Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Lord Wolf (1792 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
42060 Cold War 03242020 ColdWar Defeated -2 998
42059 Cold War 03282020 ColdWar Defeated -2 996
42277 Cold War-64 ColdWar Survived -5 991
42517 Practice-12 ColdWar Drawn 0 991
43722 Try again?-7 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 989
43732 Civil War-84 Empire1on1 Defeated 0 989
43734 Civil War-85 Empire1on1 Won 5 994
43765 Try again?-8 Empire1on1 Won 3 997
43788 Civil War live Empire1on1 Won 3 1000
43780 1v1-250 ColdWar Defeated -5 995
43738 Civil War-86 Empire1on1 Won 5 1000
43806 Try again?-12 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 998
43841 Try again? Live-2 Empire1on1 Drawn 0 998
43842 Try again? Live-3 Empire1on1 Won 2 1000
43859 Civil War live-2 Empire1on1 Won 2 1002
43851 beepboop-2 Empire1on1 Won 3 1005
43884 Civil War live-3 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1003
43887 Civil War live-4 Empire1on1 Won 2 1005
43888 Civil War live-5 Empire1on1 Won 3 1008
43889 Civil War live-6 Empire1on1 Won 2 1010
43910 Civil War live-7 Empire1on1 Won 1 1011
43919 Civil War live-8 Empire1on1 Won 2 1013
43920 Cold War live-13 ColdWar Won 8 1021
43823 10 (V2.0) Gunboat123 TenSixtySix_V2 Won 13 1034
43909 Try again?-16 ColdWar Won 7 1041
43906 Try again?-15 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1039
43982 Try again?-19 Empire1on1 Won 1 1040
43983 Try again? Live-5 ClassicGvI Won 6 1046
43998 1v1-257 ColdWar Defeated -5 1041
44002 1v1-261 ClassicFvA Defeated -3 1038
43999 1v1-258 ColdWar Defeated -6 1032
44128 Try again? Live-7 Empire1on1 Won 1 1033
44205 1v1-277 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 1032
44315 Try again? Live-9 Empire1on1 Won 3 1035
44357 Try again? Live-11 Empire1on1 Won 2 1037
44356 1v1-298 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1035
44384 AnotherOne?-2 Empire1on1 Won 5 1040
44479 1v1-314 ColdWar Defeated -5 1035
44517 Himeji Castle 005 (FT) ClassicVS Survived -5 1030
44599 1v1-326 ColdWar Defeated -3 1027
44508 Cold War 07012020 ColdWar Defeated -4 1023
44600 1v1-327 ColdWar Defeated -4 1019
44602 1v1-329 Duo Won 8 1027
44509 Cold War 06302020 ColdWar Defeated -3 1024
44601 1v1-328 Duo Won 7 1031
44712 CW exercise-11 ColdWar Defeated -5 1026
44715 CW exercise-13 ColdWar Won 3 1029
44737 Does a bear poo in the woods?-4 Empire1on1 Survived -5 1024
44655 1v1-330 Duo Defeated -3 1021
44017 Dark Age Diplomacy DarkAges Survived -32 989
44656 1v1-331 Duo Defeated -3 986
44733 1v1-344 Empire1on1 Won 6 992
44579 1v1-322 Duo Won 6 998
44657 1v1-332 Duo Defeated -3 995
44238 No chat just fun 77 Classic Drawn 41 1036
43879 1937 Gunboat!-3 WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 37 1073
44911 Okokok Empire1on1 Won 2 1075
44816 1v1-360 Duo Defeated -4 1071
44916 Wow-3 Empire1on1 Won 2 1073
44915 CW-13 ColdWar Won 5 1078
44941 CW-15 ColdWar Defeated -5 1073
44237 No chat just fun 79 Classic1898 Drawn 56 1129
45033 Cold War-88 ColdWar Defeated -5 1124
43942 13th century lockdown MongolianEmpire Defeated -37 1087
44489 African Gunboat 101 Africa Survived 0 1087
44286 Non-Problematic Game GreatLakes Defeated -16 1071
44701 Gunboat Colonial Diplomacy 101 Colonial Drawn 0 1071
44236 No chat just fun 78 Classic1897 Defeated -16 1055
44807 Whatever ClassicVS Defeated 0 1055
44780 Fog of War-26 Classic1898Fog Defeated -23 1032
42463 Lockdown Renovatio Europa_Renovatio Defeated -23 1009
44113 Time...-3 Classic Defeated -13 996
44881 Easy.......... WTA Classic Drawn 39 1035
44955 No chat just fun 87 Classic1898 Survived -21 1014
46061 1v1-364 Empire1on1 Won 2 1016
45952 Speedboat Africana Africa Defeated -13 1003
46246 America-26 Empire1on1 Won 4 1007
46105 Invisible War Classic1898Fog Survived -21 986
45953 Speedboat Colonial 1885 Colonial1885 Survived -9 977
46071 foggy 140 - WTA ClassicFog Drawn 16 993
45966 Colonial Gunboat 1885 Colonial1885 Survived -18 975
43683 eee Imperial2 Defeated 2 977
42805 Culling the Herd 2: Electric Boogaloo Europa_Renovatio Defeated -16 961
45218 Ottoman Bismark Colonial1885 Defeated -6 955
44683 Colognes Colonial1885 Defeated -17 938
45927 Die happy III Classic Drawn 13 951
46407 foggy 1898 - 31 Classic1898Fog Survived -8 943
46230 Das G-Boat Colonial 1885 Colonial1885 Survived -1 942
46373 Viking G-Boat Viking Survived -2 940
46736 The Confederate uprising Empire1on1 Defeated -2 938
46206 Diplomacy 1900-2 Baron1900 Defeated 0 938
46824 2 play-2 Empire1on1 Won 2 940
46322 Das Atlantik G-Boat AtlanticColonies Defeated 0 940
45928 Die happy IV Classic1880 Won 124 1064
46698 Classic Gunboat Series - Croatia-2 ClassicCroatia Defeated -18 1046
44844 Eye of the storm Europa_Renovatio Defeated -21 1025
45181 1885-2 Colonial1885 Drawn 120 1145
46424 Gunboat Means Anonymous, not No Press. However thi Classic1880 Defeated -21 1124
46412 Return of the Mongols MongolianEmpire Survived -16 1108
46411 Welcome to the future Empire4 Drawn 47 1155
46641 Stranger Danger Modern2 Survived -45 1110
46416 Grecko GreekDip Defeated -28 1082
46067 Edith Puthie Habelya Defeated -17 1065
46879 foggy 144 ClassicFog Defeated -15 1050
46441 You cant hide - you cant run! Classic1898Fog Survived 32 1082
46762 Crazy openings pls Classic Defeated -15 1067
43656 (En)Joy Division Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1067
46408 What is Known / What is Unknown KnownWorld_901 Survived 38 1105
46438 Easy...,... WTA Modern2 Defeated -20 1085
46802 Something Different - 22 MongolianEmpire Defeated -23 1062
46880 Where are the Team players? Classic Defeated -33 1029
46752 Rise of the hordes MongolianEmpire Defeated -1 1028
46371 Colonial 1885 G-Boat Colonial1885 Defeated -13 1015
46628 Brexited out-2 World10 Drawn 126 1141
47456 a tasty old time war for oil ColdWar Won 3 1144
47455 CoRvid 19 Sounds like a player for the Cleveland B ClassicFvA Won 4 1148
47457 Mob Hit Empire1on1 Won 1 1149
46958 Oven ready diplomatic disaster YoungstownRedux Defeated -16 1133
47091 foggy 145 ClassicFog Survived 12 1145
47145 No chat just fun 101 Classic Drawn 30 1175
47069 Classic Gunboat-20 Classic Drawn 14 1189
47539 Rock Feuds: Levon Helm v. Robbie Roberstson ColdWar Defeated -9 1180
47077 FOG-13 ClassicFog Defeated -22 1158
47152 foggy 146 ClassicFog Survived -19 1139
47260 Things that go bump in the night Classic1898Fog Survived -11 1128
47070 Classic Gunboat-21 Classic Survived 48 1176
47739 TSAR BOMBA ColdWar Won 3 1179
47026 Mongol's Merry Christmas Conquest MongolianEmpire Survived 141 1320
47418 Africa Gunboat 2021 Africa Defeated -30 1290
46533 Die happy 11 Classic1898 Defeated -23 1267
47925 Cold War 03072021 ColdWar Defeated -4 1263
47894 Civil War 03042021 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 1262
41151 On the Origin of Feces WWIVsealanes Drawn 127 1389
47759 Foggy 1898 IV Classic1898Fog Defeated -28 1361
47675 Sic Semper Tyrannis AustrianSuccession Defeated -38 1323
47758 Gunboats in the Fog IX ClassicFog Defeated -14 1309
47501 Classic Gunboat-23 Classic Defeated -23 1286
48184 Treaty of Verdun 1 TreatyOfVerdun Survived 9 1295
47881 Low Bet - Deuces Wild ClassicOctopus -32 1263
47729 Its All Greek To Me AgeOfPericles Defeated 0 1263
47885 Gunboat gunboat I ClassicBrazilian Defeated -23 1240
48724 Retry 3am ClassicGvI Won 5 1245
48815 Pasta Punica PunicWars Survived -9 1236
48131 funGoat 1 Classic Drawn 32 1268
47882 foggy 151 ClassicFog Won 103 1371
48734 Octopus 4 ClassicOctopus Defeated -31 1340
48382 Gunboats in the Fog X ClassicFog Defeated -19 1321
48748 Everyone vs Rhodes 2 - The Rheckoning GreekDip Won 61 1382
46359 WWWoww WWIV Defeated -33 1349
48755 Classic Gunboat-28 Classic Won 160 1509
47849 Ancient Gunboat Olives and Feta (no weekends) AncMed Drawn 22 1531
48735 98FOW-GB Classic1898Fog Defeated -30 1501
48922 Gof Classic1898Fog Survived -19 1482
49110 Caribbean Moves Karibik Won 73 1555
48928 Say what? AncMed Defeated -27 1528
48895 Django Classic1898Fog Won 157 1685
49070 In Space, No One Can Hear You Message Mars Drawn 20 1705
48985 Haydar Classic1898Fog Defeated -31 1674
48896 MacyDiplo Classic Defeated -39 1635
47563 Diplo en français comme autrefois KnownWorld_901 Defeated -9 1626
49278 Civil war-93 Empire1on1 Won 1 1627
48217 Yalla mashallah MongolianEmpire Survived -23 1604
48728 More Coffee and More... Again Africa Survived -21 1583
49215 Errare Humanum Est-3 NorthSeaWars Survived -37 1546
49117 Classic Gunboat-29 Classic Survived -20 1526
48744 Gunboat Colonial-3 Colonial1885 Drawn 51 1577
49190 In the Mist Classic1898Fog Survived -28 1549
49079 Concrete jungle Classic1898Fog Defeated -46 1503
49039 Classic GB PPSC Classic Drawn 46 1549
49257 The Hound of Munster CelticBritain Survived -23 1526
48886 Don't get Turkey! Colonial1885 Defeated -27 1499
49492 Violence with Silence Classic Drawn 16 1515
49225 Blind samurai Sengoku5 Defeated -50 1465
49214 Vae Victis-4 SpiceIslands Survived -40 1425
49028 Leidizencentilminin ClassicFog Drawn 30 1455
49793 [GUNBOAT] The Ancient Mediterranean AncMed Drawn 14 1469
48820 Conquerers in the Colonies in Covid-Times Colonial1885 Drawn 55 1524
49534 Gunboat001 Classic Defeated -33 1491
49442 Pan African Struggle Africa Defeated -51 1440
49222 The Man They Call Jayne Canton Defeated -43 1397
49069 Let's Colonize Colonial1885 Defeated -46 1351
49448 Twisted Classics 1 Classic1898Fog Defeated 0 1351
49574 1885 is difficult Colonial1885 Survived 32 1383
49722 Gunboat Forever Mars Defeated -30 1353
49474 Foggy Gunboat XI ClassicFog Drawn 55 1408
41201 European Vacation Europa_Renovatio Defeated -30 1378
49945 AM-5 AncMed Survived -20 1358
49944 AM-4 AncMed Defeated -34 1324
49665 Candor Canton Defeated -35 1289
50067 Final Norm-2 Classic Drawn 33 1322
49815 Youngstown Gunboat-4 YoungstownRedux Defeated -31 1291
49978 Final Norm Classic Drawn 37 1328
49006 Rise of an Empire KnownWorld_901 Defeated -30 1298
49953 WWII-25 WWII Defeated -15 1283
50784 Homer's Odd I See 2 GreekDip Won 81 1364
49434 The day and a half blitz #2 Colonial1885 Defeated -32 1332
50055 Give Peace a Chance (Gunboat) Modern2 Defeated -24 1308
50696 Edwardian Brinksmanship Edwardian3 Survived -42 1266
50463 MEGA GUNBOAT NAPOLEONIC Napoleonic Defeated -42 1224
50745 Gunboat-14 AberrationV Survived -39 1185
50681 Foggy Gunboat XII ClassicFog Defeated -17 1168
50373 1885 Press Colonial1885 Defeated -26 1142
41200 DSA Divided_States Defeated -18 1124
50925 Homer's Odd I See 3 GreekDip Drawn 18 1142
51370 USA-10 Empire1on1 Won 8 1150
51371 USA-11 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 1149
51373 USA-13 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1147
51369 USA-9 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1145
51372 USA-12 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 1144
51461 Classic Germany vs. Italy ClassicGvI Defeated -5 1139
50749 1885 Gunboat-5 Colonial1885 Won 484 1623
49955 1885-3 Colonial1885 Defeated -44 1579
51452 FA-28 ClassicFvA Won 9 1588
51453 GI-12 ClassicGvI Defeated -6 1582
51471 Classic Germany vs. Italy-2 ClassicGvI Defeated -11 1571
50633 Merowww Imperial2 Defeated -39 1532
50805 Stalemates 101 Colonial1885 Defeated -23 1509
51230 Youngstown gunboat-10 YoungstownRedux Defeated -24 1485
51257 What's Beyond The Mist? Classic1898Fog Survived -5 1480
51425 Homer's Odd I See 4 GreekDip Drawn 21 1501
50593 For the Empire!-2 Imperial2 Drawn 61 1562
50919 imperial Gun boat Imperial2 Drawn 36 1598
51460 Das Gunboat-7 WWII Drawn 37 1635
51457 Youngstown Gunboat -2 YoungstownRedux Survived -36 1599
51499 Foggy Gunboat-7 ClassicFog Drawn 31 1630
51998 AF-20 ClassicFvA Survived -7 1623
51506 Canton Gunboat Canton Drawn 35 1658
51305 Alternative History AberrationV Defeated -44 1614
51356 Home of the Brave II Empire4 Defeated -28 1586
49570 36-4-All Europa_Renovatio Defeated -34 1552
51463 Imperial Gunboat-4 Imperial2 Defeated -27 1525
51639 More Coffee and more Cocoa Africa -31 1494
52072 Youngstown WWII Gunboat -2 YoungstownWWII Drawn 17 1511
51969 Frenzy in the Fog ClassicFog Defeated -34 1477
52185 Foggy 1898 IX Classic1898Fog Survived -28 1449
51966 Diplocracy II AgeOfPericles Defeated -27 1422
52011 Colonial game Colonial Drawn 13 1435
52084 African Gunboat-6 Africa Defeated -52 1383
51967 Diplocracy III AgeOfPericles Drawn 24 1407
52295 Classic Fogboat-3 Classic1898Fog Won 205 1612
52070 Das Gunboat-14 WWII Drawn 38 1650
51406 Free for all Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1650
52541 Civil war -5 Empire1on1 Defeated -4 1646
51968 Modern Mingling Modern2 Drawn 66 1712
52542 Duo-113 Duo Defeated -7 1705
52308 gunboat-18 Classic Defeated -31 1674
52550 1v1 - American Secession War-18 Empire1on1 Defeated -3 1671
52607 1v1 Civil War Empire1on1 Won 1 1672
51941 1885 Gunboat-8 Colonial1885 Drawn 42 1714
52374 Yeehaw Viking Survived -41 1673
52628 1v1 Civil War-2 Empire1on1 Won 6 1679
51771 crusade gunboat 3 FirstCrusade Defeated -39 1640
52555 Finkelboat-7 Hundred Survived -7 1633
52073 1885 Gunboat-9 Colonial1885 Defeated -44 1589
52693 1v1 Civil War-3 Empire1on1 Won 6 1595
51856 nmii KnownWorld_901 Defeated -46 1549
52753 Classic France vs. Austria-12 ClassicFvA Defeated -8 1541
52772 Classic Germany vs. Italy-25 ClassicGvI Survived -9 1532
52773 Classic France vs. Austria-13 ClassicFvA Survived -9 1523
52509 Reinheitsgebot Germany1648 Defeated -27 1496
52768 1v1 Civil War-4 Empire1on1 Won 4 1500
51776 Winter Olympics MongolianEmpire Won 132 1632
52626 Classic Fogboat-4 Classic1898Fog Survived -28 1604
52392 1937gunboat WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -57 1547
52529 Martian Gunships-2 Mars Won 68 1615
52178 Known World Gunboat-4 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -39 1576
52832 Classic France vs. Austria-15 ClassicFvA Defeated -9 1567
52850 Fast little game 2 AtlanticColonies Won 48 1615
52187 World at War 1937 - Gunboat! WorldAtWar1937 -8 1607
52502 Balkans 1860 Gunboat Balkans1860 Survived -25 1582
52862 Classic France vs. Austria-16 ClassicFvA Won 6 1588
47046 Gang Bang in Europe Europa_Renovatio Defeated -40 1548
52892 Classic France vs. Austria-17 ClassicFvA Defeated -8 1540
52925 1v1 - Cold war-15 ColdWar Defeated -7 1533
52907 Classic France vs. Austria-18 ClassicFvA Drawn 0 1533
52932 Cold War-213 ColdWar Defeated -8 1525
52940 Cold War-215 ColdWar Won 4 1529
52244 R m8ies Pirates Defeated -15 1514
52971 Cold War-217 ColdWar Defeated -9 1505
52980 So Cold ColdWar Defeated -9 1496
49314 EU4 Roleplay Europa_Renovatio Defeated -13 1483
52981 Practice -5 ClassicFvA Drawn 0 1483
52985 Classic Germany vs. Italy-33 ClassicGvI Defeated -7 1476
52526 Africa Gunboat-4 Africa Defeated -27 1449
52074 Imperial Gunboat-5 Imperial2 Defeated -31 1418
52868 Heptarchy Gunboat 3 HeptarchyIV Survived -28 1390
52624 1885 Gunboat-10 Colonial1885 Survived -9 1381
49118 This is madness II Europa_Renovatio Defeated -24 1357
52819 Total War: Dark Ages DarkAges Survived 17 1374
51574 Four Heralds Winterkorn Bloodbath Europa_Renovatio Defeated -3 1371
53115 1v1-396 ColdWar Defeated -9 1362
53118 Practice -6 ColdWar Won 4 1366
53120 Classic France vs. Austria-31 ClassicFvA Won 7 1373
52917 Kurfürsten unter sich Germany1648 Survived -47 1326
53114 1v1-395 ColdWar Survived -10 1316
52916 Colonial Chaos Colonial1885 Survived -30 1286
52510 Papacy and Pasta Rinascimento Defeated 0 1286
52858 North American Showdown ManifestDestiny Won 115 1401
52852 Strange Planet Gunboat Habelya Won 102 1503
53328 So Cold-5 ColdWar Survived -11 1492
48358 No name-11 Divided_States -73 1419
52669 Alt History Iceberg AberrationV Defeated -38 1381
52625 Imperial Gunboat-6 Imperial2 Survived 88 1469
52782 Known World Gunboat-5 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 70 1539
48352 High Renovatio Jackpot Europa_Renovatio -30 1509
51906 Global WWIVsealanes Defeated -23 1486
52284 Kings and Generals Imperial2 Survived 27 1513
52311 Parma A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1513
53291 In Bloom ClassicFog Defeated -21 1492
52886 colonial-gunboat Colonial1885 Won 117 1609
53044 WW1 all over Imperial2 Survived -7 1602
53305 Gunboat Classic Classic Defeated -25 1577
53370 Heptarchy Gunboat 5 HeptarchyIV Survived 0 1577
52910 The world was more fun without America Colonial1885 Defeated -21 1556
53409 Blind-2 Classic1898Fog Defeated -22 1534
53121 Colonial Chaos III Colonial1885 Drawn 52 1586
51286 Renaissance-4 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -40 1546
53508 Classic Gunboat-40 Classic Drawn 21 1567
53140 Colonial Chaos IIII Colonial1885 Survived 13 1580
53088 Colonial Chaos II Colonial1885 Won 101 1681
53476 Youngstown Gunboat-9 YoungstownWWII Defeated -19 1662
53480 African Gunboat-7 Africa Defeated -37 1625
52785 Gobble gobble -2 GobbleEarth Survived -20 1605
53308 world gunboat World10 Defeated -28 1577
53592 98fowgb Classic1898Fog Defeated -35 1542
53484 Youngstown WWII Gunboat -3 YoungstownWWII Drawn 28 1570
53539 Gunboat 20h: Fall of America Empire4 Defeated -38 1532
53426 Youngstown Gunboat -8 YoungstownRedux Defeated -24 1508
54022 98FOW-GB-PPSC #05: Decade! Classic1898Fog Defeated -20 1488
54097 98FOW-GB-WTA #10: St.Petersburg! Classic1898Fog Won 207 1695
53967 98FOW-GB-WTA #04 Classic1898Fog Defeated -45 1650
53545 369 Africa Defeated -45 1605
54089 The Quiet Game Classic Survived -21 1584
54166 98FOW-GB-PPSC #06: Decade 2! Classic1898Fog Defeated -32 1552
54173 98FOW-GB-WTA #17: Budapest! Classic1898Fog Defeated -29 1523
54229 [98FOW]Decade 3: Clyde! Classic1898Fog Won 101 1624
52719 How much of the world can you know? KnownWorld_901 Defeated -26 1598
54308 98FOW-GB-WTA #24: Constantinople! Classic1898Fog Survived -31 1567
54226 98FOW-GB-WTA #21: Rome! Classic1898Fog Survived -58 1509
54295 98FOW-GB-WTA #23: Sevastopol! Classic1898Fog Survived -25 1484
54227 98FOW-GB-PPSC #07: Baltic Sea! Classic1898Fog Survived -25 1459
54261 [98FOW]Decade 5: Ruhr! Classic1898Fog Defeated -37 1422
54305 98FOW-GB-PPSC #10: Ionian Sea! Classic1898Fog Survived -7 1415
53587 Das Gunboat-17 WWII Defeated -17 1398
53151 ÖREBRO A_Modern_Europe Defeated -34 1364
54303 98FOW-GB-PPSC #09: North Sea! Classic1898Fog Survived 12 1376
54260 98FOW-GB-PPSC #08: Black Sea! Classic1898Fog Defeated -23 1353
54221 Europe10 GB #05: Lisbon! Modern2 Defeated -44 1309
53422 Known World Gunboat-6 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -10 1299
53481 Imperial Gunboat-7 Imperial2 Defeated -24 1275
54077 Imperial Gunboat-9 Imperial2 Drawn 56 1331
54371 1885 Gunboat-14 Colonial1885 Drawn 74 1405
55178 Cold War Gunboat-7 ColdWarRedux Survived -21 1384
55260 join-11 Viking Survived -20 1364
54771 Imperial Gunboat-10 Imperial2 Defeated -15 1349
54132 901 Gunboat-2 KnownWorld_901 Survived -15 1334
52930 Terra WWIVsealanes Defeated 10 1344
55634 Fog War - what is it good for? ClassicFog Defeated -28 1316
53329 Mistletoe grinding shoepolish mudcake Europa_Renovatio Defeated -19 1297
54812 1885 Gunboat-15 Colonial1885 Defeated -5 1292
53982 europe36 gb2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -11 1281
56467 Finkelboat-53 Chesspolitik Won 102 1383
56469 Finkelboat-55 Chesspolitik Survived -16 1367
56468 Finkelboat-54 Chesspolitik Survived -18 1349
51725 The 26704th Europa Renovatio Gunboat Game Europa_Renovatio Survived -2 1347
53985 El Mundo Gunboat WWIV_V6 Defeated 3 1350
53173 EU4 Roleplay-2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -12 1338
60010 Classic-Gunboat-900 Classic Drawn 32 1370
59859 220 Classic Drawn 56 1426
60078 ClassicGunboat-5 Classic Survived -40 1386
60060 atlantic colonies gunboat-4 AtlanticColonies Survived -22 1364
60047 ClassicGunboat-4 Classic Survived -22 1342
59706 Viking Gunboat-14 Viking Survived 5 1347
60107 Atlantic Colonies Gunboat-5 AtlanticColonies Survived -21 1326
60130 ClassicGunboat-7 Classic Won 220 1546
60183 ClassicGunboat-9 Classic Survived -50 1496
60086 Chaos is a Ladder - The Black Plague MongolianEmpire Defeated -50 1446
59592 Fog of War Classic Gunboat Classic1898Fog Won 220 1666
60409 ClassicGunboat-12 Classic -3 1663
60186 Das Gunboat-63 WWII -41 1622
60397 ClassicGunboat-11 Classic -40 1582
60113 AbberationVGunboat AberrationV Defeated -31 1551
60743 Finkelboat-74 PunicWars Won 47 1598
60093 Austrian Succession Gunboat-3 AustrianSuccession Defeated -39 1559
60158 Das Gunboat-62 WWII Defeated -32 1527
59842 colonial 1885 4 Colonial1885 -35 1492
60168 GunboatYoungstownRedux YoungstownRedux Defeated -19 1473
60744 Finkelboat-75 PunicWars Survived -26 1447
59448 Quiet Euro A_Modern_Europe Defeated -27 1420
60136 ClassicGunboat-8 Classic -48 1372
59952 Island Hopping-4 EastIndies -34 1338
60745 Finkelboat-76 PunicWars Defeated -21 1317
60887 Rookie Gunboat-2 Classic Drawn 13 1330
59834 Colonial 1885 gunboat-14 Colonial1885 Survived -19 1311
60479 Youngstown Redux-4 YoungstownRedux Won 354 1665
60920 Glasnost-2 Modern2 Drawn 44 1709
59624 Massive European Gunboat Europa_Renovatio -17 1692
61256 Fog of gunboat-2 ClassicFog Defeated -45 1647
61411 98-fowgb-06: Smyrna Classic1898Fog Won 159 1806
61406 98-fowgb-03: Warsaw Classic1898Fog Drawn 2 1808
61403 98-fowgb-01: Kiel Classic1898Fog Defeated -24 1784
61670 98-fowgb-27: Hamburg Classic1898Fog Survived -49 1735
61637 GB-10: Kathmandu Classic Drawn 5 1740
60763 Balthazar-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -53 1687
61713 98-fowgb-32: Rostov Classic1898Fog Defeated -43 1644
59651 El Mundo Gunboat-2 WWIV_V6 Defeated -33 1611
61673 98-fowgb-28: Frankfurt Classic1898Fog Won 194 1805
61663 98-fowgb-25: Lyon Classic1898Fog Defeated -24 1781
61635 GB-08: New Delhi Classic Drawn 16 1797
62129 1v1 AvF-2 ClassicFvA Defeated -5 1792