A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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BenjaminHester (1035 D)
03 Jan 18 UTC
Global Admin Message for Players of Siege of the Ishiyama Honganji
Bug reported regarding last season results. Please pause.
1 reply
Greatdjenkins (927 D)
04 Jan 18 UTC
I'm better than everyone
No one can beat me it's like your all tiny, puny ants, and I'm the giant that squashes you haha. Fight me puny crybaby girls. Come at meeeeee!!!!!this me
5 replies
Flame (1073 D)
26 Nov 17 UTC
Punic Wars COMING soon!
Punic Wars based on Sail Ho variant.
Coming soon.
15 replies
BenjaminHester (1035 D)
21 Nov 17 UTC
Sengoku Nagashino Feedback Thread
Hi Sengoku Nagashino players - please deposit your thoughts here for designer digestion as the first round of games resolves.

Please do not directly comment on the situation/players etc. of any active games. Please limit your comments to the variant design itself, as it appears at gamestart. Once a game has completed, it is fair game for analysis, but not before please.
29 replies
Greatdjenkins (927 D)
30 Dec 17 UTC
what happened to our game argentinaen empire
whats the deal, i cant find the game anymore.
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BobRoss (1752 D)
03 Jan 18 UTC
Still looking for replacements (3 games)
Other obligations make it impossible for me to play my games as they ought to be played.
1 reply
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
30 Dec 17 UTC
Deep philosophical question about American culture
So I teach at a major public research university. And I keep noticing that my male students in their early 20s seem with a surprisingly high probability to be intimately familiar with the movie Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood. This movie came out when I was in high school. And at the same time, they seem ignorant of In Living Color which is readily available on Youtube. So why DBAMTSCWDYJITH and not, for example, I'm Gonna Git You Sucka?
6 replies
The Ambassador (2164 D (B))
08 Dec 17 UTC
Drunk postings only
This forum thread is for VDip players to post when they are a little bit pissed.
37 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
01 Jan 18 UTC
Happy new year
No new year thread here...?
Wish you all a happy new year.
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JECE (1534 D)
18 Nov 17 UTC
Is there a new mobile website?
It looks great, but could I turn it off? I use a BlackBerry Passport, which has a nice big screen and doesn't need it.
101 replies
Chumbles (1380 D)
24 Dec 17 UTC
Merry Christmas!
Have a brilliant Christmas day - it's already started in Oz!
11 replies
brainbomb (662 D)
23 Dec 17 UTC
Mafia II vdip signup
So I was thinking id run an 11-14 player game starting in January. Probably the 5th or 6th. Any vdippers up for some mafia? Setup TBA.
3 replies
Monkey (889 D)
22 Dec 17 UTC
Im soooo cool
im the best and no one can take me downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
17 replies
BobRoss (1752 D)
23 Dec 17 UTC
Looking for replacements
Hi all. Due to personal circumstances i will be entering an indefinite vdip hiatus and thus i'm looking for replacements.
1 reply
Grahamso1 (1912 D)
20 Dec 17 UTC
Game set up - NMR
I want to set a game so that it never processes a turn with out orders. I think that is setting “Turn” = 0.
But if I set “Delay”= 2 does that mean a two day/phase pause before that player is kicked? Or is he kicked immediately and there are 2 days for a replacement to appear. In the latter case what happens after the 2 days?
7 replies
slypups (2729 D)
17 Dec 17 UTC
Proof that victory stats can be deceiving
At least with a small sample size.
Does this mean Yellow starts at a disadvantage on this map?
11 replies
RagingIke297 (1010 D)
17 Dec 17 UTC
Any mods around that can pause a game?
I'm spectating this game And about half the countries are about to NMR, anyone around to stop this from happening?
1 reply
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
16 Dec 17 UTC
Looking for replacements for two good positions
Germany in Furnace of Affliction (gameID=31823) and a strong position in an anonymous Imperial game. PM for details.
1 reply
Devonian (1887 D)
10 Dec 17 UTC
¿alguien quiere jugar un partido en español?
Yo quiero aprender la español y piense que a jugar en la idoma es un buen manera a aprender.

¿Hay otros que quiero jugar en español?
21 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
23 Sep 17 UTC
Balkans 1860 variant
Is it just me, or is Italy way too overpowered?
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still tinkering with Italy, particularly BobRoss' recommendations above, and neutral army in Rome
The results of the current tournament, with two games left, do not lead one to believe that Italy is necessarily all *that* strong.
I guess the fact Italy has been in nearly every draw does indicate it is a bit OP.
mouse (1776 D)
19 Nov 17 UTC
'Strong start that you have to band together to hold back' is also likely to meet greater success in games where the average participant isn't well versed in the need+skills to do so.
tantrumizer (1557 D)
19 Nov 17 UTC
It is a smidgin strong, as is Bulgaria, but Greece hasn't done well at all in the tournament so far.
tantrumizer's last comment here is an additional reason to nerf Italy. (benefit Greece) That said however, I don't see many positive Ottoman results either, and I think the perceived strength of Bulgaria is due to the fact that most Greek and Ottoman players are not viewing an alliance with each other as a viable option. Almost no Ottomans have chosen to leave the Mediterranean to Greece and focus on attacking Bulgaria or Romania (as was intended to be equally appealing as attacking Greece.) I will have to work on that, as just giving Greece a free hand in the west will not improve that dynamic.
this (Greek/Ottoman alliance) may be something like and Italy/Turkey alliance in standard right now. (i.e. least likely alliance pair on the map.) Balkans1860 can't be balanced until that changes.
But that may be something that changes itself as players get more familiar with the dynamics of the map and come to see a potential positive outcome from that alliance.
very true. unless I missed it however, that alliance pair has not occurred in a single opening of any playtest here (or elsewhere) thus far. While it may be possible on the current map, I cannot consider it to be appealing or intuitive under those circumstances, and that is the design intent: that G/O would be no less appealing as an opening than a G/B alliance
My point is your comparison to I/T in Classic. I like to ally with Turkey in Classic, but only if he shows a willingness to go after Russia and not fool me into taking out Austria only to be their next target. same with G/O. Of course, the challenge is Ottoman is bottom left corner and only has two real directions to go as . If you want to make that a more viable alliance, make Romania a more feasible target as well. It is currently too far away from Ottoman to be a real target.
Sorry, Ottoman is bottom *right* corner. It was late in the afternoon and I confused my left and right. :-)
the idea of making Romania an easier target is good, and might have a desirable side effect of making Austria's life a little easier.
Grahamso1 (1912 D)
22 Nov 17 UTC
I played ottoman once. My only data point. Couldn’t figure a smart opening and was a struggle all the way. I think I’m agreeing with points made above. Maybe alliance with Greece and head north would have been better. But it’s just not an option if you have to get early builds. Ottoman is not strong enough in my view. Needs tweaking. (Had fun losing tho! :-)
Italy got taken out in the most recent 1860 Balkans game I played.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
23 Nov 17 UTC
To be fair, I (Serbia) convoyed two armies across to his lands immediately to do that. Unfortunately that also ended up killing me, and I can't see that approach being popular.
tantrumizer (1557 D)
23 Nov 17 UTC
Stats currently show 5 solos to Italy, 2 to Bulgaria and 0 to everyone else.
Austria will have a solo soon but I can't discuss it *yet*. :-)
tantrumizer - yeah, I noticed that. I dare say that Italy engaging all of Bulgaria's western rivals may have played a hand in at least one of their solos as well. Agree with Grahamso1 that Ottomans need improvement too. Captainmeme - making Austria+Serbia a good alliance option has been my single most challenging obstacle in this variant.
Officially reporting Austria's first ever solo in Balkans 1860.
...on vDip. happened once elsewhere, but that one was very skewed (neighbor went into CD at a critical moment)
No CDs, just hard foight and well timed stab.
BenjaminHester (1035 D)
08 Dec 17 UTC
new map ready for release - v2
Technostar (1302 D)
08 Dec 17 UTC
Serbia looks VERY weak on that map. They only have 1 guaranteed SC, but they are in the map's center.
tantrumizer (1557 D)
09 Dec 17 UTC
Thanks for your work on this!

Romania doesn't have any guaranteed centres at all and would have to throw 2 units at Varna just to stop Bulgaria taking it and Ruse in the first year. I think it'd be good to throw a bone from Bulgaria to Romania somehow.
I had considered splitting Split (ha ha) into a non-SC territory (Rijeka) and an SC in Split to the south. If Split is uncontested though, this pulls Serbia strongly in Austria's direction. Increasing the likelihood of an A/S alliance was a primary intent of this map.

Romania has Sevastopol guaranteed, and I'm really not seeing them as any weaker than Turkey in Standard. An alliance with either the Ottomans or Bulgarians should be profitable...?
Also, I expect the new Ottoman SC in Monastir to be typically pro-Serbian and aimed at attacking either Bulgaria or Greece
Hm...what do you think of restoring Nis, but as a neutral SC. There may actually be some historical precedent for that with waning Ottoman power.
tantrumizer (1557 D)
10 Dec 17 UTC
Romania can be bounced in Sevastapol by Ottomans. That's what happened in both of my games as Romania to date.
If Romania moves botht eh fleet and the army towards Sev, it can't be bounced. @ on 1. But, it also means he has to have a good relationship with his other neighbors.
Austria also takes a significant risk reaching for Kolosvar, and rarely opts for it, as their focus is on Serbia and Italy.

This matter of Serbia needing another dot is more convincing. But I need it to be one that pulls them in a direction other than north

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Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
05 Dec 17 UTC
France vs Austria Openings Tier List & Guide
0 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
26 Nov 17 UTC
Imperium-variant might work again...
I did some work on the adjudicator and this might work again.
Not a very balanced variant, but has a really interesting start..
24 replies
BobRoss (1752 D)
31 Aug 17 UTC
Variant Tournaments Results & Ranking
As the Variant Tournament thread was getting clogged i thought it'd be a good idea to separate the organisational and ranking part.
47 replies
BenjaminHester (1035 D)
11 Aug 17 UTC
obsolete Sengoku variant
Hi all, designer of Sengoku here. I would love to get the latest version of Sengoku in use on this system, as it is much more balanced. Found here:
Even if the DP system, can't be used, the version at is still better than the one in use currently. Poor Mori needs a fair chance :-) Anyone willing/able to help me get these implemented?
89 replies
Grahamso1 (1912 D)
26 Nov 17 UTC
Extending the pre game time
Is it possible to extend the time while waiting for players in a game I created? If so how? Thanks
3 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
19 Nov 17 UTC
It's time to talk about Scoring
Hello all!

Let's talk about scoring? More specifically, about whether the dreaded Points Per Supply Center (PPSC) scoring should remain an option?
98 replies
Major Problems (1364 D)
23 Nov 17 UTC
1 v 1 games on variant maps
I am not a coder (sic) so I was wondering how hard is/was it to code 1 v 1 games? Is it reasonable to think that variant maps (Modern, Ancient Med, etc) could be set up to create 1 v 1 games? The idea of having a larger group of countries to play against each other is intriguing. I just don't know if it possible, or doable.
2 replies
Grahamso1 (1912 D)
22 Nov 17 UTC
How old school are you?
I am not very tech savvy so forgive me. I think I started dip on some RSS pages using Netscape at work in maybe 1996(?) does that make sense? All email based through Judges. What were they called? USDJ or something. I remember FROG but they all spoke French. Haha. I used to stand outside my office in the snow smoking a cig with a hand drawn map with about 100 crossing out for each phase using coloured pens. Ah web based interactive maps?!?! Luxury!!!
5 replies
Jamie_T (895 D)
20 Nov 17 UTC
The notices on my front page are all jumbled up in a random order. PMs from weeks ago are at the top, and some of my game messages from the past day or two are lower down. Is anyone else noticing this?
9 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
09 Oct 17 UTC
Napoleonic Variant, and the lack of neutral centers
I had the honor to play 'Napoleonic' back in the lab (an awful game as Spain by the way). I had a question back then which I ask here and now:

Why there are no neutral supply centers?
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