A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Yuul (1178 D)
03 May 13 UTC
Can't input orders
I am in a game, can't say which as its Anonymous, and it has the double exclamation points telling me to input orders and I go to the game, and it says at the bottom "You have no orders to fill for this phase." Yet it is Autumn, and everything else is indicating I do. What's up?
10 replies
theemperor000 (1040 D)
03 May 13 UTC
Classic game?
Any interest in just playing a regular ol' classic game? gameID=14083
0 replies
General Cool (978 D)
03 May 13 UTC
Help Me!
Please sign up and help me beat my friends!
0 replies
So who here thinks they can handle the truth?
Then sign up here to play a full press non-anon 24 hour game of Ankara Crescent. Once I have six other suckers, I will create the game. Buy in of 164 OK?
2 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
01 May 13 UTC
(Small) change in how the RR works...
Till now the RR relied on the "missed phases".
9 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
29 Apr 13 UTC
SYnapse Hostage variant
Hey SY,

I liked your thoughts on a hostage map, if you need any help, let me know. :)
14 replies
Youngstown WWII
After some time of work, my new Youngstown variant is ready to be released. I would like to take this time to thank everyone who helped me make this a reality, especially Oli.

You can post comments about the game here.
14 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
29 Apr 13 UTC
Join this new YoungstownWWII variant!
New game by ImperialDiplomat, YoungstownWWII variant now in session:
gameID=14019 Join up and let's rock the house!
0 replies
Philcore (968 D)
28 Apr 13 UTC
Woo Hoo! No longer a rookie!
Apparently 20 phases is the magic number to become a non rookie. That was really bothering me!

I pledge to the site to never fall below my current 98%+ rating!
8 replies
Schnormann (862 D)
24 Apr 13 UTC
Need a sitter
I´ll need a sitter next week cuz I´m on vacation.

Who wants?
15 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
25 Apr 13 UTC
New feature: Notices...
Merged the main webdip-code with our codebase.
In games you will now have a "Notes"-tab, where you can post personal notes for this game.
Let me know if there are problems...
46 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
25 Apr 13 UTC
My church is finally progressing!!
Ok so, the brief story is, my church just had a big national conference where they decided to accept homosexuals as priesthood members and support gay marraige in states where it is legal. I just wanted to share that.
12 replies
This is for #meepmeepismoronmoron - FUCK! MOTHER FUCKER! FATHER FUCKER!
Ok, that should get him to mute me here too.
12 replies
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
24 Apr 13 UTC
(+6) what is it?
I found a mysterious website called It looks like vdiplomacy and has a similar format, but it's not exactly the same. It has a very raucous forum, way more users, and has very few variants available. Anyone know what this is all about?
15 replies
Anon (?? D)
25 Apr 13 UTC
Anarchy in the UK
I haven't seen this one before. Should be good. 10 point buy in. Starts soon.
0 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
22 Apr 13 UTC
Need a sitter
As you all know I am going to be getting married soon and in that regard I need someone to sit my account for me while I'm on my honeymoon about three weeks from today do I have any takers?
39 replies
chris (589 D)
24 Apr 13 UTC
Sitter request for a World IX game
Anyone free to sit my World IX game for a few days? Another sitter of mine is in this game too so I am not asking him to do this. Please PM me if you are not in this game and you are free to sit.

2 replies
Gen. Lee (997 D)
25 Apr 13 UTC
Live game thread
Who is online now and wants to play?
4 replies
I understand MeepMeep doesn't like f-words... Join me in posting your favorites here.
Fast Food
Fried Fish
44 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
24 Apr 13 UTC
Two questions:
6 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
24 Apr 13 UTC
Minor Feature Request on New Games Page
Would it be possible to show the number of players needed next to each game on the New Games page?
5 replies
Schnormann (862 D)
24 Apr 13 UTC
Need a sitter

I´m on a vacation next week, so I´ll need a sitter then.
1 reply
fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Apr 13 UTC
Ankara Crescent
Time to start a new game in celebration of the diplomacy variant. To keep it simple, we'll ignore all the conventions that have occurred since 1991 with exception to the London 2009 convention, so I do especially like that one.
I'll start the game off with an army in Prague
45 replies
Word Chain
This was something orginally made popular on WebDip. Let's try it out here. The rules are simple; each person posts a new word and the words posted before s/he, in order. For example, if I posted "Salutations", the next person to post would post "Salutations <insert word>" and so on.
70 replies
zultar (1241 D)
22 Apr 13 UTC
Political thread for blankflag: Please post so blankflag will move here
As per blankflag's request, I'm asking people to step up their political debates here. Blankflag said that he will consider the move if this forum is more lively. Please, please, be more thoughtful and considerate. Please post more political debate.
In exchange, we can take back MeepMeep.
12 replies
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
28 Nov 12 UTC
Nuclear Diplomacy: what are your thoughts?
Continue reading...
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So for a long time I’ve wanted to create a new variant called Nuclear Diplomacy. I’ve been working with Oli to iron out if there’s any coding issues and we seem to have a plan. The issue comes down to gameplay and were interested in the community’s views on how to make this variant work best.

It all comes down fundamentally to two options: (1) a game of 10 players who all have the ability to build and launch nuclear weapons or (2) a game where at the start 10 players can build and launch nukes, but there’s also a further 16 players without nukes initially, but after kicking off reactors and the sort can produce nuclear weapons at the start of the third game year. Option two means considerably more players which will obviously make it a lot harder to attract enough people in a game, but I think has a lot more realistic potential and explores the dynamic of a non-nuclear player winning the game (or at least surviving!)

Ok, so the details/rules so this makes a little more sense:

• the game would be played on the territories marked in the WWIV map

• The year is 2021. The ongoing global depression has worsened and tensions between creditor and debtor nations has reached breaking point, especially after America's default causing a rapid shrinking of its military. The United Nations is seen as nothing more a debating chamber after it turned a blind eye a decade earlier to Iran and North Korea's successful nuclear weapons development. Since that time a string of nations have turned their nuclear reactors into weapons factories.

• Conventional units: There are two unit types in this variant, conventional and nuclear. Conventional units are a combined naval and army force. They can move to any passable adjacent territory on the board whether land or water. Aside from this they behave like a normal unit in Diplomacy.

• Nuclear units: These units can travel to any territory on the board as they are delivered by ICBM's. In addition they have an attacking multiplier and will successfully destroy any unit, even if it is being support held by multiple units. At this point of time any half decent Diplomacy player would think "Ahh, I'll just build nukes and destroy my opponents." But you'd be wrong. Once your nuclear weapon has been used it will also be destroyed, so if used to attack an SC your nuclear weapon cannot occupy the SC. If you held your SC's come the build phase as the nuclear weapon has destroyed in the detonation you can rebuild a unit (nuclear or conventional) the following build turn. A special mention that while nuclear weapons have an attacking multiplier, they cannot defend effectively. A conventional unit will always win attacking a nuclear unit, unless that nuclear unit is being support held by a conventional unit. Normal rules of support holding and attacking then apply.

• Nuclear fallout: There is one other major downside to using nuclear weapons. If detonated on an SC, not only does it destroy your ICBM and any opposing player's unit, it will also destroy the SC itself. A nuclear fallout symbol will form over the territory and it can no longer be accessed by anyone. Again the Diplomacy player may think "This is great, I can annihilate my enemies and keep building more nukes to attack everyone else and win the game." This is of course very, very wrong. Setting aside the fact that your opponent is likely to nuke you back the following turn, the world is rapidly slipping into a nuclear holocaust. While the effects of nuclear attack is most prominent where the missile explodes, come any build phase if 50 or more the SCs are destroyed globally, the atmosphere has become so contaminated that life cannot be sustained and every player will be defeated by the nuclear fallout. Special note: nuclear explosions on non-SC territories are considered to employ battlefield nukes with lower tonnages. The nuclear fallout in these territories is significantly less, allowing units to still move to the territory post-detonation and do not contribute to the risk of nuclear fallout defeating everyone.

• Home supply centers: Units may be built on any vacant supply center that has been held for a fall. (i.e. all supply centers controlled by players are considered their "home supply centers" for the purpose of building units)

• The first turn: builds The game starts with a build phase for every power. Nuclear powers can choose whether to build nuclear or conventional forces or a combination.

• The 10 starting nuclear powers are USA, France, Britain, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Israel and North Korea. The non-nuclear powers would only add up to 16: Japan, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Brazil, South Korea, Thailand, Canada, Australia, Turkey, Columbia, Chile, Indonesia, Algeria, Egypt, Angola and South Africa (grand total of 26 players.)

I am fully aware that players like USA and Russia have a numerical advantage in starting in SC’s (and therefore units) over smaller SC starting players (eg Germany, France, Thailand, etc), but as a result I expect they’ll be more of a target in potential nuclear conflict as other players attempt to reduce their power.

Please vote for Option 1 or 2 and/or add your thoughts on how to improve gameplay.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
28 Nov 12 UTC
If a player looses an SC due to nuclear fallout - I am assuming that SC is deducted from their total SC count?
I prefer going for option 1 as a start, and then when we're done with that we can have a review on any adjustments and improvements, incorporating them into option 2 in another game.

Thoughts here:
a) instead of reduced defense capabilities, I suggest requiring 2 new centers for every 1 nuclear weapon, so as to reflect the high cost relative to convention units in reality (and in fact nuclear weapons are guarded heavily in reali life too)
b) for option 2, can we enable the option for nuclear powers to grant non-nuclear ones the ability to build nuclear weapons so to reflect nuclear proliferation and technological spillover in reality? The nuclear power can notify the Gamemaster of such an intent.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
28 Nov 12 UTC
I prefer option 2. That gives the 'non-nuclear' countries the ability to build nuclear units after the first year has past.

As for making 2 SCs = 1 nuke, this sounds horribly complex and hard to code,
The 'granting' of nuclear power to players could be achieved via a SRG but it sounds very difficult to code.
Gumers (1801 D)
28 Nov 12 UTC
What a great idea! I want to play that!
Option 2 is my vote.
@kaner's 1st post - the SC isn't deducted from the total count if destroyed by a nuke. Instead it is transfered to a neutral non-playing country called "Nuclear Fallout". Once too many SCs are nuked "Nuclear Fallout" wins, which means everyone else loses (like real nuclear war), so the incentive for players is to walk the fine line of getting an advantage in the war using nukes but not destroying so much that the earth becomes poisoned and no-one can survive.

Keep up the discussion everyone!
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
28 Nov 12 UTC
Well, I must vote for option 2 (double+good)
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
28 Nov 12 UTC
I also prefer option two. If the only challenge is getting enough people, then we are all set. We don't seem to have trouble getting WWIV or Chaos games started. Question, are you changing the map for this? Because North Korea and China would have very tense relations at first, as one example, with North Korea not having a supply center in its own territory.
If we are not taking the "grant" option, how about setting a prerequisite for non-nuclear powers to build nuclear units? Amby said they can be built in the third game year, but how about adding the condition that they can only build them if they got a certain number of supply centres? Some nuclear weapons need huge funding ...
Blank Cheque (1006 D)
28 Nov 12 UTC
I think we should attempt option 2 and if it turns out poorly, then move to option 1. I think this game will attract enough popularity to be very successful even with 26 players required though
Somehow* not some ...
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
28 Nov 12 UTC
Option 2 vote here..

Also curious about the change involved in dropping from 35 countries to 26 countries and how/where the new borders will be drawn.

As for coding I like the 'gain X supply centers before getting nukes' idea, but don't know how easy it is to code, the 'all countries gain nukes after 3 years' sounds much easier to code.
butterhead (1272 D)
28 Nov 12 UTC
Option 2 vote for me!
Kal (1360 D)
28 Nov 12 UTC
If I may suggest, a similar variant exists called New World Order, created by the maker of WWIV.

The big key here is that like the original WWIV, it's meant to by a vote, not SC count.
Kal (1360 D)
28 Nov 12 UTC's meant to BE WON by a vote, not SC count.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
28 Nov 12 UTC
Kal, I think it's important to note that the "simplified version" of NWO was drastisctically edited as a (failed) experiment. Many nations were virtually unplayable because of the map tinkering, most notably India, but most of the larger nations were entirely screwed by the map redraws, to say nothing of the rule changes. Even though the map redraws were done by the variant creator, they were very haphazrdly considered and rushed into the simplified version. If anyone was going to pick this NWO up to convert to VDiplomacy they's want to start with the original game. And that game has many rules that need to be rewritten and clarified.

One interesting component of adaptaption for VDiplomacy of the WW4 map is that it doesn't pick up the voting rules, which makes for a much more playable game. The voting rules as written were designed to limit the PBEM GM's time invested in the game rather than player enjoyment, or any real measure of player performance. While the idea of voting a coalition of winniner was an interesting angle, the call for a vote to end the game after 8 years of play is simply insane. A Diplomacy game on map of this scope with 35+ players can not be properly or conclusively played in 8 years.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
28 Nov 12 UTC
I like the fallout rule. We experiemtned with it in the above mentioned game, but the number of SCs was set ridiculouslus low (12-15 centers), and the game reached a crisis point almost immediately, with one player threatening to dump the game after just a few years. This triggered the voting in of a coalition of also rans as "winners". Now this dynamic wasn't all bad, it was actually cery interesting if it appeared int eh end game. But the variant creator (GM) wanted the end of the game to occur after 8 years, so the threats to dump the game into Armageddon were already very real in the first few years of the game. The 50 center limit provides a much more playable game.

While the larger nations are perveived as more powerful to start the game, they are also obvious targets for pigpiling. In this way I think that the game fuctions better as a 35+player game because it creats a lot more chaos and forces the liker nations to conduct diplomacy in so many places, that it makes it very difficult to harness their power at full capacity. And the randomness of 35 players roaming around also adds to the fun. With variable victory conditions and buy in requirements you could level the perceived imbalance of starting power. For example if the USA players has to invest 50 D to buy in the game as compared to 5 D for a one SC nation like Cuba, and if VDip points were awarded for suriving the game with a proportinate number of centers relevant to their starting position, it could attract people to the "weaker" powers.
butterhead (1272 D)
28 Nov 12 UTC
This gives me an idea :)
but lets not derail this thread!
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
28 Nov 12 UTC
Option 2 vote! This sounds very interesting...
Kal (1360 D)
28 Nov 12 UTC
RUFFHAUS raises excellent points. I linked to the Simplified version because it dumped the UN Peacekeepers and Terrorism aspects (then being closer to what The Ambassador was outlining above). The 35-player map is indeed flawed, but the 50-player(!) map didn't seem to have the same issues.
fasces349 (1007 D)
28 Nov 12 UTC
"While the larger nations are perveived as more powerful to start the game, they are also obvious targets for pigpiling. In this way I think that the game fuctions better as a 35+player game because it creats a lot more chaos and forces the liker nations to conduct diplomacy in so many places, that it makes it very difficult to harness their power at full capacity. And the randomness of 35 players roaming around also adds to the fun. With variable victory conditions and buy in requirements you could level the perceived imbalance of starting power. For example if the USA players has to invest 50 to buy in the game as compared to 5 for a one SC nation like Cuba, and if VDip points were awarded for suriving the game with a proportinate number of centers relevant to their starting position, it could attract people to the "weaker" powers."
This system is kind of represented in the variant risconismento (or however you spell it), so it wouldn't be to hard.

Option 2 sounds interesting. On top of that I would fully support having the US have by far the most amount of scs, with China in second, Russia in 3rd etc.

"a) instead of reduced defense capabilities, I suggest requiring 2 new centers for every 1 nuclear weapon, so as to reflect the high cost relative to convention units in reality (and in fact nuclear weapons are guarded heavily in reali life too)"
Actually this is a myth. Yes developing a nuclear program is challenging and expensive, but in reality once you have one it becomes cheaper and cheaper to build nuclear weapons.

In the 1970s, both USA and USSR had more then 20,000 nukes each, and each of those nukes was more then 100 times as powerful as the ones dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (with the largest being more than 5000 times as powerful, TSAR BOMB FOR THE WIN!). Despite those massive numbers, the nuclear programs in both the USA and the USSR was only a small fraction of their overall military budget, let alone the entire budget for either country.

If possible (coding), what I would support is for non-nuclear powers, in order to build nuclear weapons they need to develop a nuclear program, to do that they need to 5 times over the course of the game build nuclear program in a scs. So, essentially wave builds to get nukes. Once they're there, they can build nukes.

My last concern is:
"Japan, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Brazil, South Korea, Thailand, Canada, Australia, Turkey, Columbia, Chile, Indonesia, Algeria, Egypt, Angola and South Africa"
My concern is having 2 countries in the Korean peninsular. I would rather have North Korea there and have South Korea as armed neutrals.
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
28 Nov 12 UTC
Option 2 too, and i like the option of making in like risconismento too :-)
Some time ago, someone made the suggestion of making a nuke variant,but it was planned to be kind of the opposite of the Greek Diplomacy, so in the first phase, every player has a certain amout of nukes and anti-nukes he can place...if ha nuke hits a territory, it gets destroyed and is not able to be passed by units for the rest of the game. If the is a anti-nuke in the territory, the nuke wont make any damage, whlie two nukes would hit the target etc...

And about the 50 bombings max...i am afraid that the players having nuke will use them all in the first few years, being afraid that later they would propably not able to use them anymore because eg already 48 SCs have been nuked...
So option 2 seems to be a strong favourite. One thing I should have mentioned is some SCs may change a little to improve balance between players. I'd also be adding a SC for North Korea and they'd start in the build phase with a unit in a nearby sea territory (they'll need to grab an SC by the end of autumn to keep the 2nd unit. Ditto South Korea (although they at least have an SC to begin), with a 2nd unit in the opposite sea.

Re: reminscito (I can never spell it either!) that makes a lot of sense as south Korea starting on 2 SCs as an example has it tougher than USA which might start with something like 10 SCs. I know Oli has some reservations on using reminscito style rules in future variants. Can't remember the details why. Hopefully he can remind me/fill everyone else in.

Like the idea you need to get to a certain number of SCs to build nukes if starting as a conventional player but again I'd be guided by Oli on what is/isn't possible.

And thanks for all the support!
G-Man (2466 D)
29 Nov 12 UTC
Somebody's working overtime--good stuff! I like the 26-player (or even a 20-player/10 and 10) World variant with option 2 and the Rinascimento point distribution stipulation. It sounds like gameplay might be a bit smoother, i.e., we wouldn't be rushing to Armageddon so fast -- or almost every time out -- if a certain number of supply centers have to be reached in order to build nuclear Weapons. Thus, the U.S., China, and Russia would start with more centers than England and France, who would in turn start with more centers than Iran and Korea. And non-nuclear powers could have a higher threshold to cross in order to build nuclear weapons.
fasces349 (1007 D)
29 Nov 12 UTC
US has to have by far the most starting scs (15-20)
Russia and China about equal for 2nd and 3rd (8-1)
Everyone else should have under 5
In that case the phase should be long enough to encourage more diplomacy ~ say three days?
airborne (970 D)
29 Nov 12 UTC
Ugh, I would think the end of the world would be the net result of nuclear war
iLLuM (1569 D)
29 Nov 12 UTC
I have tears in my eyes. This would be so great.

The NWO variants have always been a favourite. Considering that there are regular WWIV games on here.. finding the numbers does not seem to be a problem!
myLAAN (1109 D)
30 Nov 12 UTC
I also like the option 2 better.

And I want to be the guy with 3 SCs, 3 nukes, and 3 explosions till nuclear fallout...
butterhead (1272 D)
01 Dec 12 UTC
@myLAAN- that's my only concern is players facing defeat but have some nukes left might say "Screw it, if I am gonna lose, everyone is *launches nuke, causes nuke fallout, everyone loses*"

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132 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
21 Apr 13 UTC
Chapatis banned
11 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
16 Apr 13 UTC
24 days left til I get married
Somebody, give me ideas to live out my manhood before I get married...that is all.
24 replies
Damian (1025 D Mod)
20 Apr 13 UTC
A WTA Challenge (Beginning May 1st)
Alright You liverwort loving cockatrices, I'm looking for a challenge. A WTA classic game for those brave enough to face this rugged seasoned professional.

So how about it, are ya lily livers up to it?
Only the best and brightest need apply. So if you think you have the balls for it, sit down and we'll wrangle out the timeframe and conditions.
3 replies
Cunnilingus (1603 D)
01 Apr 13 UTC
Diplomacy Etiquette
If someone makes a game and states in the title that it's "for noobs" why are people with 400 and 500 D, who have played that variant multiple times joining? Not going to name any names, but it happened recently and I don't understand it. Do these people just say "Well, this look like an easy way for me to get more points." Is there anything that can be done to stop it from happening? Maybe if there was a script that can tell if you've played that variant more than once in the past?
55 replies
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