try this. SpeedEuropa Defeated 0 994
58587 6666666666666666-2 Canton Drawn 5 999
58629 Kennedy’s Nightmare ColdWarRedux Survived -21 978
57448 Sussy amogus impostor World10 Drawn 148 1126
58541 Wait, ten SCs? Classic Drawn 16 1142
57409 It's the best variant Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1142
58839 The War-9 WWII Survived -7 1135
59066 Most Peaceful South American Interaction Karibik Defeated -28 1107
57477 Europe In Flames Europa_Renovatio Defeated -8 1099
59304 Colonies-6 AtlanticColonies Survived -27 1072
58996 Us and Them A_Modern_Europe Defeated -12 1060
58442 EU4 Roleplay-3 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -17 1043
58498 Terra-3 WWIVsealanes Defeated -7 1036
57747 America 2024 Divided_States Drawn 669 1705
62277 Trump-2 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 1704