A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Hollywood (1423 D)
04 Feb 13 UTC
Game of Thrones themed map?
I know we're doing a Lord of the Rings variant(I'm in a game on the lab vdip site) but how about a Game of Thrones map? That'd be pretty slick, could even make it into two different variants, one with only Westeros which would be more like Classic variant and one with the lands beyond the narrow sea which would be more like modern dip 2 or even imperial dip 2
10 replies
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
17 Jan 13 UTC
Which era most deserves a variant that doesn't yet have one here?
Self-explanatory title. Personally, I think a "Colonization of North America" map might be interesting, with colonial England, France, Spain, Portugal, along with Native American empires and powers, like the Aztecs, Incans, Narragansetts, Pequots, &c. So far as I know, there's nothing like that up yet. What else would you like to see? Maybe we'll get some good ideas.
59 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
30 Jan 13 UTC
Succession EOG
Congrats to Decima a good win. A couple things I wanted to talk about including why everyone voted Draw so early and also how to form stalemates. gameID=11133
30 replies
Hominidae (726 D)
30 Jan 13 UTC
Join this Modern Diplomacy game!
I gave this game a 2-day start time by accident. We need six more people!
0 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
26 Jan 13 UTC
World Game only needs a few more players

Several good countries still available... Don't let it expire -- join now!
16 replies
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
26 Jan 13 UTC
sitter needed!
i need a sitter for the first ten days of february...anyone want to sit my games meanwhile?
im mostly well positioned :)
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
23 Jan 13 UTC
New Fog game
1 reply
Imagonnalose (992 D)
16 Jan 13 UTC
Crowded Game interest
Hey guys, just looking around to see if there is any interest in a crowded variant game? I want it to be a tactical nightmare so it will be gunboat. But I would prefer it to be a fairly classy match. Since I can't claim to have the best RR in the world, I'd prefer you to at least match my RR. PM any interest. The game will be password protected.
11 replies
Strauss (863 D)
23 Jan 13 UTC
Fall America, 1 days, 12 hours /phase
Still need 3 players -> gameID=12105

0 replies
Anon (?? D)
22 Jan 13 UTC
Fog of War?
Anyone interested in a classic Fog of War game? Join in!
2 replies
iLLuM (1569 D)
09 Jan 13 UTC
Ambition & Empire Variant

The special thing: There are neutrals and each major power has influence points to order the neutrals around.
5 replies
equator (1514 D)
20 Jan 13 UTC
what about music
examples of epic music I like to hear when playing dip:
O Fortuna-Carl Off
Duel of the Fates-John William
O Varium Fortune-Corvus Corax
11 replies
Anon (?? D)
19 Jan 13 UTC
Whoever is Mali in H. Rider Haggard's Prize
You are a SOB for saving on a retreat phase for 7 days
I can't believe I joined this game I didn't notice the phase was 7 days, what a jerk. And worst part is there's no diplomacy because messages are disabled, if anyone else from the game reads this, attack Mali
9 replies
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
18 Jan 13 UTC
Variant Possibility Question
I'm unfamiliar with coding, but I had a question. Would it be possible to have a variant with an "elective SC?" That is, a number of players vote on which power gains control of an unconquerable SC that can't be built in? Ideally, the list of electors would be limited and there'd be a way to determine how many votes they get, but right now, I'm curious about the general case. Thanks!
4 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
18 Jan 13 UTC
game needs players
1 reply
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
Most Admired Historical Figure
Another topic I'm sure most people here will have strong opinions about. Have at it!
60 replies
kikker82 (1102 D)
11 Jan 13 UTC
3 replies
Buggy Virus (1287 D)
14 Jan 13 UTC
Ultra High Unit Games/Variants
Derp-Summary message for long dumb post.
3 replies
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
14 Jan 13 UTC
WWIV description
recently playing some WWIV games i noticed that the variant description is not sufficient, as it does not tell anything abou IST, PAN, and EGY and also doesnt tell you that fllet cant move into territories that are bordered by this arctic territory, eg YUK and is not optimal that you have to send units to these territories to find out what the rules there are...and asking in the public chat might give away plans...
7 replies
Anon (?? D)
14 Jan 13 UTC
need 2 more for anon Aussie game
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airborne (970 D)
13 Jan 13 UTC
If I attempt to date a Jewish girl at college...will I burst into flames?
I ask this because my rural peers have firmly stated this will happen to me if I do...
10 replies
I'm Back!
Who wants to play a nice classic game?
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
12 Jan 13 UTC
Could you explain why you CDed in Blind Dip and essentially killed the game?
steephie22 (933 D)
13 Jan 13 UTC
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
13 Jan 13 UTC
Sorry - I am not intending to be overly aggressive - but I do get annoyed when people CD and ruin games, then come back and pretend nothing happened. A quick explanation would clear this up immediately, I'm sure.
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
13 Jan 13 UTC
As another participant from that game, I must say I'm a tiny bit curious as to the explanation as well...
tiger (1653 D)
13 Jan 13 UTC
may i ask what this Blind Dip you speak of is?
fasces349 (1007 D)
13 Jan 13 UTC
it was this game that was like fog of war played on the forums. Except you didn't know which scs were yours, and where any of the opponents units where.

You only knew where your units where and how many centers you had, In otherwords you were blind
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
13 Jan 13 UTC
it was a GM'd SRG many months back that fell apart as I understand because of D33's CD.

Basically all you knew in this game were your unit positions after each turn, and come builds, which centers you still owned and how many builds/disbands you had available. You were playing completely blind with no comm or even knowledge of why your orders failed (was your support cut or was someone supporting themselves to that space as well and bouncing you out??).
tiger (1653 D)
14 Jan 13 UTC
sounds like a challenge. and i can see how a cd ruins that game
fasces349 (1007 D)
14 Jan 13 UTC
I forget was it a press game (where you talked in PM) or was it a gunboat as well?
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
14 Jan 13 UTC
It was Gunboat. The conflict between Russia and I was getting very interesting when the game stopped...
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
14 Jan 13 UTC
anon, gunboat, blind... if there was something you wanted to know, you didn't have it, except for the ability to give orders (which required you know where your units were). That was the sum total of what you had. It was just getting interesting too when it fell flat.
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
14 Jan 13 UTC
Would there be interest in another game? That sounds amazing!
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
14 Jan 13 UTC
Need a GM to volunteer to do the adjudacation of orders and communicate position back to the players.. Can't use the system here, provides too much info.

I'd maybe be willing if no one else volunteered, but I'd only take people with 90+ RR. No sense wasting my time for a game that someone might quit on and ruin.
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
14 Jan 13 UTC
Ok, to refrain from further hijacking D33's thread, I've moved the Blind Diplomacy invitation to another thread, and I've assumed the GM's role.

15 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
10 Jan 13 UTC
Betelgeuse : EoG thread
10 replies
Anon (?? D)
13 Jan 13 UTC
New game, player left before the first turn, need a fill in, modern dip 2
First turn hasn't happened yet, modern dip 2 Spain left the game, need a fill in
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
02 Jan 13 UTC
Replacement needed
gameID=11395 needs a replacement Russia. Good position
3 replies
LakersFan (1373 D)
11 Jan 13 UTC
Web Dip down?
I keep getting a weird failure message when I try going to WebDip. Anyone else having problems logging in
8 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
29 Nov 12 UTC
1066 update
England got a bum deal in the first attempt of 1066. This should now be better balanced with a new SC in Norfolk (formerly East Anglia on the board) & a new sea territory, Central North Sea. Enjoy!
51 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
07 Jan 13 UTC
Exploration Dip
I recently came across an interesting variant of Diplomacy - Explore Dip. The link is here:
38 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
08 Jan 13 UTC
Stern von Africa: EoG thread
gameID= 11223
6 replies
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
27 Dec 12 UTC
Best Empire in History?
This ought to hopefully provoke some lively discussion here. Which empire, do you feel, was the best in human history? I personally like the Mongol Empire the best, especially under the first few khans. It just seems like a very progressive system in a lot of ways. There were a lot of crap things, too, but every empire has such things. I feel they were able to take the best from a lot of systems and synthesize a new whole, and that's pretty rare in history.
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