A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Hippopankake (937 D)
17 May 17 UTC
Need players
I need 1 player for a youngs town ww2 game
0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
16 May 17 UTC
New Thread Idea
Does anyone know Polish History? Did The Deluge cause such material damage that it doomed Poland to economic and political death spiral, did it devastate the proto-bourgeois, densely populated Northwest at a key moment within a republic when it was fighting with the rural, agrarian South and East thus stunting an incipient movement towards urbanization and development or did it not really have any long term effect?
7 replies
HQDeevejot (878 D)
16 May 17 UTC
Shrek Super Slam vs. Mr. Rogers' neighborhood
which one is the good one
8 replies
HQDominator (757 D)
16 May 17 UTC
Thread Discussion Thread
In this Thread, we will be discussing other threads such as the Word Association Thread and the New Thread Ideas Thread and most importantly The Muting Thread
1 reply
Technostar (1302 D)
12 May 17 UTC
Scramble for Africa Variant - Gauging Interest
I was wondering how interested people would be in a Scramble for Africa variant. I'm already making one for my friends and me to use, so I could easily put it on the lab for testing once it's done.
13 replies
Greetings Thread
Um....................... Hello? Is anyone there?
38 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
12 May 17 UTC
Calhamer prototype - feedback please
Hi folks - the Calhamer prototype of Dip has been rolling around in my head and I'm thinking of bringing it to the online community. But I have some questions that I'd appreciate your input into:
3 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
11 May 17 UTC
Where do you post your variant map ideas?
Working on the Calhamer Prototype variant and interested in getting opinions on map design to keep it authenticate. In some cases the maps aren't clear and I'm interested in advice. Where's the best spot folks have found for posting?
1 reply
webdipper123 (1137 D)
11 May 17 UTC
Advertise LIVE games here
starting in 1 hr.
classic - 5mins phase
1 reply
Hypoguy (1613 D)
03 May 17 UTC
Sengoku - Want to join?
Anyone interested in a game of Sengoku Jidai? Medieval Japan. Post here if you want to join, and what preferences you have for anon, phase length, etc.
3 replies
Carebear (1000 D)
07 May 17 UTC
Online Diplomacy Championship - Second Round Signup
The deadline to signup for the second round of the Online Diplomacy Championship @ PDET 2017 will be May 19 with games starting shortly there after. Players who did not participate in the first round may join the second round.
2 replies
gjdip (1503 D)
06 May 17 UTC
Problems with World War II large map?
Is anoyone else having problems with the large map in World War II games? I get: This page isn’t working. is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500.
0 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
03 May 17 UTC
I was thinking about making a second account...
Here's a few...
18 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
22 Apr 17 UTC
Reminder: ALWAYS check the settings of games you join!
Hi all,
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Decima Legio (1987 D)
25 Oct 16 UTC
The Exploration game, episode III
One year ago we’ve tested this special rule game based on the Fog of War format.
I have to say that it’s been a fun game with original dynamics.
Details below
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Why did it cancel?
Decima Legio (1987 D)
26 Jan 17 UTC
I had to create a new one in order to have Ezio in.
RR requirement was too high.
The password is the same I sent by PMs
So who is missing?
Ezio (1057 D)
29 Jan 17 UTC
Sorry that was me. I've been rather busy the last few days, and I haven't been able to make my usual diplomacy rounds. Things should calm back down after a few days though!
Smokey Gem (829 D)
29 Jan 17 UTC
how difficult is it to have the FOG code on other varients ??
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
29 Jan 17 UTC
It's actually more of a hack of the drawmap.php file, you can have a look at the code for the variants that have it in the variant information pages. 1066, Classic FoG and RatWars all use the same basic hack.

Chumbles (1380 D)
29 Jan 17 UTC
It would be so appropriate in historical variants like Ancmed - eye teeth, give, if Yoda had, still.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
30 Jan 17 UTC
Decima Legio (1987 D)
30 Jan 17 UTC
Foggy Known world 901 would be great also
mouse (1776 D)
30 Jan 17 UTC
Fog 901 would be brilliant. Not /too/ large that it's irrelevant what's behind it on the other side of the map, but large enough to have moments of "what the hell is an Indian fleet doing in the Atlantic? ...oh, shit"
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
31 Jan 17 UTC
Yes, I absolutely agree. Fog 901 would be an awesome variant to have onsite
ScubaSteve (1234 D)
31 Jan 17 UTC
Fog in a new map that no one has seen yet is what I am asking for from Santa.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
31 Jan 17 UTC
Scuba, and well, actually everyone -

There's a very similar concept to this that has been played a handful of times by email. It's called "Explore!", and it's a ridiculously fun variant. If you want to learn more about it (and perhaps pester the guy who usually GMs them into making a new map and new game), go to:

Basically though, it's a game where you don't know the map at all (think the beginning of a game of Civilization), and as you explore, you reveal more of the map. You also don't get to contact anyone until you "meet" them on the map. It's pretty crazy, but in a good way. I've found myself staying up awaiting the newest email so I can see what part of the map I "found" on the last turn more than once. Anyone who loves the idea of a new map where you don't know it's shape at the start, or who is a fan of Civilization and Diplomacy should give it a looksie!
Explore! is well worth trying for those who haven't done so. [I'm guessing the ! just comes at the end of anything Tomahama does]

I'd be very interested if another game occurs.
G-Man (2466 D)
31 Jan 17 UTC
Explore rocks! You just need mature players that will stick by the rules. I'll also throw my name in the hat if another Explore game occurs.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
31 Jan 17 UTC
Dr. -

I guess you didn't get the memo that Tomahaha is just Jeb Bush's Diplomacy alter-ego? The exclamation point totally gives it away.

But yeah, Explore is awesome. It's like playing an interactive game of Civilization, and you even get to design your own tiny flag!
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
31 Jan 17 UTC
As annoying as Tommy is, his Explore variant is pretty damn cool. Drano and I have been talking about running an Explore game as dual GMs. I'm not sure if he's still up for the challenge, but I hope he is. It's not going to happen next week, but it is on my agenda to host one, and when I do, it's going to be an epic game, not a sprint to 15% control of the map.
Ezio (1057 D)
31 Jan 17 UTC
I would love to participate in an Explore! game. It sounds awesome. How do you stop players from seeing the provinces on the map?
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
31 Jan 17 UTC
Ezio -

It's a Play-by-Email game, so individual maps get sent out to every player *only* showing what they have seen. No one gets to see the master map until the game is over.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
31 Jan 17 UTC
depending on when the's lab gets up and running I was thinking about porting this map:
Ezio (1057 D)
31 Jan 17 UTC
Ah. That makes sense. If you're looking for more players...
Decima Legio (1987 D)
31 Jan 17 UTC
*spoiler alert*

Since last Autumn, after the feedbacks gathered with those exploration games, I've been thinking to introduce something similar to this "Explore!" in Vdip, making a step towards "Civilization" on a FoW based vdip platform.
There're some major coding obstacles to overcome, though, and I'm waiting to see if the new lab can help in this direction.
Unfortunately, month after month, this "new lab" sounds like Hitler's secret weapons: something that gets often named, but never comes actually.
No pun intended to meme. We all give our contribution for free, and in our spare time.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
01 Feb 17 UTC
Isn't the the map for the explore! game created as the game progresses?
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
01 Feb 17 UTC
Kaner - It's created ahead of time, just the size and shape of the map is hidden from the players views until they explore the map. It works basically exactly as original Civilization does. The map is there, you just can't see it. Once you explore, your view remains open.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
02 Feb 17 UTC
Thanks for that - but each game is a unique map right?
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
02 Feb 17 UTC
Absolutely kaner. Every game is a new map made by the GM, that way no one has any advantage over the others in terms of knowing where SCs are or where opponents start.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
02 Feb 17 UTC
That's also part of the reason it's PBEM (other reasons include rules that can't get coded at vdip from what i understand), in that one has to manually make a map so that people don't know what's going on around them.
Anon (?? D)
03 Mar 17 UTC
gameID=29896 really should replace france rather than keep hoping they'll actually put orders in this time
Anon (?? D)
03 Mar 17 UTC
gameID=29896 Agreed. It's getting old.
mouse (1776 D)
02 May 17 UTC
Well, that was fun. If we run it again, could we allow global chat once everyone alive can communicate with each other?
Thanks for running, Decima Legio.

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95 replies
Bourse development and discussion thread.
This summer, I plan to develop Phase I of four phases in a Bourse gaming system to expand the gaming experience without over taxing the game director. This thread is to discuss the phases and how the various features should be implemented.
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Strider (1604 D)
24 Apr 17 UTC
Anzac Day remembrance
Waking for this Anzac Days dawn service reminds me why we should not forget WWI. With threats of agression again escalating has nothing been learnt!
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Mitomon (2187 D)
17 Apr 17 UTC
Diplomacy: Is Germany Too Weak?
I noticed that Germany is considerably weaker in Diplomacy than it's historical counterpart. In game, Germany can very easily be knocked out by England and France. However, historically Germany was able to fight competently on three separate fronts. Does anybody feel that Germany is a little misrepresented in game?
More importantly, are there any variants that address this?
42 replies
Mitomon (2187 D)
17 Apr 17 UTC
What is your favorite board game?
I heard you guys like to play Risk.
48 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
19 Apr 17 UTC
Feedback for 1v1 Cold War on WWIV map
Hi folks, some of you may have heard me talk on the podcast about bringing the WWIV map to a Cold War circa 1984 1v1 variant. Interested in your thoughts about whether I use the standard WWIV map, the v6.2 version (is there any actual difference in the map itself?) or whether the sealane version would be better. Thoughts?
17 replies
The Problem Thread
This thread is if you have a problem you post and then everyone will try to help you with your problem.
57 replies
Happy Rome Day
since today (April 21) is Rome's 2770th birthday, I thought it would be nice to fill this thread with stories of the glory of Rome:
5 replies
The Muting Thread
This is the thread that everyone mutes.
9 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
01 Apr 17 UTC
Please see within for details on the vDiplomacy Referendum.
66 replies
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
28 Jan 16 UTC
Can't stop the Trump
Does anyone here has a clue as to why Donald Trump is boycotting the latest republican debate? Seems to have only downsides and risks without a real gain to me. Enlighten me please.
296 replies
Anon (?? D)
09 Apr 17 UTC
gameID=30786 2 day phases 100pt bet WTA Anon gunboat
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Matticus13 (1300 D)
15 Apr 17 UTC
Seeking replacement for Shift Right variant game

Looking for a replacement for Italy (me). The current position is pretty stable. I'm looking to eliminate all of my press games due to time constraints.
4 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
08 Mar 17 UTC
Live video feed podcast?
Hi folks - Kaner and I are getting together this time next week for another boozy Dip chat.
27 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Apr 17 UTC
The Original Diplomacy Variant
As many of you know, the Calhamer estate is being liquidated and the very first self-published Diplomacy board sold for just over $5000 last week. Well, something else interesting from the same sale - a bunch of prototype maps, these likely being from several years before the game was published.
21 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
29 Mar 17 UTC
Calhamer Estate Sale
See below.
30 replies
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