A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
06 Apr 13 UTC
WWII Glitch
A major glitch has occured with the WWII variant. I have paused all affected games until Oli can check it and hopefully fix it. If your game becomes affected, please report it in this thread, and a moderator will pause the game ASAP.
6 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Apr 13 UTC
Imperial Diplomacy II, 20 SC Holland needs replacement

Holland just NMR'd. Still has a great position and 20 SCs. A replacement would really help.
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Apr 13 UTC
Spring 1897 (first turn), need replacement Italy

Please consider joining. You won't be behind. All we're doing this turn is placing our first build, and you still have nearly a day and a half to negotiate that.
0 replies
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
06 Apr 13 UTC
NMR: serious
I thought that with this setting, players who are about to NMR, are sent CD and the gamephase gets extended...that did not happen in one of my games though...why?
3 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
06 Apr 13 UTC
Reasonably High Point Game
Anyone up for a high-point non-anon Classic game?

0 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
24 Mar 13 UTC
New Game Concept
This might have been tried before but here it is. More below
21 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
02 Apr 13 UTC
Classic Anniversary!
More to follow...
34 replies
Choice of Country
Being new to vDiplomacy, I'm curious to see what people choose for their country when the option in a game is given. For example, which nation would you choose for World War IV? Feel free to give preferences for other variants.
8 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
03 Apr 13 UTC
Anon WWIV games. Rare?
I have not seen many anonymous (specifically WWIV) games, does noone like these types of games? what is the general consensus? I feel as if they are a more fair, unbiased game. (because I believe people hold grudges, trust certain players more, recognize player tags and play according to their names, not their diplomacy, etc. )
17 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
28 Feb 13 UTC
Revolution Game
Bear with me...this is a long one!
66 replies
Need one player for Russia. New Game:
0 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
01 Apr 13 UTC
New Feature - Bonuses
Hi all,
As you may notice from my profile, I am now a Moderator :)
I have now been given my first task as Mod; to announce the new bonuses feature. Explanation to follow (apologies that it's in a letter format - it was originally intended to be PM'd to every account, but it ended up being too long.) :
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
01 Apr 13 UTC
New Feature

Dear VDiplomacy Players,

Since Oli's time maintaining the site is on the decline at the moment, a full support team has been hired to look after and update .

To help pay for this service, we will require funding from the members of this website. However, since these contributions will be significant in the upkeep of the site, the Moderators and Oli have agreed that a reward that is a little more than just a donator icon is appropriate.

Oli spent a lot of time last night integrating a new feature which will allow users who donate a certain amount of money to the site to gain additional bonuses, in-game and out of game. For each dollar you donate, you will gain one VDip Donator Point, which can be spent on bonuses by clicking on the 'Bonuses' tab in the help menu, which you can access by clicking on the 'Help' button at the top-right of your screen. The bonuses are as follows:

In-Game Bonuses:

Bonus: Extra Unit
Cost: 30 VDiplomacy Donator Points (1 use), 100 VDPs (5 uses)
Effect: Allows an extra unit to be placed in a game on any open non-SC province. This unit requires no SCs to upkeep but in all other respects is the same as a normal unit.

Bonus: Destroy Unit
Cost: 30 VDPs (1 use), 100 VDPs (5 uses)
Effect: Allows you to destroy one enemy unit in a game.

Bonus: Claim SC
Cost: 50 VDPs (1 use), 200 VDPs (5 uses)
Effect: Allows you to claim any one unoccupied SC in a game. This SC cannot be taken by enemy units.

Bonus: Claim HSC
Cost: 60 VDPs (1 use), 220 VDPs (5 uses)
Effect: Same as 'Claim SC', but you can build on the SC you claim.

Bonus: View Moves
Cost: 60 VDPs (1 use), 220 VDPs (5 uses)
Effect: Allows you to view the moves entered of one of your opponents.

Bonus: View Chat
Cost: 80 VDPs (1 use), 300 VDPs (5 uses)
Effect: Allows you to view all messages sent by one of your opponents.

Bonus: View All Moves
Cost: 90 VDPs (1 use), 350 VDPs (5 uses)
Effect: Allows you to view the moves entered by all of your opponents.

Bonus: View all Chat
Cost: 120 VDPs (1 use), 500 VDPs (5 uses)
Effect: Allows you to view all messages sent by all of your opponents.

Bonus: Force CD
Cost: 140 VDPs (1 use), 620 VDPs (5 uses)
Effect: Forces a country of your choice into Civil Disorder. The original player's RR is not effected, but they cannot return to the game.

Bonus: Force Draw
Cost: 150 VDPs (1 use), 650 VDPs (5 uses)
Effect: Allows you to force a draw in one game. Cannot be used if your country is already defeated.

Bonus: Force Solo
Cost: 200 VDPs (1 use), 900 VDPs (5 uses)
Effect: Gives you an instant solo in one game. Cannot be used if your country is already defeated.

Out of Game Bonuses:

Bonus: Minor Increase RR
Cost: 20 VDPs (1 use)
Effect: Increases your RR by 10%.

Bonus: Average Increase RR
Cost: 30 VDPs (1 use)
Effect: Increases your RR by 20%.

Bonus: Major Increase RR
Cost: 50 VDPs (1 use)
Effect: Increases your RR by 50%.

Bonus: Decrease RR
Cost: 50 VDPs (1 use), 200 VDPs (5 uses)
Effect: Decreases the RR of a user of your choice by 10%.

Bonus: Silence User
Cost: 100 VDPs (1 use), 400 VDPs (5 uses)
Effect: allows you to silence a user you find annoying for 48 hours. This only applies to Forum posts - they are still able to communicate in-game.

Bonus: Infinite RR
Cost: 200 VDPs (1 use)
Effect: Increases your RR to infinity, so you can never lose RR by CDing or missing phases. Missed phases and unbalanced CDs also stop appearing on your userpage.

Bonus: Ban User
Cost: 250 VDPs (1 use), 1100 VDPs (5 uses)
Effect: Allows you to ban a user your find annoying. This does not perma-ban them; they can create a new account.

Bonus: Perma-Ban User
Cost: 400 VDPs (1 use), 1800 VDPs (5 uses)
Effect: Allows you to permanently ban a user you find annoying. They will not be able to create a new account.

Bonus: Protect from Bonuses
Cost: 500 VDPs (1 use)
Effect: Renders your account permanently immune to out-of-game bonus effects by other players.

Bonus: Cheater's Haven
Cost: 1000 VDPs (1 use)
Effect: Renders your account permanently immune to Moderator Actions, such as bans and silences.

You are also able to buy Diplomacy Points and VDiplomacy Points at the following rates:

10 Diplomacy Points cost 1 VDP.
5 VDiplomacy Points cost 1 VDP.

To donate, please follow the instructions given by my VDiplomacy guide-video:

Thanks for your support, and we hope you enjoy this new feature!

Oh, and by the way, Happy April Fool's!
Halt (2077 D)
01 Apr 13 UTC
I almost had a heart attack half way into the list...

Until I realized there was no way you'd ruin Diplomacy by doing something like this.
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
01 Apr 13 UTC
I figured it out by the time i read 1/4 of the page lol.
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
01 Apr 13 UTC
Cunnilingus (1603 D)
01 Apr 13 UTC
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
01 Apr 13 UTC
hahaha I was sure that was a rickrolling link! Awesome! :D :D :D
G-Man (2466 D)
01 Apr 13 UTC
Ha ha -- good one!
ashleygirl (1285 D)
01 Apr 13 UTC
You made me cuss :-).
butterhead (1272 D)
01 Apr 13 UTC
Lol. Wait how come you get to be a mod?! No fair! lol
so which part of it is an April Fool's ... ? Now I'm being fooled ...
tiger (1653 D)
02 Apr 13 UTC
damn it i fell for that lol
tiger (1653 D)
02 Apr 13 UTC
lukas podolski i think the whole thing was just a joke. at least this joke was better than having someone pour cold water on you at around 4:30am, like my cousin did today
but Captainmeme was really made a Mod haha
whoa that's not funny at all ...
tiger (1653 D)
02 Apr 13 UTC
ikr i'll get him back... any good pranks you think i should do?
nvm, I'll spare him :p
mfarb (1338 D)
03 Apr 13 UTC
jesus! I didnt even get a quarter of the way through before I started writing a strongly worded reply. If only you guys could have seen how pissed I was! (there were a lot of caps in this reply)
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
03 Apr 13 UTC
C'mon, show it to us ;)

18 replies
Scotieboy9 (838 D)
03 Apr 13 UTC
classic live game
I know its late but im starting a claasic live game called the return of scot
Because im returning after a break from diplomacy
7 replies
Tyran (1399 D)
03 Apr 13 UTC
Webdip down
Anyone else unable to access webdip at all? I keep getting some error message
9 replies
Anon (?? D)
02 Apr 13 UTC
Planet Haven
gameID=13370 need another 10 ppl or so for a 10 pt buy-in Haven game!
1 reply
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
30 Mar 13 UTC
Stalemate Line Are Crap!
10 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
30 Mar 13 UTC
Lying with stats
Do games with banished ( red 'X' ) violators playing at the conclusion of a game, draw or win, count in the Hall of Fame statistics?
Should they?
3 replies
fuzzyhartle1 (856 D)
29 Mar 13 UTC
Game sitting.
i need someone to watch over my games for a week. Starting tomorrow.
4 replies
League of Legends
Just out of curiosity, and some small bias that I'm likely to find some gamers here rather than elsewhere...does anybody here play Leagues?
33 replies
NikeFlash (979 D)
27 Mar 13 UTC
FOW varient
I know that there are several fog of war maps; however I believe that it should just be an option for any map under the advanced settings. That being said I am not technically savvy enough to make the code for that.
6 replies
General Cool (978 D)
18 Mar 13 UTC
Question on WWII variant
Can an army in Morocco or el aiun move to canary without a convoy?
10 replies
tiger (1653 D)
04 Mar 13 UTC
New Team Game
Who's interested in a two player team game? The map will depend on the number of people I can get to sign up. The phase length will probably be 2 days, and the bet 10 D or lower, also depending on how many people there are. Interested parties post below along with your partner.
266 replies
Anon (?? D)
26 Mar 13 UTC
Please Join: "Peloponnesian War!" (Age Of Pericles map)

In my opinion, it's one of the better-designed variant maps on the site. In my first game with it now.
2 replies
cteno4 (835 D)
26 Mar 13 UTC
Thoughts on World War II variant
I'm in a few games on this board, and this is what I think right now:
1 reply
Tyran (1399 D)
26 Mar 13 UTC
Replacement countries needs a new Oceania and Texas
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NikeFlash (979 D)
25 Mar 13 UTC
please join
need to play quick game.
12 replies
Anon (?? D)
23 Mar 13 UTC
south america game
5 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
25 Mar 13 UTC
Need a babysitter for two games - Good positioning in both
This one I'm France
This one I'm Canada
3 replies
csanerd (845 D)
18 Mar 13 UTC
Leaving a game
How do you leave I game? I have a lot of games going and do not have time for them all.
4 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
23 Mar 13 UTC
Gunny Gun Gun: EoG thread
gameID= 12149
2 replies
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