A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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kendall (1719 D)
04 May 23 UTC
Etiquette of readying your moves
I’ve notice that a lot of people stop readying their moves—even retreats—when the game isn’t going their way any more. Is there a strategic explanation for this or is just to pout?
16 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
30 Apr 23 UTC
Throwing the game
Since messages from people complaining about this have reached us quite a lot in the last weeks:
16 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
26 Apr 23 UTC
New Rulebook Edition
The new Renegade edition of the rules is now available at
19 replies
Chinese 2020-2021 Diplomacy League is so exciting!
The Chinese Diplomacy League games have been in "New games" for two years..? -_-
Unless I'm missing something about the Chinese way of playing Diplomacy, maybe it could be a good thing to delete these games? :)
4 replies
finnrobertson15 (1000 D)
17 Apr 23 UTC
Two New Variants: Classic - Arabia & 1939 (My first two)
My first two variants. Let me know what you think, and how I can improve either one or variant creation in general :)
29 replies
David Hood (976 D)
26 Apr 23 UTC
April 2023 Deadline News is out, from the Diplomacy Broadcast Network
New Deadline episode released - Dipcon/Dixiecon memories, David E. Cohen interview, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy:
0 replies
Flame (1073 D)
19 Feb 23 UTC
Minor power variant dev-team
Who is willing or capable to join to make a new variant called "Minor power"?
26 replies
Airplane units
Several years ago, I played a Dip game that I could not fully recall. Not the people I played with, the power I played as, or the exact changes to the rules. All I could remember is that the map played on involved countries all over the globe; that, alongside armies and fleets, it featured aerial units (and even nukes)
6 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
16 Apr 23 UTC
New Variant, Comments Wanted: Flowery War
This is a 5 player variant set in pre-Aztec Mesoamerica. I do not believe any previous variant has tackled this subject matter. Rules and abbreviations are on the map. One notable rule is a unit conversion/transformation option.
17 replies
The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
11 Apr 23 UTC
Podcast listeners game
Hi folks

In the last podcast episode of Diplomacy Games, Kaner and I talked about having a Nine-Dash Line game with listeners.
8 replies
The Desert Fox (1910 D)
26 Feb 23 UTC
Spring Training
Hey all, just wondering if we have any baseball fans here and if so what are your thoughts as your team starts playing games. I'm a die hard Minnesota Twins fan and am eager to get the season underway. The off season was filled with big money moves and I guess we'll see if those will pay off for the teams that went " all in " and spent.
7 replies
David Hood (976 D)
17 Apr 23 UTC
Dipcon/Dixiecon coming up in May - FTF Variant Event
The 52nd annual North American Diplomacy Championship is coming up the last weekend in May. Remember we are also running a face to face variant event this year, using Ancient Med. More details at

0 replies
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
23 Mar 23 UTC
What is going on?!
Is anyone else going a bit mad looking at the state of the world? France on the verge of another revolution et cetera.
55 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
30 Mar 23 UTC
New Variant: Twilight of the Classical World: Comments Wanted
This eight-player variant is set in an uncommon era, between the fall of Rome and the rise of Islam, toward the end of that period, in 609, during the Heraclian revolt against Emperor Phocas. I welcome comments or criticism. Variant rules are on the map. Check out the variant at
11 replies
Live game
Anyone interested in a live 1v1 match today?
1 reply
MagicalSand (1966 D)
12 Mar 23 UTC
Has anyone ever played diplomacy in school?
I know I myself was ever able to, but some relatives did when they were in school. But perhaps some of the older players here played diplomacy in their history classes. I'm curious if anyone here has and if they have any cool stories to go with it? And maybe it's still used as a learning tool today yet even.
8 replies
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
29 Mar 23 UTC
Extended Turns
Is there a way to see how many turns you have caused to extend?
2 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
11 Mar 23 UTC
Manifesto posting thread
"I guess the benefit of having the thread system and no forum here is that no one will bother to use it for their manifestos :P" ---Fake Al

Hear me, weirdos, malcontents and conspiracy theorists of vDip, your failure to post rambling disjointed manifestos has been noticed and commented upon.
33 replies
MagicalSand (1966 D)
01 Mar 23 UTC
How do excused NMRs work?
So on a game I was playing in, it says something around the lines of "1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend the first 1 turn(s)". So it leads me to believe that you get an excused NMR back after 5 turns, and wouldn't go into civil disorder.
10 replies
AJManso4 (2318 D)
15 Mar 23 UTC
Would it make sense that playing diplomacy is actually a healthy exercise for your brain?
16 replies
kestasjk (0 D)
13 Oct 22 UTC
webDip merge
Hey all, kestasjk from here.

I have a feeling this is going to get shot down straight away but that's totally fine; just want to lay out a long-term proposal for merging the code bases and see whether it's worth thinking about or if I'm barking up the wrong tree.
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kestasjk (0 D)
13 Oct 22 UTC
vDip to me was always the place where neat new features and variants get tried and experimented with, tweaked and revised, in a way that we thought was too experimental and fast paced for webDip, with its often newer and less experienced players and somewhat larger player base. This worked great for both sites, our share-alike license letting us take the best of what we wanted from each other, with lots of good stuff being shared both ways. Open source at its best in my opinion.

These days though, looking at the commit logs etc and knowing that Sleepcap has been on a long hiatus, vDip seems fairly static, and has had some downtime due to hosting issues etc.
To me if vDip is fairly static, needing code merges from webDip for PHP compatibility, etc, it seems it might leave vDip at risk of withering on the vine over the long term.

Again I feel this might be DOA or even seen as intruding, which isn't my intention, and this would be a long-term thing and would need everyone on board. That having been said:
If there are features here that are clearly standing the test of time that users here appreciate and that would be just as good at webDip would it make sense to select the functionalities and variants here at vDip that the community here appreciate and migrate them back over to webDip?

Essentially rather than risking things (again, over the long term) evaporating away here and having some valuable changes potentially lost we could merge vDip back into webDip, taking all the now tried and tested and approved functionalities here and porting them back into the official branch.

I don't know the community or team here very well so again this may well be a total lead balloon, and again this is an thought for the long term over the next 12 months say, but I'm interested if the community here would see that as potentially disrupting something you're all happy with and want to continue on, or if there is any sense behind taking what people like about this fork and merging it back into webDip?

We would consult with Sleepcap, gladly merge any mods/admins/devs in, merge in any features people want merged, merge in any/all variants people want merged, merge the scoring systems, even forum messages and games if everyone was in favor, and potentially create a vDip subforum exclusive to people here so you could continue as a sub-community if you want, etc.

The advantages would be a larger community, new proven features and variants for webDip (I wouldn't do this without vDip consent, even though it's all stabilized and share-alike), better infrastructure, no duplicated effort on maintenance, more active development and some new features, unified mod team.
Disadvantages would be some disruption, potentially losing a bit of uniqueness in the move, probably this community has a higher concentration of better players that would get diluted.

Sorry for the dissertation there .. I can see how this could be taken the wrong way and want to be clear where I'm coming from.
JECE (1534 D)
13 Oct 22 UTC
"That having been said:
If there are features here that are clearly standing the test of time that users here appreciate and that would be just as good at webDip would it make sense to select the functionalities and variants here at vDip that the community here appreciate and migrate them back over to webDip?

Essentially rather than risking things (again, over the long term) evaporating away here and having some valuable changes potentially lost we could merge vDip back into webDip, taking all the now tried and tested and approved functionalities here and porting them back into the official branch.

I don't know the community or team here very well so again this may well be a total lead balloon, and again this is an thought for the long term over the next 12 months say, but I'm interested if the community here would see that as potentially disrupting something you're all happy with and want to continue on, or if there is any sense behind taking what people like about this fork and merging it back into webDip?"

PPSC comes to mind.

You may want to look at the ModForum too.
erikip107 (2584 D)
13 Oct 22 UTC
First off, I appreciate the effort to come out and ask us here! It seems to me that you come from good, friendly intentions, as it seems you're worried about that bad perception. And I'm looking forward to this conversation we as a group will have.

I was introduced to Diplomacy on vDip, back in 2019. No idea how old the site is, and never played on any other sites. I have heard of webDip, but didn't realize that vDip was once a part of webDip (at least, that's my understanding based on what you say). When did the split happen, and why? Was it always meant to be a place for experimental variants, or is that just what defined it after the split?

How long would the merge take? Would this site have to be shut down during the merge? Would we become part of webDip, or would something new like webDipV come out? I know almost nothing about coding websites and such, so sorry if this is silly!

I do enjoy the community here; while I am not often on the forums, most of the time, games are reasonably easy to fill, and folks have a good time win or lose. We are very...casual. That being said, again I've never been to another site. For those of you who have seen WebDip, how do our two communities compare?

I have also noticed that new stuff is slow to come by on this site, which for me personally is not that big of a deal. But I do agree that I am not necessarily like everyone, and this could cause the site to (slowly) wither away. We fill 36-player and even 50-player games reasonably easily, which is a good sign that we're still relatively healthy (for now).

I'll probably have more disorganized thoughts, comments, and questions later, but I'd like to see what other peoples' initial reactions are, and I certainly don't speak for everybody here!

erikip107 (2584 D)
13 Oct 22 UTC
Well here I am back in less than 10 minutes...

I just took a (very) brief look at webdiplomacy, and... whoa 10 variants is not a lot! If a merge is to happen, I'd definitely be in the boat that all the variants from here should be shipped.

How would the current ladder be merged, if at all?
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
13 Oct 22 UTC
I will have my thoughts tomorrow hopefully, but some background from what I remember for those who don't know :

vDip (or variant dip) was created by Oli (I believe sleepcap is the username on webdip for Oli?) In 2010 after his previous site (OliDip) went offline.

My memory is that OliDip was always meant to be an experimental website with new variants and features that ran parallel to webdip.

Obviously vDip has evolved since then into a more full service Dip site, but still retains the numerous variants that made it popular since it's inception.

I imagine that in any theoretical merge, the vast majority of people would want the majority of these variants ported, which makes me wonder if it would be a bit too much of a change at once for webdip?
kestasjk (0 D)
13 Oct 22 UTC
"PPSC comes to mind."
Heheh that's convenient because we were actually wanting to back to PPSC on webDip.. Makes me feel a bit vindicated because PPSC was the first points system added in '07, and it really made an instant difference you could see in the analytics so I have a soft spot for it.

"You may want to look at the ModForum too. "
Yep I only noticed that just now; I'm not sure when it happened but I'm actually set as a mod here now apparently which I didn't realise, looks pretty nice.

We've also been improving our mod systems bit by bit, adding features to improve multi-detection, we've got SMS message validation to validate mobiles, login to Facebook and Google etc to increase validation, and browser fingerprinting. (Though it's not all integrated into the multi detector yet)

There's also something that lets people register suspicions against other people and respond to those suspicions. (It's also used to register relationships outsite the site, or to link accounts as multis/metas)
It's nice because (recently added) a mod can click to force a user to respond, and they will get directed to the page until they enter the requested info.
Once they enter that info the mod that made the request will be redirected to the page
when they next go to webDip, which I'm hoping will streamline some mod interactions. I definitely think the mod forum and the new suspicion page are a lot better than using e-mail.

(Though posting about a feature I'm proud of here I feel like someone is going to say that you've had it for years..)

"First off, I appreciate the effort to come out and ask us here! It seems to me that you come from good, friendly intentions, as it seems you're worried about that bad perception. And I'm looking forward to this conversation we as a group will have."
Yep same, already going better than expected I more than half expected to get told to "merge off".. But we'll see.. and Sleepcap may be against it anyway in the end. I think it's worth having in the back of our minds at the very least.

"I was introduced to Diplomacy on vDip, back in 2019. No idea how old the site is, and never played on any other sites. I have heard of webDip, but didn't realize that vDip was once a part of webDip (at least, that's my understanding based on what you say). When did the split happen, and why? Was it always meant to be a place for experimental variants, or is that just what defined it after the split?"
Ah neat; I didn't think people would find this site directly without going through some other Diplomacy site.
I started webDip (then phpDip) back in 2005, it started getting traction around 2008, and I can't remember when people starting wanting to add variants and were adding them by modifying the webDip core (adjudictor, etc; adding a bunch of if( $Variant == 1 ) { then this } else { that })
The problem is when you modify the core that means if I make a change your variant mods will need to be reapplied if you want the change I made, and as you add hundreds of variants it becomes a mess with the core code full of if ($Variant == 101) { then } etc. It also meant that if someone made a good variant you couldn't copy it without carefully reapplying it to your own code.

I added a variant layer that allowed all the logic, maps, territories, etc for a variant to be put in a folder separate to the core code. This kept the core clean, let variants be migrated between webDip/vDip forks, let variants be disabled, etc.
On the official site we added a few variants, but I didn't want to have too many at the time because we wanted to keep it a bit simpler, and I knew variant makers could use the changes to do their own thing.
Sleepcap took the change and ran with it, making all the variants here and some that went back to webDip, and kept adding his own features and improvements etc, and here's vDip.

While we're having a history lesson playdiplomacy is also a fork of webDip from way back in 2007, but that's not such a pleasant story .. It took me a while to realize it was a fork let's put it that way..

"How long would the merge take? Would this site have to be shut down during the merge? "
It would happen over a year or so roughly I'd imagine, I'm not sure exactly how big a merge it would be, and I'm not in any rush.
The site wouldn't need to be shut down during the transition; there would be a period of adding features and variants from here to webDip, then when everything is ready and we've done a test transfer we would take this site offline and do the final data transfer.

"We fill 36-player and even 50-player games reasonably easily, which is a good sign that we're still relatively healthy (for now)."
Yep definitely; I think this place could continue to run and maybe even grow for a long time, there's no emergency, this is a proposal for the longer term. If I got the thumbs up I would start the process of merging code, and that could take months until we have everything merged.

"If a merge is to happen, I'd definitely be in the boat that all the variants from here should be shipped."
Yep that'd be the plan; I'm sure our users would enjoy the variants.

"How would the current ladder be merged, if at all?"
Not sure exactly, but my guess is we would try and calibrate the ladders based on players who are on both sites, account for the relative sizes of the player base.
It's premature to think about it now, but there'd be some merge and it'd need some careful thought on how to do it fairly and get agreement.

Another feature worth checking out is our new point and click UI and our AI bots, which you can play against no login needed at

"I imagine that in any theoretical merge, the vast majority of people would want the majority of these variants ported, which makes me wonder if it would be a bit too much of a change at once for webdip?"
It depends how much the core has changed, the adjudicator etc. I would guess there are a few changes to support some fancier variants, but variants should be fairly portable. I'm less worried about the variants than changes to the core, which are more likely to need careful patching in, but that would be fine.

Just glad there are no pitchforks coming out so it isn't totally out of consideration; if this thread just gives people something to mull over that's all I was hoping for
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
13 Oct 22 UTC
I probably don't get much of a say but I used to be on Web Dip. Been on Vdip since early 2020. The community here is healthy enough as of now. Although it has died down a little bit. I don't really see a reason to merge the two sites. Perhaps make each site advertise the other in return for porting over new mods and variants to Web dip in return for publicity which in return would get the best web dip players over onto Vdip? In return, new variants would bring more attention to Web dip
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
13 Oct 22 UTC
I need to stop using 'in return' lol
kestasjk (0 D)
13 Oct 22 UTC
That's fine, I posted this to get peoples' say. To me the vDip branch is about new variants and changes, and if that's winding down people here might want to take what they like about vDip, merge with webDip and get the best of both worlds.
If that isn't how people see it / that doesn't appeal then you're right there is no reason, that's great.

Re: 'in return'; we are sibling sites and code has always flowed freely between webDip and vDip. This isn't about trading this for that it's just an option to protect what you've built here if things wind down, you want new features, maintenance issues, etc.
kestasjk (0 D)
13 Oct 22 UTC
And trust me the only person here who doesn't have/want a say is me. :P Besides you could all say "great sounds like a plan" and Sleepcap could turn it down anyway
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
13 Oct 22 UTC
I started out playing here in 2017, this is my online Dip home. As emotional as it might be to see this site go, I think a merger with webDip would be a good thing, assuming some conditions are met. Oli hasn't been around for over a year now, so no new variants have been ported in. The variants, and the ability to test new ones, is one of the great strengths of this site imo. I believe that if a merger were to happen we should port all the existing variants (yes even the silly ones) and immediately make it possible for authors to add new variants, as they used to do.

Other features you might want to add are the extend vote button and PPSC (adjudicated correctly though).

I also want my points.
Strider (1604 D)
13 Oct 22 UTC
I'd like to raise a number of concerns.

What of people with id's on both sites? I have noticed some people are represented with same user name on both sites. However I have a different user name on webdip to vdip. A merge would necessarily mean abandoning one of them I think.

What of game drop-outs. Last I was at webdip, during an extended outage here, I found that the players had less concern about dropping out of games when they started loosing. I feel the calibre of player on vDip is more reliable and would fear a that diminishing.
I personally am so much more used to the format of vDip that I wouldn't want to change. As a surface player vDip was the first website I used and so, knowing nothing about the code or any other problems, I would not want to abandon the vDip website.
BlueDog4Peace (1280 D)
13 Oct 22 UTC
I'm a relatively new player (since March of this year) and I started on webDip and now am entirely on vDip because of the variants. I did like the AI option on webDip.

I like the fact that the two sites have a shared history and have a lot of similarity now in the platform and functions. Yes to diversity and innovations across different sites. But what you say about "larger community, better infrastructure, no duplicated effort on maintenance, more active development and some new features, unified mod team" makes a lot of sense.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
13 Oct 22 UTC
My thoughts as a long time vDipper (2010 - and OliDip before that) as well as a Webdipper back in the day:

From a community perspective:

Pros to merging:

1) Oli (sleepcap) has been on a long hiatus from vDip. As the only one with the access to update maps or add new ones, Oli being gone has somewhat stagnated vDip in that regard. Merging with WebDip would allow for changes to existing maps and addition of new maps once again, refreshing the game for us all.

a) That said, if Oli were to return, or give access to someone from the Mod/Admin team in addition to himself, this issue would disappear.

2) Fresh players is always a good thing for the hobby. Having more people exposed to the great variants we have here could bring in a whole new wave of excitement for maps that perhaps have gotten a bit stale over the years to us here.

3) "better infrastructure, no duplicated effort on maintenance" - Definitely a good thing.


1) As Strider noted: The possibility of more casual people who float in and out and don't worry about dropping games and ruining them in that way is definitely a possibility with a larger player base. I haven't played on webdip in years, so I can't say if webdip or vDip has a larger problem with this. It's something to think about though.

1a) As a member of the Mod team, I can say that vDip doesn't have a huge issue with people cheating (we have some, just not a ton). Perhaps this is linked to a smaller player base, but if webdip has a bigger cheating issue, it might be detrimental to vDip players to merge over to webdip.

2) Loss of identity: Not a guaranteed "con" so to speak, but it seems possible the vDip community would essentially be absorbed into the webdip community and lose the connections that people have made to each other in this smaller community over the years.

From a personal perspective:

1) vDip has become my home over the years. I personally appreciate the simplicity of our site and it's focus on straightforward Diplomacy. While the changes made at webdip are liked by many I am sure, I personally do not care for some of them. For example:

1a) Simple things like the User Interface (which I admit I do not know if it applies to all maps, or just Classic). I am a huge fan of the interface we have on our maps here on vDip and the effort map designers put into making the maps and units. If the (I think it's) beta format that you can use on webdip were implemented as standard and/or mandatory to use, I would very likely reduce my game play to near zero.

1b) Changes to the ranking system. I know this is a controversial topic, but I am not a fan at all of rankings and points in draws not being equal. WTA (DSS) scoring has this. PPSC, for all it's flaws, has/had this. Sum of Squares does not, and I am adamantly against a scoring system that basically punishes a player who managed to make themselves a vital 1-2 SC survivor with a smaller pot. It might work well for tournaments with limited time and games to play, but on the whole, I feel it is not good for the hobby and disincentivizes people from putting a lot of effort into trying to survive when small as their reward is less than larger players.

2) My personal favorite part of Diplomacy is getting to know other players. We definitely have that ability on vDip with it's smaller player base. I feel like I might get "lost" at webdip if the player base is significantly larger, and that would reduce my enjoyment of the hobby immensely.

3) Oli, despite him being on hiatus, put a lot of time and effort into building OliDip/vDip and giving us a place to explore variants. I wouldn't want him to feel abandoned, so I'd take my cue from him on this as he's given me over a decade of enjoyment without asking for a single penny.

A couple responses to quotes:

1) "Another feature worth checking out is our new point and click UI" - Is this the "beta" format? Or just an interactive map similar to what we have here?

2) "To me the vDip branch is about new variants and changes, and if that's winding down people..." - I'm don't believe this is the case. I seem to recall a few times over the past couple years that people wanted to try to add new variants and couldn't because of Oli being on hiatus. I believe Flame's site migt have some of these variants on it?

I think that's it for now. Probably a long enough essay anyways!
JECE (1534 D)
14 Oct 22 UTC
"Heheh that's convenient because we were actually wanting to back to PPSC on webDip.. Makes me feel a bit vindicated because PPSC was the first points system added in '07, and it really made an instant difference you could see in the analytics so I have a soft spot for it."

Sweet! That's awesome! You're actually bringing PPSC back as you designed it (not the strange proposals that have recently been floated around on the webDiplomacy Forum)? I've been defending your creation since before it was stripped of its status as the default scoring system of webDip. I would definitely feel vindicated too if you brought PPSC back!
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
14 Oct 22 UTC
PPSC is great as long as solos are counted properly.
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
14 Oct 22 UTC
Perhaps if Oli never comes back a third site administrated by webDip but still flavored like vDip would be a good compromise?
kestasjk (0 D)
14 Oct 22 UTC
"Perhaps if Oli never comes back a third site administrated by webDip but still flavored like vDip would be a good compromise?"
We could host vDip as it is now on our infrastructure, which would give more stability as we can control the platform on our dedicated server, but that doesn't really solve the issue of vDip not being developed and potentially stagnating over the long term. It might be a good first step as it would be pretty easy to do and would make the merge/data-migration process a bit easier technically, but I think the question of a codebase and userbase merge is the more consequential one.

"Sweet! That's awesome! You're actually bringing PPSC back as you designed it (not the strange proposals that have recently been floated around on the webDiplomacy Forum)? I've been defending your creation since before it was stripped of its status as the default scoring system of webDip. I would definitely feel vindicated too if you brought PPSC back!"
Hahah great! I'm happy with whatever the community wants, same as here (which can be hard to know from a forum thread on the topic of scoring systems, which isn't necessarily going to reflect what's actually best for the site as whole).
I think the consensus is PPSC with a couple of tweaks, e.g. to the solo counting.

" Is this the "beta" format? Or just an interactive map similar to what we have here?" It's the full-screen one with live-chat etc. Check out , feel free to start a game account-free to have a play then leave, it's just bots. (Note we aren't going to remove the legacy map, so if people prefer that that's fine, but many do like the new UI)

"Sum of Squares does not, and I am adamantly against a scoring system that basically punishes a player who managed to make themselves a vital 1-2 SC survivor with a smaller pot."
Yep it's actually a planned change to go back from sum of squares to PPSC.

"Simple things like the User Interface (which I admit I do not know if it applies to all maps, or just Classic)."
Yep it's an option, only available for classic, and the legacy UI will always be an option. We may change the default for new players at some point, but the current board UI isn't going anywhere.

"it seems possible the vDip community would essentially be absorbed into the webdip community and lose the connections that people have made to each other in this smaller community over the years."
Yep I get that; I'd mitigate that by having a sub-forum for vDip players only, and a player group for vDip players allowing vDip only games. We could migrate the message etc. It could evolve into some kind of .. invite only sub-community within webDip over time.. But I'm not going to say it will all be rainbows and sunshine and zero change, and no-one likes change.. The trap is if not changing and doing the comfortable thing in the long-term is unsustainable, sometimes you need to make a change to preserve things in the long term. (That may or may not be the case here)

"What of people with id's on both sites?"
We can merge accounts, whether they're the same username or different usernames. The scoring system merge will be tricky and need careful thought, but a merge where we abandon accounts on either side would defeat the purpose.

"What of game drop-outs. Last I was at webdip, during an extended outage here, I found that the players had less concern about dropping out of games when they started loosing."
I think that's true, especially at lower levels in the general game pool. vDip would be able to still have a vDip sub forum and vDip only games, but yes diluting the community in some sense is inevitable and this is something to consider.

"I believe that if a merger were to happen we should port all the existing variants (yes even the silly ones) and immediately make it possible for authors to add new variants, as they used to do. "
All variants will come across, and there will be the ability to add new variants, we'd become more lax about adding new variants, and we could allow authors to add new variants on a testing site. (We have subdomains for testing, e.g.
Allowing authors to directly upload variants to the site though isn't something we could restore, without those authors being given access to our github repo.
If this merger happened there would be a lot of changes to webDip, but one thing that absolutely won't change is webDip's stability. We have a larger user-base, more new players visit, I think we probably have more live-games that are ruined by intermittent downtime, and I think it's fair to say vDip while more dynamic is less stable.

"Other features you might want to add are the extend vote button and PPSC (adjudicated correctly though).

I also want my points. "
Yep, yep, definitely. Your points will probably get scaled to account for the relative user-base size to try and keep things fair, so that the #1 here with say 5000 isn't now #300 on webDip where the top score is 50000, even though the skill level for that point level is different. There'll be no way to make that completely, totally, mathematically fair but we will definitely factor in that vDip has a more skilled player base on average.
Mitomon (2196 D)
14 Oct 22 UTC
what will happen to the Winning thread??
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
14 Oct 22 UTC
"We could host vDip as it is now on our infrastructure, which would give more stability as we can control the platform on our dedicated server, but that doesn't really solve the issue of vDip not being developed and potentially stagnating over the long term...."

Good to know that vDip could be ported intact basically if Oli were to say that he no longer is able to support the site from this end. Although I would push back against the idea that vDip is stagnating really. While we're certainly not as dynamic as webdip with player base, I woudln't characterize us as stagnating, and a simple change of Oli returning, or a different Mod/Admin having Oli's access would alleviate the issue of changes to the site like new maps.

"It's the full-screen one with live-chat etc. Check out"
"Yep it's an option, only available for classic, and the legacy UI will always be an option."

That is excellent news. I can't exactly pinpoint why, but I cannot stand the new UI. Maybe it's the change of colors, the tiny change of ordering a support (you click the unit you're supporting first, then the destination second, which is the opposite of the way vDip has it and I think how the legacy UI has it at webdip), the way the chat can be toggled on and off, the lack of colors for moves (red for move, yellow for support, green for support hold, blue for convoy). Each are small things, so I'm not sure what it is, but it just doesn't sit right with me. And from what it sounds like, a good number of webdip players don't particularly like it either?

"Yep it's actually a planned change to go back from sum of squares to PPSC."

Thumbs up for that change from me. Although I'm curious, what was wrong with the implementation of PPSC previously? I can't seem to find the forum posts that were referenced about how it was previously and how it will be in the future.

"Yep I get that; I'd mitigate that by having a sub-forum for vDip players only, and a player group for vDip players allowing vDip only games. We could migrate the message etc. It could evolve into some kind of .. invite only sub-community within webDip over time....."

I feel like if this did go through, having it change as little as possible to start would be a good way to go about it. Starting it off as basically a website hosting change where vDip as it is now is hosted on webdip while retaining it's current mod/admin team, user interface, forum, separate games, etc would be the way to go. Give the vDip community the choice on how to proceed and when to do that.

The hardest thing would probably be if an inundation of new players caused a severe increase in NMRs/CDs and abandoned positions that were detrimental to the games as a whole. Especially on bigger maps, that's already a big issue, and if we start seeing a major increase in it, it could make a lot of variants somewhat unplayable over time.
JECE (1534 D)
14 Oct 22 UTC
"Although I'm curious, what was wrong with the implementation of PPSC previously?"

From people with our perspective, nothing. However there is a lot of hate for PPSC in certain corners of webDip. I think that this thread houses the most recent discussion where this is debated (but the threads where this has been debated go back more than a decade if I recall correctly):
JECE (1534 D)
15 Oct 22 UTC
kestasjk: I'm curious what you mean by "solo counting". PPSC wins were always counted as wins in the statistics.
Don't forget that I think we lost a lot of the old forum threads when the new forum was made over on webdip.

But the Pro-PPSC faction over there at the time was smaller than the anti-PPSC faction for sure.
kestasjk (0 D)
15 Oct 22 UTC
"what will happen to the Winning thread?? "
Indeed an important consideration. As with everything there are different options for the forum; if things did get merged I would expect we would take all forum messages and migrate them into our phpBB3 forum which has subforums, there would be a subforum for the vDip community and the Winning thread would end up in that subforum.

"While we're certainly not as dynamic as webdip with player base, I woudln't characterize us as stagnating"
That's definitely something I'm hearing that I probably overestimated as an issue; I saw the thread about reviving the forum and thought that indicated an overall decline, but I'm hearing that it's not really a concern here.

If vDip is healthy and developing I would be opposed to a merge: Historically vDip and webDip having their own appeal made the two more successful independently than the sum of their parts.

But sites that don't develop and are just maintained are always going to decline over the long term. It would be tragic if over a decade vDip goes the way of e.g. Stabberfou, DipJudge, nJudge, etc.

"That is excellent news. I can't exactly pinpoint why, but I cannot stand the new UI. [...] And from what it sounds like, a good number of webdip players don't particularly like it either?"
Yep definitely. Part of it is that it is newly developed; lots of feedback has been incorporated in already like the arrow colors etc. You should give it another go and see if you notice any improvement:
Part of it is just familiarity; people don't like different/new UIs, even if they're objectively better.
People were angry when we changed the map colors from this:
But no the legacy map isn't going anywhere.

"I can't seem to find the forum posts that were referenced about how it was previously and how it will be in the future."
Some of was on the old dev forum at , where TheGhostMaker would claim to mathematically prove PPSC was inferior.. I think the main criticism of PPSC was that it rewarded 2nd place too much.

"The hardest thing would probably be if an inundation of new players caused a severe increase in NMRs/CDs and abandoned positions that were detrimental to the games as a whole."
Yep this is why I would be in favor of a vDip invite-only sub-community so the community doesn't get diluted. The point of a merge is to preserve and revitalize what makes vDip vDip, so just pooling the two user-bases and losing that wouldn't help anything.

"kestasjk: I'm curious what you mean by "solo counting". PPSC wins were always counted as wins in the statistics. "
I was just referring to what someone else said about solo counts, saying that it wouldn't be PPSC exactly as it was necessarily, more like what's here I think. I'm actually not familiar with exactly what is proposed for PPSC on webDip as the main focus right now is reducing the burden on the mod team.
SimonPeterWatson (1464 D)
15 Oct 22 UTC
The whole Oli leaving vDip is a huge point IMHO
JECE (1534 D)
15 Oct 22 UTC
"Don't forget that I think we lost a lot of the old forum threads when the new forum was made over on webdip."

Kestas brought everything back! See here:
JECE (1534 D)
15 Oct 22 UTC
"I was just referring to what someone else said about solo counts, saying that it wouldn't be PPSC exactly as it was necessarily, more like what's here I think."

Well what's here is what used to be on webDip. I'm not aware of any changes. Are you just referring to how soloists are limited to nine seventeenths of the pot so that they don't try to prolong games? That was a good and helpful change.
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
15 Oct 22 UTC
Soloists should get the whole pot, why is this a discussion.
JECE (1534 D)
15 Oct 22 UTC
Um, then what do you count as PPSC? Draws are shared equally under PPSC, as they should be per the game rules.

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114 replies
anqilan456 (1000 D X)
22 Mar 23 UTC
NBA 2K23 players have noticed that Herschel
NBA 2K23 players have noticed that Herschel "Dr. Disrespect' Beahm has made an appearance as a surprise player in the game.Along with the other major 2022 game launches, NBA 2K23 is set to begin play on September 9 and despite not being out in the moment, fans have already seen the 2x champion in the game.If you want to learn more about NBA 2K23 MT, please visit
0 replies
anqilan456 (1000 D X)
22 Mar 23 UTC
Position within the Diablo 4's five classes

What they won't see is a wide variety of bodies, at least for each class. The Barbarian is strong and muscular for their position within the Diablo 4's five classes. The Sorcerer/Sorceress class looks strong enough to be able to lift books and wands, but they're not nearly as lean and athletic-looking like the Rogue.
If you want to learn more about Diablo 4 Gold,piease vist
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anqilan456 (1000 D X)
22 Mar 23 UTC
The art of scoring from a corner fut 23
The left stick is used to steer the ball. The right stick is used to increase the level. To score from corners, it's preferred to strike the corner in-swinging, using the correct mix of precision and power.
If you want to learn more about FIFA 23 Coins,please vist mmoexp
0 replies
Flame (1073 D)
20 Mar 23 UTC
Discord server for russian-speaking Diplomacy players
We start the Discord server for russian-speaking Diplomacy players here.
Join to get new friend and foes! ;)
1 reply
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
15 Mar 23 UTC
Game limit?
I am in 3 games and cannot join any others because of game limits. Can someone help me please?
10 replies
jason4747 (1633 D)
19 Mar 23 UTC
For Europa Renovatio players
I like how the colors are mostly reflected in the vDip game. Clearly related. Anyone know the backstory?
2 replies
HelloMyNameIsBob (1201 D)
18 Mar 23 UTC
I just realized A Modern Europe is just the HOI4 map with some small changes.
This is the variant:
And compare it to Europe in this:
1 reply
CBro27 (1436 D)
17 Mar 23 UTC
Simultaneous Solos
I’ve just realized that in the games where a solo requires less than 50% of the available SCs, two players could reach that mark at the same time. Does anyone know if this has ever happened on this site and what would happen if it does?
2 replies
Fake Al (1673 D)
03 Feb 23 UTC
South China Sea Variant
I put together a variant based on the South China Sea dispute.
The seven players fight over tiny islands that are hard to defend. I think games should be pretty chaotic. Anyone interested in trying it out?
19 replies
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