Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Volticore (1472 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
31622 SURI 1 ColdWar Survived -8 992
35541 CBR Diplomacy Royale WWIV_V6 Drawn 83 1075
38354 Hi8tus Africa Drawn 26 1101
39204 The Battle of the Med AncMed Survived 0 1101
38798 CBRX Diplomacy Royale Europa_Renovatio Drawn 129 1230
40113 TAP at War Colonial Survived 0 1230
40270 Venom ClassicEconomic Drawn 20 1250
40637 hiatus hiaters gonna hiate Classic1898Fog Survived -26 1224
40606 A modern Gunboat Europe A_Modern_Europe Defeated -29 1195
41363 Hiatus X:Wait for West Virginia Europe1600 Won 285 1480
38813 EU5 Europa_Renovatio -80 1400
40130 Europa Imperatoria Europa_Renovatio Defeated -40 1360
46121 Hiatus XI: Uncomfy ClassicTouchy Drawn 15 1375
48914 Hiatus Dozen: Anime was a mistake ClassicBritain Defeated -24 1351
53451 Baker's Hiatus Crusades1201 Drawn 29 1380
55172 Hiatus New Map Celebration ColdWarRedux Survived -7 1373
54150 Calc A_Modern_Europe -55 1318
54838 Kings and Generals -2 Europa_Renovatio Drawn 220 1538
58099 Mansa Mussacre SouthSahara Survived -18 1520
56975 Eternal Griping Imperial2 Drawn 43 1563
57409 It's the best variant Europa_Renovatio Defeated -55 1508
57747 America 2024 Divided_States Defeated -36 1472