Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for JMB22 (1915 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
19010 The battle of britain HeptarchyIV Survived -25 975
18976 Journey to Miklagard Viking Survived 15 990
19259 The sound of silence-10 ClassicCrowded Survived 76 1066
19528 We suck at football, excel at war AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -22 1044
19777 Gobbledygook GobbleEarth Defeated -26 1018
23468 (IRE)-2 ClassicVS Survived -7 1011
23475 (TIG) ClassicVS Drawn 15 1026
23483 Darkest Africa-2 Africa Defeated -20 1006
23471 (FAT) ClassicVS Won 54 1060
23463 Happy Meal AmericanConflict Survived -17 1043
23664 Left of the Dial ClassicFog Won 95 1138
23790 Take to the Seas ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 5 1143
23659 Holy Lands FirstCrusade Defeated -24 1119
23845 Gaffney Abstraction3 Defeated -13 1106
24161 Diplomacy 7 Islands ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 20 1126
23678 Imperialism-5 Imperial2 Defeated -18 1108
23830 Risk and a Memento Rinascimento Drawn 0 1108
24404 Something wicked this way comes ClassicFog Drawn 85 1193
24594 FunFog ClassicFog Survived -10 1183
24764 IER-4 ClassicIER Survived -6 1177
23677 Great WAR Imperial2 Defeated -8 1169
24755 Lax Security AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -35 1134
25094 Watchdog USofA Drawn 29 1163
24734 Aberrational -2 AberrationV Defeated -18 1145
25419 No Jack Sparrow Pirates Survived 191 1336
25044 Fletch Europe1600 Survived 65 1401
24409 Colonial Domination Colonial1885 Drawn 53 1454
26155 World Conqueror Imperial2 Defeated -29 1425
26776 Octopus Gunboat-9 ClassicOctopus Drawn 10 1435
26722 Enlighten Europe Enlightenment Drawn 38 1473
27231 TOO MUCH CHILE SouthAmerica5 Defeated -31 1442
27448 TheMay KnownWorld_901 Drawn 97 1539
27698 machiavellian Rinascimento Drawn 0 1539
27426 Total Domination Classic1897 Drawn 0 1539
25038 Eternal Damnation Haven Drawn 138 1677
28361 foggy X ClassicFog Survived -37 1640
28316 2017 The Trump Wars AmericanConflict Drawn 20 1660
29600 Scurvy AtlanticColonies Survived -17 1643
29196 Youngstown-8 YoungstownWWII Drawn 5 1648
30120 Rise the sun Sengoku5 Drawn 24 1672
29394 Depression WhoControlsAmerica Defeated -36 1636
29552 foggy XXIII ClassicFog Defeated -38 1598
29397 Hari Karibik Karibik Drawn 14 1612
30154 Chaos! ClassicChaos Defeated -66 1546
30324 GGBattle GreatLakes Defeated -19 1527
30097 As long as I live Imperial2 Drawn 24 1551
30712 Otto von Bismark Germany1648 Drawn 25 1576
30693 MerNorBrisWalEAngexit is cooler than Brexit AnarchyInTheUK -37 1539
30654 War of the Pacific Redux SouthAmerica8 Drawn 33 1572
31076 Known World Gunboat-3 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -48 1524
31783 Crowded Confusion ClassicCrowded Defeated -35 1489
30376 Odyssey CustomStart Defeated -40 1449
31815 Chaos is a ladder ClassicChaos Drawn 80 1529
31868 Plugger AgeOfPericles Defeated -40 1489
30000 Launching of WWX WWIV Defeated -34 1455
32652 Can't Whisper Napoleonic Defeated -25 1430
30508 WWIV Gunboat WWIV_V6 Defeated -40 1390
32600 Chaos is a pit ClassicChaos Defeated -46 1344
32018 GE GobbleEarth Survived -9 1335
33141 We are all Ilyrians and Celts AncMed Survived -2 1333
32756 Pirate's Life Pirates Defeated -8 1325
32834 New WW WWIV Defeated -14 1311
36437 On a cloudy day VII ClassicFog Drawn 43 1354
36358 Fantasy-2 FantasyWorld Drawn 16 1370
37241 What the Fog-2 ClassicFog Won 199 1569
36884 foggy 98 ClassicFog Survived -23 1546
37257 1453 Fall of Constantinople Renaissance1453 Survived -37 1509
37260 foggy 103 ClassicFog Survived 10 1519
37160 Italian Shoes Continuum Rinascimento Drawn 0 1519
37583 Churchill's Got Armies ClassicBritain Defeated -33 1486
38133 Economic Gunboat-3 ClassicEconomic Survived -40 1446
38101 Smoking jackets and single malt scotch Edwardian3 Defeated -21 1425
36742 USA divided Divided_States Defeated -42 1383
38642 foggy 115 ClassicFog Drawn 38 1421
37780 Chaos Control ClassicChaos Defeated -36 1385
38799 Unholy Roman Empire Europa_Renovatio Defeated -34 1351
43311 For those who missed the first wave. Scottish_Clan_Wars Won 187 1538
40792 Fog of war with messaging ClassicFog Defeated -45 1493
44236 No chat just fun 78 Classic1897 Won 74 1567
44113 Time...-3 Classic Drawn 32 1599
45922 Crowds in 2020 ClassicCrowded Defeated -57 1542
45937 War of the Rising Sun Sengoku5 Drawn 41 1583
45906 Prawn Star NorthSeaWars Survived 19 1602
45928 Die happy IV Classic1880 Survived -36 1566
45933 Slow Greeks GreekDip Won 94 1660
45918 Fog of War - Slow Classic1898Fog Drawn 25 1685
46866 Why not crowded? WTA ClassicCrowded Survived -59 1626
46461 The Red Pill ClassicLayered Drawn 16 1642
46867 Why not 1880? WTA Classic1880 Defeated -45 1597
45710 Pointy Pointy Stabby Stabby Imperial2 Drawn 63 1660
46864 Why not...? Modern2 Defeated -55 1605
48071 FoW gunboat - slow role II Classic1898Fog Won 59 1664
48196 funGoat 12 ClassicMilan Defeated -45 1619
45898 Novichok-20 against COVID-19 Europa_Renovatio Drawn 135 1754
48052 AFRICA !!! (Strict NMR; Gunboat; PPSC) Africa Defeated -34 1720
48195 funGoat 11 - WTA ClassicFlorence Drawn 21 1741
49165 Bun Goat-2 ClassicFog -43 1698
46856 Divided We Fall-3 Divided_States Defeated 0 1698
49042 Diplomacy's Final Form ClassicChaos Drawn 61 1759
48915 Canton A Hont Tin Roof Canton Defeated -36 1723
50491 The Smyler With the Knyfe Rinascimento 0 1723
51593 Italy, England, and Russia ClassicIER Won 12 1735
50492 Italian Wars-2 Rinascimento Drawn 0 1735
52304 Le Grande Design EmpiresCoalitions Defeated -52 1683
49118 This is madness II Europa_Renovatio Drawn 246 1929
52577 Hyva AberrationV Defeated -51 1878
52558 Speculation and Theory Edwardian3 Drawn 12 1890
49954 WWIV -2 WWIVsealanes -38 1852
48352 High Renovatio Jackpot Europa_Renovatio Defeated -42 1810
51275 Wait, how many stars and stripes?! Divided_States Defeated 0 1810
53441 Austria rejects the Diet AustrianSuccession Defeated -30 1780
54225 NØKK ClassicFog Drawn 12 1792
54292 It’s Lyin’ Time Again! ClassicGreyPress Defeated -21 1771
55145 Mo Salah Legend ClassicEgypt -40 1731
55814 A Good Pirate Never Steals Pirates Survived -50 1681
55177 Known World Gunboat-7 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -38 1643
55727 Aberration V GUNBOAT AberrationV Survived 51 1694
56401 East Indies Gunboat EastIndies Drawn 81 1775
56319 Gunboat Headache Migraine Drawn 38 1813
56802 Aberration gunboat -2 AberrationV Defeated -43 1770
56696 Sand boat 2 GobbleEarth Won 345 2115
57416 Classic is boring? Come here! Baron1900 Survived -48 2067
56783 Choose a World to Know a World-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -50 2017
57264 Gobble Gunboat-2 GobbleEarth Survived -61 1956
57742 Crescent & Cross Crusades1201 Defeated -52 1904
56336 The Fifty Nifty Divided States! Divided_States Survived 0 1904
57737 Sender Unknown ClassicGreyPress Defeated -57 1847
57734 Paths of Glory Baron1900 Defeated -37 1810
57211 A Place We Call Home - American Indians / 4-day Ph GreatLakes Drawn 31 1841
58656 Hartstikke Goed DutchRevolt Drawn 13 1854
58082 Playing through all the variants #9: Modern Europe A_Modern_Europe Defeated -24 1830
57996 Choose a World to Know a World-3 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 44 1874
59592 Fog of War Classic Gunboat Classic1898Fog Survived -48 1826
60746 Finkelboat-77 PunicWars Survived -31 1795
60740 Finkelboat-71 PunicWars Survived -40 1755
60736 Tzatziboat GreekDip Survived -44 1711
58498 Terra-3 WWIVsealanes Defeated -41 1670
59731 Worldwide Gunboat World10 Drawn 72 1742
61576 Playing through all the variants #24: Chesspolitik Chesspolitik Won 36 1778
61163 Ursula ClassicOctopus Survived -11 1767
60763 Balthazar-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -54 1713
61148 1885 Gunboat-22 Colonial1885 Drawn 24 1737
59651 El Mundo Gunboat-2 WWIV_V6 Drawn 178 1915