A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Anonymous Games
Anonymous Games grant liars a shelter to do there worst, making abusive and absurd offered and generally making me passionately hate this game, which can lead to NMRs . Having to be out there means you have to have honor, and enables revenge. I have seen allies pitch in by hopping from one neutral territory to yhe next in the name of their promises. This site seems to be for the childish.
98 replies
Flame (1073 D)
09 Jul 18 UTC
First Diplomacy game edition 1959
Who got the photo or scan of the first Diplomacy edition board (500 pieces), 1959? Please share to be used in an article.
7 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
18 Jun 18 UTC
Replace PPSC with something rank-based?
I've put together a length proposal over on PlayDip to provide a rank-based scoring system for draws that's similar to the Carnage system used in several North American Dip tournaments today.
103 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
07 Jul 18 UTC
[New Variant] Machiavelli - To the Renaissance
New (official) subvariant of Machiavelli coming up on vDip. Not a single case of adjacent home centers - praise be God!
0 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
25 Apr 18 UTC
New Variant: Crusades 1201
Hail diplomats,

New 11-players variant coming up, set in the High Middle Ages.
44 replies
gremlin (994 D)
02 Jul 18 UTC
New Variants
Just curious, what is the process for creating new variants?
1 reply
WiJaMa (1228 D)
26 Jun 18 UTC
Looking for game sitters
I'm looking for a game sitter for three games while I'm out from 1 Jul to 22 Jul. PM me for details.

Also, is there supposed to be a thread for these? I can't find it but the help page says there is one.
2 replies
ubercacher16 (2196 D)
25 Jun 18 UTC
Strategy - Hold Order
See First Post
16 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
12 Jun 18 UTC
At long last: 1900
With some help from Tobias & Oliver, my implementation of Baron VonPowell's "1900" is finally live.

64 replies
Matthew Goldman (965 D)
27 Jun 18 UTC
Looking for someone to take over my country (Not in a bad position)
Currently 13/35 countries remain and my country, Brazil, is in 8th place after some set backs with NMRs. Currently allied with the 2nd place country, Argentina, as a fight between the two of us will ultimately be the doom of our existence. Argentina has said that a substitute will not charge the alliance between our two countries.

Reply if interested in taking over.
3 replies
RVG1984 (1169 D)
21 Jun 18 UTC
convert fleet to army
How do I convert a fleet to an army and the other way? I see people do it, but don't see the option on the dropdowns.
12 replies
WaitingCynicism (903 D)
20 Jun 18 UTC
Notifications by email?
Is there a way I can get email notifications for my campaigns? I haven't gotten any at all, and because of that I've lost several games.
4 replies
The Ambassador (1948 D (B))
17 Jun 18 UTC
Padlock City
What's the deal with all the padlocks that have appeared throughout my games when viewed on the vDip homepage?
57 replies
The Ambassador (1948 D (B))
27 Oct 17 UTC
1066 Tournament
As discussed in episode 23 of the Diplomacy Games podcast I'm thinking of putting together a 1066 tournament. Interested takers?
143 replies
Anon (?? D)
16 Jun 18 UTC
Would anyone like to join a Known World game?
0 replies
Frozen Dog (1515 D)
14 Jun 18 UTC
Playtest of variant
Hi! I am trying to organize a playtest of a variant I created with some unique rules that made it not possible to implement on vdiplomacy (yet!). I have called it 'Feudal Diplomacy'. [See below for details!]
3 replies
ubercacher16 (2196 D)
12 Jun 18 UTC
Possible Change
See first post
10 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
12 Jun 18 UTC
Game Showcase
Here, feel free to share any links to games that are notable to you!
10 replies
CCR (1957 D)
13 Jun 18 UTC
Zero games variants
I thought I'd create a few games of the newest variants, and looked for those still not played, without opened games, or no new ones yet.
2 replies
Mittag (1396 D)
09 Jun 18 UTC
Does anyone know any good adjudicator, online of for Mac, that I could use for playing around with positions?
7 replies
Caerus (1470 D)
04 Jun 18 UTC
Clock Watching - Sniping the NMRs
I am unaware of the actual term, but is it considered bad form here on vDip to change your orders in anticipation of an opponent's upcoming NMR?
36 replies
Ghastly (968 D)
07 Jun 18 UTC
Would appreciate a replacement for 1800 variant Prussia
I have no motivation to keep playing turns, so I figure I could give my only game to someone who does. Sorry for making a new thread, I couldn't find the game-sitters thread.
2 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
03 Jun 18 UTC
[New Variant] Scramble
Play as an European colonial power during the Scramble for Africa! Based on @Tristan's 'Africa' variant.

Soon on vDip:
13 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
30 May 17 UTC
1900 for vDip: Progress Report (ongoing)
As mentioned in another thread, I've been working on the code and assets necessary to port Baron M. Powell's variant 1900 to vDip and/or webDip.

In order to keep myself accountable in some fashion to actually complete this task, and not just talk about it, I've created a small project plan where I can mark my progress.
88 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
01 Jun 18 UTC
[Variant] Nautical
The Classic map, but with bigger sea territories!

16 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
28 May 18 UTC
Taking over Civil Disorders should be free of charge
Reasoning: the player who takes over a Civil Disorder is not just putting themself in a precarious position (as they must evaluate everybody's styles and strategies) but they are also saving the game's balance and fun.

In order to reward/incentive people to take more CDs, I believe that making it free of charge (rather than current 50% discount) would be for the best. Thoughts?
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G-Man (2466 D)
31 May 18 UTC
+1 Caerus!

And how about making it more simple:

Above the average number of centers among all players = 50% discount
Below the average number of centers for all players = free
Takeover in the first four turns = no discount
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
31 May 18 UTC
>Takeover in the first four turns = no discount<
For four turns or four phases?
Greenflame (1178 D)
31 May 18 UTC
I disagree. If a country NMRs early on their chances take quite a hit.
G-Man (2466 D)
31 May 18 UTC
Turns not phases.

But perhaps, as Greenflame points out, four turns is too mamy and two would be better. Certainly a country should be able to recover from one missed phase that other players would have seen coming beforehand (as they likely wouldn't have seen the 1st missed phase coming unless they were clock-watching), since countries also know a new player brings new opportunities at that early juncture.
G-Man (2466 D)
31 May 18 UTC
Sorry, phases not turns (bad habit of calling each season a turn), and that should be movement phases , i.e., Spring and Fall, so a full year including retereat phases would be completed before a discount was given.
Greenflame (1178 D)
31 May 18 UTC
Nevertheless there should be a discount if the country NMRs... after all that's hardly a risk-free venture (any country would take a hit either by not being able to get to some easy neutrals / losing contested non-SC areas).
G-Man (2466 D)
31 May 18 UTC
Yes, good points Greenflame. I'll revise my suggestion to just:

Above the average number of centers among all players = 50% discount
Below the average number of centers for all players = free
Greenflame (1178 D)
31 May 18 UTC
I don't see how that really deals with the NMR issue - what happens at equality?
G-Man (2466 D)
31 May 18 UTC
Other than further encouraging replacement players so the existing players can have the quality game they expected Greenflame, how would you propose incentivizing less CDs and NMRs?
Greenflame (1178 D)
31 May 18 UTC
I don't mean incentivizing less CDs / NMRs, I'm saying that there should be an increase in the discount if the replaced power NMRed in the past 2 turns or so.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
31 May 18 UTC
Making the taking over CDs free of charge would have the drawback that a player taking over a CD would not feel as responsible and as motivated to play well and to not CD himself.

What's more, and this is most important, if a player knows that his country will be taken over easily if he CDs, he will feel that CDing will not have that much consequences. That means that making the taking over CDs free of charge would increase the number of CDs.

Instead of trying to cure the consequence (sometimes at the cost of increasing the problem), one should try to cure the cause. What we need is to educate players so that they understand that NMRing is a lack of respect towards the other players.
Greenflame (1178 D)
31 May 18 UTC
then maybe give players some sort of penalty for NMRing?
Retillion (2304 D (B))
31 May 18 UTC
That is why the RR (Reliability Rating) was created.
Greenflame (1178 D)
31 May 18 UTC
Does it really do much though? I'm afraid I don't know very much about vdip lol
G-Man (2466 D)
31 May 18 UTC
Anyone taking over a country with less than half the average supply centers is pretty motivated, so I don't really think they would feel they didn't have to be responsible just because they were not being charged (and they stand to gain if they win or draw, so that's motivating).

And then there already is a penalty for CDs and NMRs and the lower your Reliability Rating drops, the less games you can play or will be invited to. And I still don't think it will be easy to get players to take over powers who've CD'd, so I doubt that will change the calculus on why a power would CD or NMR in the first place.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
31 May 18 UTC
We see too often players who take over a CD and who CDs themselves later in that same game. That is a proof that players who take over CDs are not always well motivated to play well.

Like I wrote it two messages ago : if a player knows that his country will be taken over easily if he CDs, he will feel that CDing will not have that much consequences. That means that making the taking over CDs free of charge would increase the number of CDs.
In other words, when someone knows that his "bad" behaviour will have less consequences, he is encouraged to keep acting in a "bad" way.

"To be responsible" means "to answer for one's action". The latin word "respondere" means "to answer" in English.
And so, when you know that you will not have to answer for your act, like CDing for example, you hesitate much less to do that act, like CDing in our example.
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
01 Jun 18 UTC
Actually, I'm in a game where Gemany CD'd, someone took over, CD'd, another person took over, CD'd, and now we're on our fourth Germany =)
Greenflame (1178 D)
01 Jun 18 UTC
then maybe institute harsher penalties for CD's? That's the only reasonable option I see. Perhaps if you CD you lose 10x your bet or have some sort of harsh temp restriction on joining games.
If we make it too harsh, we will start losing players altogether and we are too small a community for that. WebDip can afford to be picky, which is why they went banhammer happy for a while there. We cannot.
What we really need to look at is a carrot approach, not a bigger, more painful stick.
Mittag (1396 D)
01 Jun 18 UTC
Retallions post doesn't make much sense to me.

If you want to stop people from CD'ing then punish that. But, obviously, people who CD are not "responsible." They don't care about the game, so I don't know why they would care about wether someone will take over the CD or not. And, yes, irresponsible players could also pick up CD's only to CD themselves. They probably don't even care what the cost for picking up a CD is.

I thought we were talking about how to get players to pick up CD positions which are bad but still can affect the outcome of the game. Currently those are overpriced, and no (responsible?) player would ever pick one up.
Greenflame (1178 D)
01 Jun 18 UTC
I think the argument is that if you make taking over CDs free, then the player isn't as motivated to play as they usually would be. As for whether that's true or not I can't really decide... after all if someone's taking over a CD they're likely motivated to deal with the work arising from that.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
01 Jun 18 UTC
You are discussing 2 different things.

a CD already has a lot of consequences for your ability to play in the site.
If you CD in a given game you:
1.) Don't get your DPoints back
2.) The game counts as loss to every other player for your vDip-rating
3.) Your reliablility-rating takes a hit, so you can't join new games with a rr-limit
4.) There is a limit on how many games you can join depending how many NMRs and CDs you have on your account.
IMHO this is really enough (but any suggestions are welcome).

But the question is more how to make taking a CD more attractive.
JECE (1534 D)
01 Jun 18 UTC
YouCan'tHandleTheTruth: You can pull up my profile page from the Internet Archive. That should get you around an IP block. Or just use a smartphone with a data plan.

Who were you on webDip, anyway?
Enriador (1507 D)
01 Jun 18 UTC
I believe punishment for CDs is another matter entirely, well deserving its own thread.

The proposed discussion here is whether there should be further incentives for people to take over CDs. Some favor 1) zero points buy-in, others 2) a scaled version depending on SCs held by the dying power. Some other good proposals popped up as well.

I am fine either way, as long as option 2) has a hard limit of 50% of total bet. For example, if the bet is 50 points and the CD'd power is worth 60 points, the player taking over the power will only pay 25 points regardless (half of 50).
Retillion (2304 D (B))
02 Jun 18 UTC
Enriador wrote :
"The proposed discussion here is whether there should be further incentives for people to take over CDs. Some favor 1) zero points buy-in, others 2) a scaled version depending on SCs held by the dying power. Some other good proposals popped up as well."

Do not forget :
3) there should be NO further incentives for people to take over CDs.
@JECE - I'm Batman Draugnar.
4) Do away with points altogether.
Enriador (1507 D)
02 Jun 18 UTC
@Retillion wrote:

>We see too often players who take over a CD and who CDs themselves later in that same game. That is a proof that players who take over CDs are not always well motivated to play well.<

1) You say "all too often" such a thing happens. Is that so? Never heard of it.

2) Even if that's true, what's the alternative? Let games move on without a much-needed player? By making CDs easier to take, you are at the very least *giving the game a better chance* to move on as intended.

3) Making CD's more punishing to the dropout player won't solve the problem - the vast majority of CDs happen due to noobs who are experiencing the game or the site for their first time.

You may punish them however you wish - temporary site ban, 50% cut of total vDip points the player has, locked down to just one game at a time until they get 90RR, etc etc etc... it won't matter, the noob with 1000 vDip points and one game of 1066 completed will already have moved on with their life.

4) Taking points away has been proposed by Oli recently. I wonder how that would fit in with buy-ins and CD's.
Enriador (1507 D)
02 Jun 18 UTC
In conclusion: if a player takes the CD then goes and CD's themself, at the very least the game is back to stake zero - nothing is lost at all.. and with a reduced buy-in, the game will still have a better chance to find a proper replacement.

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62 replies
d-ice (1969 D)
16 May 18 UTC
Variants as maps, rules and tweaks
I’d like to propose a variant system that could lead to a significant increase in flexibility of testing out new variants.
12 replies
Imp. Dipl.: urgent replacement for Prussia required
For following game as Prussia:
Post your user ID/send it
3 replies
00matthew2000 (2409 D)
29 May 18 UTC
New Imperial Diplomacy Game, Players Wanted
0 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
24 Jan 18 UTC
New Variant: Dawn of the Enlightenment
It is on a temporary homepage,, since I am having a bit of trouble editing my main website. Please take a look. I would love to get comments, suggestions and criticism.
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