Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for han-shahanshah (1459 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
54487 Ben And Holly Classic Defeated -33 967
54933 This is different Scottish_Clan_Wars Survived -6 961
55375 Cold war-229 ColdWar Survived -7 954
54951 English Escapade AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -14 940
55433 1066-33 TenSixtySix_V3 Won 35 975
55436 Sengoku: Nagashino-2 Sengoku6 Survived -10 965
55434 Cold War Redux-4 ColdWarRedux Defeated -14 951
55647 Finkelboat-20 TreatyOfVerdun Survived -2 949
55639 Finkelboat-12 TreatyOfVerdun Won 58 1007
55734 1v1 -9 ClassicEvT Won 0 1007
55744 1v1 - France vs Austria ClassicFvA Survived -4 1003
55740 1v1 - American Secession War-56 Empire1on1 Survived -4 999
55709 Finkelboat-23 TenSixtySix Won 41 1040
55708 Finkelboat-22 TenSixtySix Survived -10 1030
55437 Greek Diplomacy-8 GreekDip Drawn 32 1062
55749 hundred-17 Hundred Won 53 1115
55138 Uncle Drew and Luca Magic Classic1897 Defeated -23 1092
55446 Ankara Crescent, Public Press Classic Defeated -34 1058
55707 Finkelboat-21 TenSixtySix Won 38 1096
55215 To the East Indies! EastIndies Drawn 0 1096
55637 Crazy opening? Classic1898 Survived -7 1089
55423 Austrian Adventurism AustrianSuccession Defeated -32 1057
55415 Wakanda wars Africa Defeated -9 1048
55532 press ready when ready Germany1648 Defeated -9 1039
55918 Finkelboat-38 SailHo2 Survived -7 1032
55342 Rinascimento Alternativo Rinascimento Defeated 0 1032
55914 Finkelboat-34 SailHo2 Survived -21 1011
55915 Finkelboat-35 SailHo2 Defeated -6 1005
55916 Finkelboat-36 SailHo2 Survived -18 987
55704 Spicy-3 SpiceIslands Drawn 17 1004
55917 Finkelboat-37 SailHo2 Survived -6 998
55165 Fantasy Rulebook FantasyWorld Defeated -10 988
55913 Finkelboat-33 SailHo2 Survived -16 972
55875 Das Gunboat-28 WWII Defeated -11 961
55394 1885 Gunboat-16 Colonial1885 Survived 0 961
56055 Finkelboat-48 AtlanticColonies Survived -7 954
55776 Press ready when ready -2 Colonial1885 Defeated 0 954
56057 Finkelboat-50 AtlanticColonies Survived -15 939
56048 Finkelboat-41 AtlanticColonies Survived -10 929
56290 :D-3 ClassicEvT Won 7 936
55361 Colonial Ambitions. Imperial2 Drawn 122 1058
56056 Finkelboat-49 AtlanticColonies Survived -6 1052
55674 All the Nations MongolianEmpire Defeated -1 1051
55950 Slinkygame 5 Abstraction3 Defeated -1 1050
56043 Conquer or become the Conquered YoungstownRedux Survived -27 1023
56039 fantasy-4 Habelya Survived -6 1017
55825 fantasy-3 Habelya Drawn 95 1112
55569 Test-51 ColdWarRedux Drawn 0 1112
55814 A Good Pirate Never Steals Pirates Survived -23 1089
56379 cold war... ColdWar Won 7 1096
56285 ready when ready-4 Colonial Defeated -25 1071
56445 MURICA MURICA MURICA ColdWar Won 7 1078
56288 Let's Try-2 ClassicCrowded Defeated -25 1053
56461 England vs Turkey - going for 19-20 ClassicEvT Drawn 0 1053
56318 Just a regular game, anyone can join! Classic Drawn 75 1128
55945 Diplomatic Revolution AustrianSuccession Defeated -30 1098
56558 Iberia 1065 Gunboat Iberia1065 Drawn 0 1098
55537 Imperial Zenith and Nadir Imperial2 Drawn 26 1124
56385 Classic-20 Classic Drawn 43 1167
56614 FA-38 ClassicFvA Survived -2 1165
56616 Ready ready ClassicFvA Survived -2 1163
56615 GI-15 ClassicGvI Survived -2 1161
56455 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww RatWars Won 118 1279
56287 Fun-15 MateAgainstMate Survived 11 1290
56513 Your Mom's Diplomacy Game AncMed Defeated -30 1260
56628 Let's Get Medieval TenSixtySix_V3 Won 22 1282
56389 Quest for North America-3 ManifestDestiny Survived -37 1245
56492 TREASON 2 AberrationV Survived -1 1244
56454 1216 Caucasia Defeated 0 1244
55453 Modern Europe Gunboat-2 A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1244
56686 Test for a map-2 Hundred Survived -20 1224
56374 Gobble Up More GobbleEarth Drawn 57 1281
56602 Youngstown WW2-4 YoungstownWWII Defeated -37 1244
56808 1v1 - American Secession War-89 Empire1on1 Survived -6 1238
56809 1v1 - American Secession War-90 Empire1on1 Survived -6 1232
56371 Gunnship Classic Drawn 23 1255
56498 wstsl-3 Zeus5 Defeated 0 1255
56627 Sengoku-5 Sengoku5 Defeated 0 1255
56313 Colonial 1885 Gunboat-8 Colonial1885 Survived -49 1206
56708 Bloody conquest, innit HeptarchyIV Defeated -29 1177
56966 Cold War-243 ColdWar Survived -10 1167
56101 Treason AberrationV Drawn 89 1256
56695 The 3rd Great Emu war MateAgainstMate Defeated -25 1231
53173 EU4 Roleplay-2 Europa_Renovatio Drawn 76 1307
56668 Boats and Feathers-2 GreatLakes Defeated 0 1307
56789 It’s All Greek to Me!! GreekDip Defeated -37 1270
56901 Fog98 Circuit II - London! (#01) Classic1898Fog Defeated -10 1260
56122 Well, rip us Divided_States Defeated -18 1242
56681 Taggy Sits on my Aunt SpiceIslands Drawn 16 1258
56850 Crete 9 AncMed Defeated 0 1258
56800 Blind Faith Classic1898Fog Defeated -39 1219
56410 Asian Attack EastIndies Defeated -32 1187
55944 A modern Europe gunboat 4 - join! A_Modern_Europe Defeated -21 1166
55924 Die Hard XXXVIII A_Modern_Europe Drawn 130 1296
54838 Kings and Generals -2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -22 1274
56475 Mate against Mate (100th game!) MateAgainstMate Survived -16 1258
57271 1898Fog-2 Classic1898Fog Drawn 56 1314
57463 Random countries (TA) ClassicVS Survived -8 1306
56591 Haven-3 Haven Defeated 0 1306
57471 Prze-2 ColdWar Won 5 1311
57284 Wonderful Italy Rinascimento Drawn 0 1311
56694 Everyone Kill Paraguay Karibik Defeated -35 1276
57277 Renaissance - haven't played this yet Renaissance1453 Survived -17 1259
56891 Great Lakes-5 GreatLakes Defeated -29 1230
56235 Border Wars Imperial2 Survived 0 1230
56696 Sand boat 2 GobbleEarth Survived -18 1212
56642 Known World Gunboat-8 KnownWorld_901 Survived 15 1227
56079 For Opium! V4.0 Imperial2 Defeated 0 1227
57341 Third congo war Africa Defeated -33 1194
56328 Hail Zanthia Haven Drawn 205 1399
57416 Classic is boring? Come here! Baron1900 Survived -23 1376
57321 Colonial 1885 Gunboat-11 Colonial1885 Drawn 24 1400
57885 Gunboat - England, Italy, Russia (IRE) ClassicVS Survived -19 1381
57530 Taifa Kingdoms (Test 1) Iberia1065 Defeated -21 1360
57160 Europe 2023 A_Modern_Europe Drawn 188 1548
57413 Once and future king CelticBritain Drawn 28 1576
57851 wwiii-4 Europe1939 Defeated -35 1541
57842 puburope ClassicCrowded Defeated -44 1497
56554 Turkey Time GobbleEarth Won 124 1621
57437 Old world Gunboat KnownWorld_901 Survived -10 1611
57106 Mars Low Threat Mars Drawn 4 1615
58169 Cold War 1v1-8 ColdWar Survived -12 1603
57874 1898 Fog of War-2 Classic1898Fog Defeated -33 1570
58201 Think well about it ColdWar Survived -5 1565
58075 ClassicGunboat Classic Won 0 1565
56035 Terra-2 WWIVsealanes Defeated -19 1546
56336 The Fifty Nifty Divided States! Divided_States Survived 0 1546
58507 coldwar ‘’‘’‘’ ColdWarRedux Survived -36 1510
58158 Great Heathen Army DarkAges Survived -50 1460
58155 the French WesternEurope1300 Defeated 0 1460
58615 Sub-Zero Scuffle ColdWar Won 3 1463
58063 Taifa Kingdoms (Test 3) Iberia1065 Defeated 0 1463
57948 Economic Powerhouse ClassicEconomic Drawn 3 1466
58320 Draconic test-1 DraconicDiplomacy Survived 0 1466
57734 Paths of Glory Baron1900 Defeated 0 1466
57956 For Opium! V5.0 Imperial2 Survived -4 1462
58159 America Gunboat AmericanConflict Survived -18 1444
58171 Viking Gunboat-11 Viking Survived -48 1396
57017 Just Like A Dream Europa_Renovatio Drawn 170 1566
58476 1898 Fog of War-5 Classic1898Fog Survived -18 1548
58470 Bronze Age gunboat-1 BronzeAgeDiplomacy Won 0 1548
58404 War of Austrian Obsessions AustrianSuccession Defeated -55 1493
58710 The War-8 WWII Defeated -32 1461
58503 Austrian Succession Gunboat-2 AustrianSuccession Defeated -29 1432
57814 World War 2-5 WWII Defeated -28 1404
58727 Atlantic Gunboat-24 AtlanticColonies Survived 18 1422
58726 Viking Gunboat-12 Viking Drawn 25 1447
58307 Win Condition 48 Colonial1885 Drawn 25 1472
58241 1885 Gunboat-18 Colonial1885 Defeated -31 1441
56548 Felt cute, might colonize Colonial1885 Drawn 22 1463
56031 The Big Gunboat (Gun Galley?) Europa_Renovatio Drawn 303 1766
58982 Atlantic Gunboat-29 AtlanticColonies Won 15 1781
58234 HO HO HO 4 AberrationV Defeated -61 1720
58656 Hartstikke Goed DutchRevolt Defeated -30 1690
57409 It's the best variant Europa_Renovatio Defeated -61 1629
58502 THIS OTHER WORLD (HABELYA) Habelya Survived -54 1575
58980 Atlantic Gunboat-28 AtlanticColonies Survived -24 1551
58833 Viking Gunboat-13 Viking Survived 13 1564
58954 Speed Europa (rulebook messaging) SpeedEuropa Drawn 6 1570
57875 European Union-2 A_Modern_Europe Won 308 1878
56567 Europa Moderna-3 A_Modern_Europe Defeated -39 1839
57477 Europe In Flames Europa_Renovatio Defeated -50 1789
58971 The Carolingian Legacy Crusades1201 Defeated -60 1729
59263 Stay aliveeee Imperium Drawn 13 1742
58933 Lisan al Gaib Mars Survived -10 1732
58932 Enlightment gunboat Enlightenment Defeated -39 1693
58524 Asia Gunboat EastIndies Defeated 0 1693
56279 Splinter in a moshpit Europa_Renovatio Defeated -25 1668
59630 no message test with 2 bets ColdWarRedux Won 3 1671
57060 Vikings-6 Viking Defeated -30 1641
59702 Colonies-8 AtlanticColonies Survived 0 1641
56416 Europa Imperotia 3 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -47 1594
57996 Choose a World to Know a World-3 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 62 1656
59446 Medieval Madness WesternWorld_901 Defeated -55 1601
59715 Go West AmericanConflict Survived 5 1606
59705 1885 Gunboat-20 Colonial1885 Drawn 31 1637
59642 120-2 Modern2 Defeated -49 1588
59706 Viking Gunboat-14 Viking Defeated -37 1551
58613 Day Day Up Europa_Renovatio Defeated -34 1517
59700 Gobble Earth Gunboat GobbleEarth Survived 28 1545
59448 Quiet Euro A_Modern_Europe Defeated -32 1513
59450 German Tribes Imperium Survived -37 1476
58442 EU4 Roleplay-3 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -32 1444
58498 Terra-3 WWIVsealanes Defeated -26 1418
56552 Felt cute, might imperialize Imperial2 Drawn 77 1495
57747 America 2024 Divided_States Defeated -36 1459