A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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DEFIANT (1311 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
RE: Obama's Response to ISIS and the Refugees
There are 40,000 - 50,000 minority refugees, a majority of them Christian, fleeing for their lives from ISIS. And what is ISIS doing to these men, women and children. They are beheading the children and women and hanging the men. They are closing in these people.

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DEFIANT (1311 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
What does our disaster in chief do, "limited" air strikes to protect the US soldiers in northern Iraq. Will not say that we will do everything in our power to stop this genocide. We caused this to happen by retreating out of Iraq and not leaving a contingency force in Iraq. We still have troops in German and South Korea but the most volatile area in the world our disaster in chief ran away, systematically causing this atrocity.

For all you people that don't think this will affect us, you are naïve, once ISIS gets a stable foothold in Iraq, do you really think they won't make plans to hit us at home. Hamas, ISIS and other terrorist organizations remind me of a line from Terminator.

"Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It does not feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop , ever, until you are dead"

Do does sound like a correlation to the Hamas or ISIS, so how do you think we should deal with this? Our disaster in chief says this can't be dealt with militarily, but with diplomacy, if my line above is true about these terrorist groups, diplomacy won't work.

I know my answer lets hear yours.
Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
I actually agree with Obama's strategy here. Something must be done, but he must be very cautious not to unite the extremists with the mediocrity against aNOTHER U.S. invasion.

I'd also add to your post the state of Israel, which needs to be stopped and has killed as many innocent people as ISIS.
DEFIANT (1311 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
As for Israel, then quit firing rockets into Israel, Israel pulls out the grounds troops out of Gaza and what does Hamas do, fire more rockets, what should Israel do, just take it.
Another thing, if you don't want civilians killed don't put rockets in UN schools, churches, mosques or hospitals. The civilians killed in Gaza is directly due to Hamas. I guarantee you if Mexico was firing rockets into San Diego, what do you think the US would do. Even Barry would have to end it, any way possible.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
Israel must be stopped? And what are they to do about daily missile attacks, what are they to do about the terrorist tunnels? And they WARN people before they attack, because people want to be martyrs we should accuse Israel of attacking innocent people? No, get your facts straight before claiming Israel is in the wrong. If ANY other country were attacked (daily) from another, you would have zero problem with them defending themselves and hammering the attacker, why is it so different here? If Cuba launched missiles into Florida what would you expect the USA to do? Should they sit back and accept it or would the US absolutely LEVEL Cuba? Now how is it so different here?
KingCyrus (1258 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
This is turning into webDip...
DEFIANT (1311 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
we are not allowed to discuss current events?
Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
I would not accept the US levelling Cuba, Israel levelling Palestine, Palestine levelling Israel. "Levelling" is obscene. Hamas are not levelling Israel, afaik they have killed a total of 3 Israeli civilians.
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
And wars are only ok if both sides have equal casualties?
Tell us what Israel is supposed to do?

Hamas rockets are fired from civilian areas and Israel targets the source...
I don't see an alternative.
KingCyrus (1258 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
Synapse, they have only killed three civilians in THIS war.
Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
The alternative is to not kill 1000 civilians, I don't care about their motives or principles
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
And let Hamas rain rockets down for the next 1000 years?
That is not a solution.
Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
You can stop the rockets without killing a thousand civilians. I am not a security expert but of that I'm sure.

Stop presenting a false choice between murder and inaction.
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
Not only is it rockets, Hamas is building tunnels from civilian's houses...

Until the average Palestinian decides that enough is enough and that Hamas does not have their best interest in line, Israel does not have a choice.
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
And as you said, you are NOT a security expert
Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
They've got loads of choices.
1. Diplomacy with Hamas
2. Assassinations
3. Alliances with other Islamic states
4. Dispersal of sleeping gas followed by arrests
5. Ground invasion, go from house to house removing weapons
6. Improve defense capabilities to nullify the threat
etc. etc.

If you honestly believe there are no choices in international relations, you're exactly what the propaganda merchants are looking for.
Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
Neither are you. So why do you believe that Israel has no choices but to kill 1000 civilians?
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
In this type of war where Hamas purposely uses civilians as shields, yes, I truly believe that Israel has no choice.
Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
Well, you're wrong. I'm not a security expert but I've been to combat zones and I fully understand Islamic culture (which does not condone Hamas by the way). But what do you expect them to do when 400 children have been killed in the last month, pack up their rocket launchers and go home?

Netanyahu is determined to oppose a two-state solution because he claims that his nation is under threat, any defense analyst worth his salt can tell you that Palestine does not pose any threat to the state of Israel or its citizens. It is also a fact that the coalition in Israel is desperate to cultivate anti-Hamas sentiment for political reasons.

Yes, Hamas aren't helping. Yes, I wish they'd do like Ghandi and use nonviolence to embarrass the Israeli's internationally. None of this condones strikes on hospitals, schools and shelters which have been condemned by both the UN and the international community, including the U.S.A. There is virtually nobody outside of Israel who thinks that the response upon schools and hospitals has been appropriate and the fact is that no evidence has been produced of rockets or terrorist operating from the aforementioned sites.
Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
Also, I repeat the part about the children. What if your child got killed because a terrorist was nearby? Or what if your child was taken hostage in a bank robbery, and the cops blew your child up with grenades? Would you feel that was acceptable to kill the robber? Or would you feel like I do that the response needs to be measured and collateral damage isn't acceptable?
Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
Back to topic a second:

"Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It does not feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop , ever, until you are dead"

This does not describe Hamas or ISIS, they are not robots. Hamas and ISIS are groups of human beings in a certain political climate, they are genetically no different to you or I and we have already seen that their atrocities are possible in civilized western nations including the U.S, the British Empire, the Roman Empire, Nazi Germany, Yugoslavia, Russia.... Part of the problem is that a lot of people can't comprehend why Iraqi's would suddenly start a "Islamic state" and kill loads of people---without understanding the oppression that the Shia had conducted upon them for many years.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
I laugh at those supposed options Israel has. Also laughable is saying israel is in no threat. Rockets raining down daily is no threat? So they simply wait until the casualties mount to x number before retaliation?
Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
Rockets aren't raining down daily.
DEFIANT (1311 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
No rockets are reigning down daily when they are not at war, when they are war yes and usually starts reigning down that prompts a war, Israel has to respond. is the thing, when the rockets aren't reigning down Hamas is still building tunnels to Israel, why? The are re-arming rockets from Iran, why? Why are they using money that is supposed to be spent on infrastructure on finding ways to terrorize Israel? And if the care so much about their citizens why are they using them as human shields?
You said that you don't think Hamas is the definition I characterized them to be, but what negotiations did the 50,000 people have with ISIS? There is none and ISIS want you dead, end of story. If this is not true then why doesn't Hamas take out of their charter that Israel doesn't have the right to exist. They without a doubt would kill every single Jewish person if they could. Remember how this latest incident started, with the kidnapping, torture and dismemberment of three Israeli KIDS.
They are the very essence of what I described them to be.
They are very different from me, I would not make it a point to kill children, they make it a point, just like ISIS beheading children, have you seen the USA or Israel doing that, show me, but we know these terrorist groups do it, hell they put it on TV or the internet. If you can't see the difference between us and them, you are lost, sir.
Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
ISIS don't want me dead, I've been to Iraqi Kurdistan before, among other places.
I've seen a lot of ISIS atrocities but I've not seen children beheaded.
Yes, USA did that against the native Indians and they also killed millions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Israel has also killed 1000 civilians including 400 children in the past month. They also have a photographed and documented history of using human shields, including children.

Who are "us" and "them"? Whites vs Muslims?
If you can't see the similarities between "us" and "them", you will never find the answer to peace. What about the atrocities in Yugoslavia and Germany that I mentioned before, or the Bolshevik's murders?

You would kill people if you were in the right situation, to say you wouldn't is naive at best and dangerous at worst.
DEFIANT (1311 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
Yes mistakes where made in the past with the Indians, I would like to keep this current. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Dresden, yes to end wars. If that is what you are promoting, then under these conditions where it is an all out war and not limited then Israel should use every military resource at their disposal to end this for once and all, correct?
Again the difference, which you won't address, is Israel hits children because they are hitting stockpiles of ammunitions hidden where children are, or it is an accident, Hamas PURPOSELY targets children, HUGE difference. Please tell me you understand that.
BTW, Synapse, if you are not muslim and won't join them, you would be hanged. You said you were there, test it next time you are in Kurdistan, better yet, if you are so confident, take your family and see how it goes. I sure as hell wouldn't.

Us and them, terrorists---------non-terrorists. And the different there is who is using terror to achieve their objectives.

Are you saying Israel is using human shields? is so, where and when, if documented should be easy to find.
Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
So here's the crux of your argument whether you like it or not:

When "we" kill millions it is necessary
When "they" kill thousands they are evil

Hamas doesn't target children, they've killed 3 adult civilians and about 60 combatant soldiers.

You obviously know nothing about the regions or people you're talking about, as I have spoken with Jihadists and been treated with great hospitality by them including PPK "terrorists" who gave me a place to stay and delicious soup to eat. I demonstrated understanding willingness to learn and they appreciated it. You clearly think that the Islamic terrorist groups are inhuman beasts, which is where our debate falls down because you are basing this on prejudiced and generalised opinions.

Israel is hitting schools and hospitals where there has been no evidence of rockets or terrorists. The UN and even the US have acknowledged this and decreed it as war crimes.

Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
"The IDF admitted it had used Palestinians as human shields; it acknowledged using human shields 1,200 times during the Second Intifada"

Again, I charge that Israel is guilty of perhaps more war crimes than Hamas. Firing rockets isn't an atrocity if they land on empty ground or are shot down as 95% are. However bombing children even if they are being used as shields is a war crime, as Israel have taken no steps to minimalise casualities.
Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
Which country are you from? Because I'd charge the US with terrorism as well in Panama, Cuba, Nicaragua and other places.
Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC

I guess we could continue this debate forever, but I'll leave you with this:
DEFIANT (1311 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
Nicaragua, Cuba, what are you talking about? Panama?

Really, rockets being fired into a country is not an atrocity, only because they were intercepted because of the new Iron Dome, so if Israel doesn't use their Iron Dome then it is an atrocity, really, cmon. Do you think Hamas would stop rocketing them or increase if they can do real damage, like they don't blow up buses.

I am going to tell you now you are out of touch if you believe Israel hasn't taken steps to minimize casualities. The are warning civilians they are coming in so get out, does Hamas do that with their rocket launches, look out Tel Aviv we are going to rocket your area, I haven't seen it yet.
I am checking your references on the human shields, not going to quite take your word for it or the reference, might be CNN, know how reliable they are.

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83 replies
EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
11 Aug 14 UTC
So should I make one of my famous honest topic threads hmm?
Pretty please? :D covered with melted chocolate topped with nuts and banana slices with a cherry on want icecream now.
0 replies
pjman (661 D)
07 Aug 14 UTC
Opinioniated favorite variants
Hello all! I'm not familiar with all these variants compared to what are on Webdiplomacy. I'm looking to play some games but I'm not sure which ones are really good and which ones are not so much fun. So what's popular variant wise?
22 replies
Windir (1570 D)
05 Aug 14 UTC
"Save" and "Ready" buttons aren't working. What's wrong?
I was able to successfully fill in orders for one game of mine, but the save and ready buttons aren't working on another. Here's a link: gameID=19797
18 replies
KingCyrus (1258 D)
07 Aug 14 UTC
Multiple Cancelings?
So... I was in a game of Rinacemento that had not yet started. Not enough people joined. So it canceled. And canceled. And canceled. And canceled. I have NINE messages saying it canceled, BUT, I was NOT refunded 9 times! Not to mention, it still shows up in my games... which is annoying.... I WANT MY REFUND!
5 replies
jimbursch (0 D)
06 Aug 14 UTC
Perpetual Diplomacy
Is there a variant of Diplomacy that is designed to be a perpetual game? In other words, players are free to come and go as they please, but the motivation is to be the biggest player on the board, not to "win".
19 replies
jimbursch (0 D)
06 Aug 14 UTC
Glossary update
I am working on a WebDip glossary here:
Feel free to suggest additions and/or changes..
6 replies
jimbursch (0 D)
05 Aug 14 UTC
Glossary of Terms
I'm working of a Glossary for WebDip here:
Help me gather terms and definitions.
26 replies
Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
27 Jul 14 UTC
Diplomacy on the Radio
I'm listening to an episode of the radio program "This American Life" about Diplomacy. Featuring the same guy who recently wrote the Diplomacy article on Grantland. Not sure if it's the current episode or a repeat, but I figured I'd mention it here for those interested. Should be available on podcast now or soon.
1 reply
jimbursch (0 D)
04 Aug 14 UTC
dev for vdip and/or webdip

I'm a php/mysql developer interested in contributing to WebDip and/or vDip.
10 replies
yaaks (1157 D)
03 Aug 14 UTC
Ftf Games
I'm trying to organize a ftf game in the Los Angeles area. Anyone interested?
4 replies
Oli, thank you for the color-blindness interface.
I have protonapia and this is awesome. That plus labeling the countries speaking global and the interactive map males it so much better and less confusing... Even on the phone (interactive doesn't let me interact but still shows what I ordered using the drop down).
14 replies
Fischfix (976 D)
09 Jul 14 UTC
Admins please Review Chat

Guys, i really enjoy this game but from time to time people are really unpolite in what they say in the chat. i hope some admins will look into this chat and take actions against cursing and inappropriate comments by slavic nations.
290 replies
daviidnavidad (920 D)
01 Aug 14 UTC
Noob question
Sorry to be a pain but what is gunboat
12 replies
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
Joining running games to compensate missed turns is not easy ...
... if there are so few games around to join.

I'd like to take over some country and compensate for some missed turns happily – i just can't find any game to join that are ...
11 replies
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
31 Jul 14 UTC
Russian northern opening.
I have been known to order the Saint Petersburg fleet to Finland.
12 replies
New game: Call Me a Dirty So-n-So: YCHTT edition.
All the usual a-holes are welcome to join. I'll create it after 10 total people sign up. Modern Dip (unless there is an even better variant), WTA, Full Press, phase 24-48 hours, points negotiable, non-anon.
51 replies
qznc (1237 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
Draft: North Sea Wars Strategy
I wrote a short review-strategy-guide draft on the North Sea Wars variant:

Feedback welcome! :)
1 reply
krellin (1031 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
Testing 1...2...3...

Hmmm...Sandra Fluke said she couldn't afford the $3000/year to buy birth control (Good LORD does that chick like to f***...) but has managed to give her own Congressional campaign $100,000. Uhhhh..yeah. (By the way, birth control is like under $10/month for normal human beings...)
42 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
28 Jul 14 UTC
New default Pot-Type WTA....
As the subject suggests.
To gather a bit more feedback about this issue I changed the default from PPSC to WTA and made a big announcement about this on the gamecreation-page.
This will last for the next few month and we will see if the games get better, worse, or if nobody cares.
59 replies
krellin (1031 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
Who is this....
...Oli? Is he knew here?

Ahhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I crack me up...
6 replies
Anon (?? D)
27 Jul 14 UTC
Classic map. Wta. 36hrs phase. Full communication. Anon. Passworded. 40pt buy in.

15 replies
So I guess the new nazi modding policies have resulted in my staying over here now.
Their loss is your gain? Time will tell.
37 replies
Mod multis
No offense to anyone but im curious why mods are allowed to have multi accounts to test games. In this case, cant the average player have multiple accounts to experience the game played from different POVs as well?
8 replies
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
13 Aug 13 UTC
The Amazing Team Tournament
Tourney season continues with a tournament with teams! Details below:
291 replies
Chaqa (1586 D)
15 Apr 14 UTC
The King is Dead - Spring 14
I'll be making another King is Dead game in the upcoming weeks, and I would like some input on what variant we should play, and who is interested in playing. Returning players may get preference on my discretion, but I want at least a few newbies.
44 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
20 Jul 14 UTC
Regarding the InteractiveMap-OrderInterface-

This is incredible. When did this feature happen?? Whoever made this, you have my thanks 1000000000 times. Makes entering moves on a cellular device infinitely easier. I just wanna say thanks!! So.... Thank you, creator of this.
2 replies
diatarn_iv (1458 D)
15 Jul 14 UTC
Is this metagaming?
Recently, I was playing an anon gunboat game. I submitted my orders in advance. Next time I connected, the deadline was 5 minutes away, and the player I was fighting with had not submitted orders yet: he was going NMR. Is taking advantage of the (likely) NMR ok, or is it considered metagaming?
48 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
16 Jul 14 UTC
There and Back Again
Following the return to Germany with the rest of Die Mannschaft, I will now have the capacity to engage in more active Diplomacy =D
3 replies
KingCyrus (1258 D)
18 Jul 14 UTC
What is wrong with Mate against Mate?
I haven't noticed this in any other variants, though it may be true, but the colors are messed up in the big map of Mate against Mate. Why is that?
4 replies
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