A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Macca573 (1517 D)
13 Feb 20 UTC
Adjacency Championship
I'm interested in finding what territory has the most adjacencies in all of Vdip. Why? For fun.
If you find a new winner, please type in the Variant's name, the territory name, and it's terr-ID (this makes it easier to find).
22 replies
kaner406 (2103 D Mod (B))
29 Feb 20 UTC
Mongolian Empire
Just to nip this in the bud, this should be 100 years later than the start time (1320 start NOT 1230 start) and it should be 14th century on the map.

Other than that - looking forward to seeing how this plays out! :)
10 replies
Macca573 (1517 D)
25 Feb 20 UTC
Do we do tournaments here?
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Divided States variant, come join!
1 reply
scotchtape22 (932 D)
20 Feb 20 UTC
Looking for replacements - Play by Email Game
I'm looking for 2 replacements for a play by email game using the following map:
Italy and Russia dropped in 1902. We are playing using email and
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BBQSauce123321 (2026 D)
20 Feb 20 UTC
The Circle
Recently been watching the new Netflix series "The Circle." It's a game show where the participants can only interact with each other through a "social network" where they can say or post whatever they want. Multiple people on the show are catfishing and lying while also forming a lot of great legitimate friendships. Reminded me a lot of playing Diplomacy
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18 replies
Classic Pick Your Countries
If you pick the countries, some countries could be in a better position than others
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Anon (?? D)
16 Feb 20 UTC
Giving up
Don't do it.
(gameID=41166 ; Unrelated, just hiding my identity)
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slypups (2729 D)
05 Feb 20 UTC
People who take the full turn every time in gunboat games
Even for retreats or builds. Just had to vent. That is all. Please, add your ire to the flame.
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Macca573 (1517 D)
04 Feb 20 UTC
"V" Diplomacy?
It just occurred to me why it's called V diplomacy.
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alifeee (1229 D)
13 Feb 20 UTC
Who wins if two players get the same winning SCs?
See: this game

Both Colombia and Argentina got to 18SCs (the winning number on this map) on the same turn. Colombia was marked as winning. How is this determined?
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Macca573 (1517 D)
11 Feb 20 UTC
No Variants page?
I can't get on to the variants page.
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Battalion (2386 D)
09 Feb 20 UTC
Becoming a new developer on vDip
I'm interested in trying my hand at developing a variant and have some questions...
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Piplup (421 D)
10 Feb 20 UTC
Divided States Win might occur!
In Ununited States of America New York might, and would be foolish not to try for a win
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Anarchy in the UK
How come the neutrals in Anarchy in the UK are green?
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Variants page
Whenever I want to look at the variants, it takes a long time to load the variants page. Does anybody else have this problem?
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Flame (1073 D)
06 Feb 20 UTC
ChessPolitik Variant
How do you like it? I found a variant which is very interesting...
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Swede03 (1517 D)
05 Feb 20 UTC
Webdip is down
Is this happening to you guys too? Also, I would like to know how to get back in or else get some sort of emergency pause. I've been trying periodically all morning and its not working
1 reply
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
05 Feb 20 UTC
Accidentally muted a thread
I accidentally muted a thread. Does anyone know how to unmute a thread?
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Elipticon (736 D)
29 Jan 20 UTC
Congratulations to Agnaar
Agnaar recently won the game Kill Lithuania and also Scotland (gameID=39135) and this nearly doubled their score, and also putting Agnaar in first place.

Agnaar (2345 D)
29 Jan 20 UTC
Feeling like a world champion tonight! :)

Huge thanks to the creator of Europa Renovation: concept of sealanes is brillant; to the team working here as well that is always very reactive and quick to fix reported bugs.
Eki83 (2150 D)
29 Jan 20 UTC
Congratulations Agnaar, great achievement to win Europa renovation game. But this vpoint-rankingsystem doesn't work. +1497 v-points is a joke.

I also think that player's ranking should slightly decrease if he doesn't play ranked games like cypeg.
kevdog8 (1780 D)
29 Jan 20 UTC
Congratulations Agnaar! A very impressive achievement.
Mr. Finkelmuiyer (1014 D)
29 Jan 20 UTC
Congratulations! I think the precedent here is to accept your ludicrously high score and never play a ranked game again.
Pomerschen (1199 D)
30 Jan 20 UTC
He is now #1 in V-points ever according to the hall of fame
Technostar (1302 D)
30 Jan 20 UTC
I'm impressed to see someone get a solo on this map so quickly. Divided States still hasn't had a solo and WWIV 6.2 took several years to get one. I guess this proves that a high province to SC ratio does allow for a solo victory without major NMRs even on very large maps. That was one concept I wanted to test out with this design, especially after my near-miss on soloing Divided States. Congrats to Agnaar for a well-played game!
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
30 Jan 20 UTC
I'd wager that the fact that it was gunboat contributed significantly to the solo as well. Coordinating to stop a solo is significantly more difficult in gunboat than in full press.
Mercy (2131 D)
30 Jan 20 UTC
Congratulations Agnaar.
Agnaar went up from 1612 vPoints to 3109 vPoints. Fun fact about vPoints: If he started out with MORE than 1612 vPoints, he would now have FEWER than 3109 vPoints.
Technostar, why would it be a surprise that, all other things being equal, low SC density should make soloing easier?
CCR (1957 D)
30 Jan 20 UTC
Use squares to diminish points in variants with more than seven players. Currently, A victory in a 37 player game instead of counts as defeating 36players what's the same as six classic solos - all at once. With squared points, such victory would count as something between two and three classic solos, what's more reasonable.
KingOfSwords (1497 D)
30 Jan 20 UTC
Drano019 - Yes indeed, the no messaging rule was a huge factor in the solo.
Bob Al Hubob (1143 D)
30 Jan 20 UTC
I'm enjoying the recriminations between the "surviving" parties.

Well done, Agnaar.
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
30 Jan 20 UTC
As such, should gunboat games be worth fewer vPoints than regular games?
ScubaSteve (1234 D)
30 Jan 20 UTC
That is magnificent.
JohnyD (2012 D)
31 Jan 20 UTC
@Sky_Hopper I believe that it should, yes. Gunboats are far easier to lose AND win. That's the reason that there are so many draws on the site, when there is the diplomacy factor. The coordination between players can get to insane levels and forcing the draw on outnumbering them foe, but that is almost impossible in a gunboat game. gameID=38953 - an example of a personal game, that was drawn while being outnumbered 28:51 (2 alliances not wanting to betray internally).

@Agnaar, congratulations, mate! It requires a lot of dedication for a win like this, especially with the setting of a 1 phase a day. Gunboat, or no, it's impressive!
Agnaar (2345 D)
31 Jan 20 UTC
Thanks for your comment johnyD, you re spot on : dedication; at least one hour per turn when 50+ units. Was tempted to click the "draw" button a few times.

Regarding that matter I have a suggestion to improve that variant if someone who is able to do it read this : you can get an uncommon large amount of units on this variant and it s very time consuming to find them in the orders page; would be a nice improvement if they were sorted by alphabetical order or even better by proximity.

To all who think the reward is way too high, it s true that it feels strange that I get more points in one game than in 15 s nearly impossible to achieve it. I got extremely lucky : opponents giving up or missing a turn, neighboors persuing personnal vendetta instead of logical moves, ally too passive, allied opponents hesitating, lucky with few guesses...Every opponent left missed at least one opportunity to stop me. And even with all this I reached the exact required number of Scs not knowing if I could get another one.
Future will tell but i m quite confident that you won t see a solo victory on that variant for a long time; so somehow the huge reward makes sense.

A reward system promoting solo victories is better anyway: I see too many games where good players build alliances to take on the weak links and then rush to draw to lock down a few points.
CCR (1957 D)
31 Jan 20 UTC
You can sort out unit list! Twelve forms: (alphabetically/build order/east to west/north to south)*(armies first/fleets first/mixed). Go to Account --> Settings --> Features ... and voilà!
Agnaar (2345 D)
31 Jan 20 UTC
haha, what an idiot! Two months searching units one by one and it was right there...As I said : extremely lucky that I won solo that one. :)
Thanks CCR.
kaner406 (2103 D Mod (B))
31 Jan 20 UTC
Hang on... Are you telling us you used dropdown orders for 50+ units and DIDN'T use the interactive map?!?!?!?
Ciyan (1151 D)
31 Jan 20 UTC
A true legend.
Macca573 (1517 D)
31 Jan 20 UTC
Or a true maniac!
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
31 Jan 20 UTC
Kaner -

That seems to be exactly what happened! I'm not sure whether Ciyan or Macca is right on this one! Maybe both?!

Regarding reward Agnaar:

I think you actually put out a pretty good argument as to why such a high reward is somewhat uncalled for. While I completely agree that games rush into draws way too fast a lot of the time, you yourself said that your victory was due to missing turns, people giving up, and people missing chances to stop you. All the other things are part of the game (hesitation, passivity, personal vendettas) but this victory, by your own admission, came from things "outside the game" so to speak: people missing turns and giving up (CDing?).

Despite that you would not have soloed except for these "outside the game" factors by your own admission, you're now technically the "best" player on the site per the rankings. I dare say not even you would argue though that just because you soloed one game that that makes you the best player on the site.

And this isn't the first time we've seen a large map solo vault someone to the top spot. It's the second, or maybe even the third time, I can't quite remember. Do you and those other players deserve kudos for a hard fought victory? Absolutely! But any ranking where one single victory almost automatically makes someone the "best" player is kinda silly IMO.
Mittag (1396 D)
31 Jan 20 UTC
Congrats to Agnaar!

I don't think it's possible to have a points system that can differentiate a "truly deserved" solo from somewhat a "less deserved" solo. You will have to reward them the same.
Piplup (421 D)
03 Feb 20 UTC
I always use the interactive
ubercacher16 (2196 D)
04 Feb 20 UTC
I don't understand how the interactive map works.
Macca573 (1517 D)
04 Feb 20 UTC
The things you can select are highlighted. Click the unit you want to give orders, the possible orders appear in boxes. You click terrirtories in the same order for drop downs (this mostly applies to just support moves; click where it's going, then the unit going there). For convoys, click the army that will move then the convoy box. Then select the fleets it will travel across then the land it will finish at, they will light up. This works for enemy fleets and armies too.

Hope this helps!

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Frozen Dog (1537 D)
17 Jan 20 UTC
Grief for a sad loss
So annoyed at myself for missing a third turn, but man, this new NMR system is tough.

Lost a 73 supply faction today. :'(
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Sky_Hopper (365 D)
24 Jan 20 UTC
Petition to change a power's name
I propose changing the name of the power named Alborian in Mars to "Alboria" - it just seems more consistent with the others.
1 reply
Macca573 (1517 D)
23 Jan 20 UTC
Game Limits?
I'm trying to join this game, and it's telling me I can't join because of "game limits".
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Macca573 (1517 D)
25 Nov 19 UTC
Balance in Economy
There is a variant called Classic - Economic
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Flame (1073 D)
10 Oct 19 UTC
14th Century Mongolian Empire NEW TEST
Some bugs are already fixed but we need more testitng. Please join just to move units and discuss the errors.
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Flame (1073 D)
24 Apr 19 UTC
This variant was installed several years ago. But I didn't remember who developed it. variant got several bugs. Who will fix it and give us a final release of a map? ;-)
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tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
05 Jan 20 UTC
Changes to the Reliability System
The Reliability System has been updated now to address the issues introduced with the missed turn schema some months ago.
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Flame (1073 D)
20 Jan 20 UTC
Lepanto 6X variant
Hi! We are about to continue variant development after 3-years delay!

Who wants to join?
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Seinwave (1010 D)
17 Jan 20 UTC
Territory is a supply center on the smallmap, isn't on the big map.
Am I going crazy? I'm looking at the Africa variant at As far as I can tell, on the smallmap, the Uganda territory is marked as a supply center, while it isn't on the bigmap.
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