Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for houzun (1864 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
59359 Aոother classic game Classic Drawn 20 1020
59491 Balkanized BalkanWarsVI Defeated -18 1002
59645 Chromatic Gunboat Chromatic Survived -31 971
59644 Cold War Redux Gunboat ColdWarRedux Drawn 19 990
59785 genshin-op ColdWarRedux Won 47 1037
59490 Queen of the Britons HeptarchyIV Defeated -13 1024
59707 Atlantic Gunboat-35 AtlanticColonies Survived -8 1016
59750 Gunboat - traditional-3 ClassicBrazilian Defeated -22 994
59355 Das Gunboat-56 WWII Defeated 4 998
59646 Classic Egypt Gunboat ClassicEgypt Defeated -16 982
59775 Atlantic Gunboat-36 AtlanticColonies Survived -8 974
59907 Manifest Gunboat ManifestDestiny Defeated -18 956
59752 Playing through all the variants #15: Alacavre Alacavre Survived -17 939
59954 Atlantic Gunboat-38 AtlanticColonies Survived -29 910
59641 120 Modern2 Defeated -13 897
59945 Dutch Masters DutchRevolt Survived 34 931
59944 Sail!-2 SailHo2 Survived 33 964
59908 Cataclysmic Gunboat ClassicCataclysm Won 312 1276
60010 Classic-Gunboat-900 Classic Defeated -28 1248
59991 UK war AnarchyInTheUK Won 133 1381
59715 Go West AmericanConflict Defeated -22 1359
60078 ClassicGunboat-5 Classic Survived -37 1322
60060 atlantic colonies gunboat-4 AtlanticColonies Survived -20 1302
59896 ωar-2 ColdWarRedux Drawn 20 1322
60032 FoggyGunboat Classic1898Fog Defeated -16 1306
59932 GunboatAnkaraCrescent ClassicAnkaraCrescent Survived -19 1287
59613 Austrian Succession Gunboat, plz ready your orders AustrianSuccession Defeated -18 1269
59642 120-2 Modern2 Defeated -33 1236
59924 Successful Napoleon? ClassicFog Drawn 28 1264
60282 Caucasian Gunboat Caucasia Drawn 11 1275
60123 ClassicGunboat-6 Classic Drawn 38 1313
60132 Playing through all the variants #17: UK Anarchy AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -30 1283
60025 Spicy gunbhot SpiceIslands Defeated 0 1283
59792 Home of the Brave IX Empire4 Survived -33 1250
60144 Colonial Diplomacy Gunboat1 Colonial Drawn 47 1297
60031 Unorthodox Opening Classic Drawn 20 1317
60140 Meskwananiisi GreatLakes Drawn 40 1357
60086 Chaos is a Ladder - The Black Plague MongolianEmpire Survived 81 1438
60315 Harald, Alfred and Co DarkAges Survived -48 1390
59992 GunboatEurope1939 Europe1939 Defeated -31 1359
60135 FoggyGunboat-2 ClassicFog Won 263 1622
60442 Playing through all the variants: #19: Balkan Wars BalkanWarsVI Defeated -57 1565
60437 Palmeiras Empire4 Drawn 25 1590
60113 AbberationVGunboat AberrationV Drawn 62 1652
60093 Austrian Succession Gunboat-3 AustrianSuccession Defeated -40 1612
60747 Finkelboat-78 PunicWars Survived -36 1576
60736 Tzatziboat GreekDip Survived -39 1537
60449 Abedi P. Africa Survived -21 1516
59549 Reality is a dangerous game to play Modern2 Defeated -32 1484
60568 AbberationVGunboat-2 AberrationV Won 209 1693
60408 FoggyGunboat-6 Classic Defeated -27 1666
60818 Fog of war Classic1898Fog Won 155 1821
60570 King of the World Zeus5 Survived -39 1782
60745 Finkelboat-76 PunicWars Defeated 0 1782
60882 Gunbots Classic Survived -56 1726
61058 Maharajah Gunboat-2 Maharajah Survived -50 1676
60806 Palmeiras-2 Empire4 Defeated -25 1651
60479 Youngstown Redux-4 YoungstownRedux Defeated -52 1599
60842 Classic - Economic ClassicEconomic Drawn 6 1605
61260 Atlantic Gunboat-46 AtlanticColonies Won 61 1666
61257 1898 Fog of gunboat Classic1898Fog Defeated -39 1627
61449 98-fowgb-12: Budapest Classic1898Fog Won 130 1757
60846 Europe 1939-4 Europe1939 Survived -30 1727
61407 98-fowgb-02: Munich Classic1898Fog Defeated 0 1727
61196 Finkelboat-90 Chromatic Won 93 1820
61033 Non atrocitate, non clementia mutabatur CelticBritain Defeated -45 1775
60838 Aberration V AberrationV Defeated -38 1737
60844 Enlightenment & Succession Enlightenment Won 202 1939
61657 98-fowgb-24: Birmingham Classic1898Fog Defeated -33 1906
61586 GB-02: Hanoi Classic Defeated -51 1855
61565 98-fowgb-14: Berlin Classic1898Fog Survived -58 1797
61568 98-fowgb-17: Constantinople Classic1898Fog Defeated -42 1755
61763 Atlantic Gunboat-49 AtlanticColonies Defeated -32 1723
59651 El Mundo Gunboat-2 WWIV_V6 Drawn 181 1904
61566 98-fowgb-15: St. Petersburg Classic1898Fog Defeated -36 1868
61546 Yakazuma Colonial Drawn 15 1883
61665 Greek Gunboats GreekDip Drawn 15 1898
60840 Africa-21 Africa Drawn 16 1914
61112 World Diplomacy Gunboat (never say you're sorry!) World10 Defeated -50 1864