Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Heywood Jablowme (925 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
33102 Mars-3 Mars Drawn 5 1005
33101 A Feast of Empires Classic Defeated -21 984
32935 foggy 52 ClassicFog Defeated -28 956
33283 Something Different - 5 Sengoku6 Drawn 18 974
33238 It's beginning to look a lot like... Colonial1885 -15 959
33295 WWII Or III WWII Survived -7 952
33304 Viva la revolucion! Karibik Defeated -10 942
33308 A Fantastical Realm FantasyWorld Defeated -8 934
33381 Molotov-Ribbentrop Europe1939 Defeated -20 914
33613 World War II - Gunboat WWII -26 888
33461 Habemus Magnās Nubēs Rinascimento Defeated 0 888
33459 Please help new players grow 3 KnownWorld_901 -20 868
33046 Public WWIV WWIV Defeated 3 871
33396 Walking in a Nuclear Winter Wonderland WWIV_V6 -16 855
34293 Colonial Battleground Colonial1885 Defeated -21 834
35675 It's time for Africa-2 Africa Defeated -13 821
35996 Colonial Dreams Colonial Defeated -2 819
36294 The Great Game (not really) Colonial Defeated -22 797
35927 Brave New World-3 Colonial1885 Defeated -15 782
36104 Habelnut Habelya Survived 18 800
36050 Hep Bros HeptarchyIV Defeated -17 783
36336 Don't be a huckfead! AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -26 757
36932 On a cloudy day VIII ClassicFog Defeated -13 744
36637 One Round World Habelya Won 158 902
37156 Slippery Nipples GreatLakes -26 876
36815 Another time... Empire4 Defeated -17 859
37455 Just for fun-6 DarkAges Defeated 0 859
37248 Cowboys and Injuns ManifestDestiny Won 155 1014
37160 Italian Shoes Continuum Rinascimento Defeated 0 1014
36457 Imperial World Imperial2 Defeated -2 1012
36916 Hmmmmmm KnownWorld_901 Defeated -38 974
37893 Sofa King We Todd It ManifestDestiny Won 120 1094
36688 Let’s do this KnownWorld_901 Defeated -31 1063
37315 George Washington Empire4 Defeated -3 1060
37585 Florence Dip ClassicFlorence Defeated -10 1050
38126 Patriots vs Cowboys ManifestDestiny Won 140 1190
37764 Boats with Guns Classic Defeated -42 1148
37886 Apocolypse Later ManifestDestiny Defeated -30 1118
38071 Peckerwood Mars Defeated -29 1089
38376 You can't handle the truth ManifestDestiny Survived -29 1060
37821 Youngstown WW2-2 YoungstownWWII Drawn 27 1087
38480 Sea Monkey Paradise ManifestDestiny Defeated -20 1067
38471 Wagons and Galleons ManifestDestiny Survived -21 1046
38644 ThatAwkwardMomentWhenYouCan'tJoinThreePointGames Chromatic Defeated -16 1030
38468 Heptagonal Earth Zeus5 Survived -16 1014
38440 Yeet-11 Europe1600 Defeated -33 981
38192 ThatAwkwardMomentWhenYouCan'tJoinTenPointGames-7 Napoleonic Defeated -25 956
38544 Green button IV ClassicFog Survived -2 954
38833 Quest for North America ManifestDestiny Survived 23 977
37983 Napoleonic Napoleonic Defeated -31 946
38811 Jonseblone Rules ManifestDestiny -22 924
38624 The British Isles HeptarchyIV -15 909
38751 beware the spice! SpiceIslands Defeated -21 888
37780 Chaos Control ClassicChaos Defeated -15 873
38903 For Athens AgeOfPericles -12 861
38898 Lets take our time Classic Defeated -3 858
37514 New Game-9 Classic Defeated -10 848
39193 Cowboys and Injuns-2 ManifestDestiny Survived -16 832
38816 Clash in Canton Canton 0 832
38915 Fog Slowly Descends Over Europe ClassicFog Defeated -27 805
39113 The ReInvasion of the HQDominators Modern2 Defeated -16 789
37694 Big day WWIVsealanes Defeated -26 763
39227 Get the Booty ManifestDestiny Defeated -16 747
39945 Verdun-21 TreatyOfVerdun Survived -1 746
39301 Play fast and gentle 4 Classic Drawn 62 808
39279 Foggy 1898 Classic1898Fog Survived -3 805
39223 Take no Prisoners ManifestDestiny Survived -2 803
39670 Willie Fistigash ManifestDestiny Won 49 852
40221 EvT-41 ClassicEvT Survived -5 847
39641 Mike Hunt Smells ManifestDestiny Survived 11 858
39668 Cowboys and Indians ManifestDestiny -16 842
39669 Herb Eaversmells Habelya Survived 23 865
37278 Choose Your State Divided_States Defeated 17 882
40106 Spongebong and Hashbrick ManifestDestiny -13 869
40194 Event Horizon YoungstownWWII Drawn 30 899
40253 Megalomaniacs-3 KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 899
40569 No chat just fun 59 Classic1880 Survived 7 906
40500 Teams without chatting Classic Survived -6 900
39368 World war two-5 WWII Defeated 7 907
40677 War of the Yeet Sucession AustrianSuccession Defeated 0 907
40487 Divided America ManifestDestiny Survived -7 900
40571 Teams without chatting 2 Classic Survived 41 941
40241 Brexit-4 Modern2 Defeated 0 941
38844 Globalisation WWIV_V6 Defeated -21 920
41020 Willie Fistigash-2 ManifestDestiny Survived -3 917
41019 Hugh Jassoll's Gunboat ManifestDestiny Survived -18 899
40643 An Anonymous World War WWII -24 875
41123 Hugh Jassoll's Gunboat-2 ManifestDestiny Survived -13 862
39719 World War Bone 2 WWIVsealanes Defeated 0 862
39837 Divided We Fall-2 Divided_States Defeated 3 865
41237 Herb Eavereally Smells ManifestDestiny Defeated -23 842
40604 A modern pickle A_Modern_Europe Defeated -9 833
41663 Just in Time IV ClassicFog Defeated -11 822
41662 Just in Time III Classic1897 Defeated -12 810
39947 EU IV Europa_Renovatio -14 796
43054 Tipples and nits ManifestDestiny -5 791
40607 Like EU, but new! A_Modern_Europe Defeated -15 776
41649 Long game Classic Defeated -17 759
43275 Fight for North America ManifestDestiny -1 758
39159 Here for the long haul Europa_Renovatio -17 741
43052 Across Asia Colonial Defeated 0 741
42487 Fog of War - 2 days - press ClassicFog Survived -22 719
41085 Level Killing Field A_Modern_Europe Defeated -20 699
43223 Battle of the Slavs Viking Defeated -16 683
43691 North American Gunboat ManifestDestiny Survived -25 658
43216 More Europe A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 658
44115 Time.... Classic1898Fog Survived 10 668
44590 Cowboys and Injuns-3 ManifestDestiny Survived 5 673
44832 Imperialism Time I Imperial2 Defeated 2 675
44923 Corona Gunboat Classic1913 Defeated 0 675
43928 X AE A-Xii Modern2 Defeated -15 660
44591 Huckfeads Gunboat Habelya Defeated -13 647
45723 America-16 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 646
45404 Libertas quæ sera tamen-4 AtlanticColonies -13 633
45304 What to do during Covid ManifestDestiny Survived -14 619
45115 Buncha Nerds but Kinda Not Classic Survived -18 601
40130 Europa Imperatoria Europa_Renovatio Defeated -12 589
45611 Time.....-2 Classic1898 Survived 28 617
45612 Time..... FoW - WTA Classic1898Fog Survived -7 610
45616 Die happy II Classic1898 Defeated -9 601
45405 Wonderland Gunboat Habelya Defeated -8 593
45713 One World Is Not Enough ClassicLayered Drawn 86 679
37407 American Funboat Divided_States Defeated -9 670
44566 Die happy ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 65 735
46375 Easy.....,...... ClassicNoNeutrals Defeated -8 727
45610 Time..........-2 Classic1897 Survived 7 734
46729 Cowboys vs Redskins ManifestDestiny Drawn 9 743
46067 Edith Puthie Habelya Defeated -9 734
46374 Easy........,....... Modern2 Defeated -1 733
43656 (En)Joy Division Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 733
46088 Rinascimento? Rinascimento Drawn 0 733
46730 Layered Gunboat Challenge ClassicLayered Survived -8 725
46966 X - MAS special 21% off Classic1898 Survived 14 739
46975 X - MAS special 23% off Classic1913 Defeated -1 738
46970 X - MAS special 25% off ClassicSevenIslands Survived 23 761
46965 X - MAS special 20% off Classic1897 Defeated -2 759
46967 X - MAS special 22% off Classic1898 Defeated -11 748
47946 Cold War 03092021 ColdWar Survived -2 746
40316 pick your poison Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 746
47458 North American Gunboat Conquest ManifestDestiny Survived -4 742
41151 On the Origin of Feces WWIVsealanes Defeated -7 735
47533 Le Monde ClassicBrazilian Defeated -12 723
46969 X - MAS special 24% off Classic1913 Survived -1 722
47359 Slavik Junge WTA Classic1898 Defeated -5 717
47602 We were young and wild and free ClassicEgypt Defeated -5 712
47532 Tahir - WTA ClassicEgypt Drawn 52 764
45215 Europapa Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 764
47949 Easy.....,......-3 Classic1898 Defeated 7 771
48196 funGoat 12 ClassicMilan Drawn 38 809
47603 The sun rises in the east. It also sets in the wes Classic Survived -12 797
47600 Can I kick it? Yes you can! Classic1898Fog Drawn 53 850
48197 funGoat 13 CustomStart Defeated -11 839
47534 Bild Zeitung YoungstownRedux Defeated -8 831
45898 Novichok-20 against COVID-19 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -18 813
48732 Cowboys and Aliens ManifestDestiny Defeated -13 800
48195 funGoat 11 - WTA ClassicFlorence Drawn 58 858
48200 funGoat 16 YoungstownRedux Defeated -4 854
47563 Diplo en français comme autrefois KnownWorld_901 Survived -2 852
49269 Cold War 0622021 ColdWar Survived -2 850
48199 funGoat 15 WTA Modern2 Defeated -14 836
49181 1v1-376 ClassicEvT Drawn 0 836
48747 100 Years War Germany1648 Defeated -19 817
48070 FoW gunboat - slow role ClassicFog Survived -2 815
49265 Hoynanina ClassicFog Defeated -15 800
49195 13th Rock From the Sun Habelya Drawn 21 821
49802 rio7 ClassicBrazilian Survived -6 815
48411 This Map Looks Like Fun FantasyWorld Defeated -14 801
49730 Chamberland USofA Drawn 57 858
49811 European Values Enlightenment Defeated -22 836
47431 Gunboat - World diplomacy World Defeated -2 834
48916 Impish Grin Imperial2 Defeated 13 847
50114 14th Rock From the Sun Habelya Defeated -23 824
50283 Finde Siecle Baron1900 Defeated -5 819
51131 Classic-18 Classic Defeated -6 813
50705 Mongolian Beef MongolianEmpire Defeated -15 798
51282 Classic - For Under 1000 Rated Players! Classic Defeated -10 788
49948 X-3 World10 -12 776
51255 Christmas Blow J*b ManifestDestiny Survived 6 782
51367 The Fate of the Hapsburg imperium AustrianSuccession Defeated 1 783
49860 The Art of the Possible Europa_Renovatio Defeated 9 792
51684 War Beneath the Sun Sengoku5 Defeated -5 787
52303 Where is Rome? FirstCrusade Survived 5 792
52261 Green Pastures Viking Defeated -12 780
47046 Gang Bang in Europe Europa_Renovatio -14 766
52304 Le Grande Design EmpiresCoalitions Drawn 71 837
52302 An Abukir Experience ClassicEgypt Survived 2 839
49118 This is madness II Europa_Renovatio Defeated -9 830
52942 Quest for North America-2 ManifestDestiny Defeated -17 813
52858 North American Showdown ManifestDestiny Survived -14 799
52852 Strange Planet Gunboat Habelya Defeated -15 784
48358 No name-11 Divided_States Defeated 30 814
49954 WWIV -2 WWIVsealanes Defeated -9 805
52284 Kings and Generals Imperial2 Defeated 8 813
52714 The Great Game-7 Imperial2 Defeated 5 818
52311 Parma A_Modern_Europe Defeated 17 835
53105 Summer Game GreatLakes Defeated 6 841
53400 North American Gunboat Showdown ManifestDestiny Won 188 1029
53470 North American Gunboat Showdown-2 ManifestDestiny Defeated -4 1025
52906 french rebolution Napoleonic Defeated -16 1009
53126 Talk all you want, it's WTA and everyone's surro WWII Survived -27 982
51286 Renaissance-4 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -16 966
53250 Tipples and Nits-2 DarkAges Survived -27 939
52968 The Pragmatic Sanction AustrianSuccession Survived -8 931
53125 Everybody wants it but won't collaborate! AmericanConflict Defeated -7 924
52785 Gobble gobble -2 GobbleEarth Defeated -9 915
53544 Find your way! ManifestDestiny Defeated -1 914
51275 Wait, how many stars and stripes?! Divided_States Defeated 20 934
53640 Nuke Dukem WTA Gunboat ManifestDestiny Won 155 1089
53441 Austria rejects the Diet AustrianSuccession Survived -9 1080
53641 Solving the Political Question WhoControlsAmerica Defeated -8 1072
53999 Hyde and sick ClassicFog Drawn 57 1129
53848 WTA w/Press - Does it Matter? ManifestDestiny Survived -12 1117
53320 Imperatores totius Mundi Imperial2 Defeated -20 1097
53617 Tillers of the Poppy Fields Baron1900 Defeated -37 1060
53847 WTA Gunboat Cutthroat Habelya Defeated -24 1036
54667 ArdzdfundusaWTA ClassicMilan Drawn 17 1053
52627 Dirty Valley High Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1053
54302 Conquer the Bush Africa Defeated 0 1053
54340 Mongols MongolianEmpire -47 1006
54696 Seven Kings, Two Caesars, and a Doge Enlightenment Defeated -17 989
54377 For Opium! 3.0 Imperial2 Defeated -27 962
55709 Finkelboat-23 TenSixtySix Defeated -16 946
55716 Finkelboat-30 TenSixtySix Survived -16 930
55708 Finkelboat-22 TenSixtySix Defeated -8 922
55714 Finkelboat-28 TenSixtySix Survived -8 914
55707 Finkelboat-21 TenSixtySix Survived -14 900
55712 Finkelboat-26 TenSixtySix Survived -6 894
54923 Don't talk to me GreekDip -2 892
55715 Finkelboat-29 TenSixtySix Won 47 939
55713 Finkelboat-27 TenSixtySix Survived -4 935
55711 Finkelboat-25 TenSixtySix Defeated -3 932
55710 Finkelboat-24 TenSixtySix Survived -16 916
56009 1v1 - American Secession War-70 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 914
54682 Choose to loose AberrationV Drawn 77 991
56186 Gunboat Rat War RatWars Survived -2 989
56023 Greek States Gunboat GreekDip Defeated -8 981
54857 Shake the World World Defeated -2 979
55631 Ekaterina WTA YoungstownRedux Defeated -7 972
51725 The 26704th Europa Renovatio Gunboat Game Europa_Renovatio Defeated -1 971
56389 Quest for North America-3 ManifestDestiny Won 137 1108
56371 Gunnship Classic Defeated -27 1081
56551 Greek Diplomacy-9 GreekDip Defeated -31 1050
55982 Dark Ages World Rumble WesternWorld_901 Defeated -19 1031
53173 EU4 Roleplay-2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -7 1024
56319 Gunboat Headache Migraine Defeated -7 1017
56681 Taggy Sits on my Aunt SpiceIslands Drawn 19 1036
56325 American Conflict-8 AmericanConflict Defeated -9 1027
57214 1v1 - American Secession War-108 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1025
54838 Kings and Generals -2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -15 1010
56079 For Opium! V4.0 Imperial2 Defeated 0 1010
57112 Wactical Tarfare Gunboat SpiceIslands Defeated -3 1007
57452 Let's Fight Like Republicans ManifestDestiny Survived -9 998
57810 1v1 - American Secession War-148 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 996
57416 Classic is boring? Come here! Baron1900 Defeated -11 985
56340 Doot Colonial1885 Drawn 51 1036
56554 Turkey Time GobbleEarth Survived 84 1120
57106 Mars Low Threat Mars Drawn 9 1129
56553 Youngstown Redux-3 YoungstownRedux Defeated -5 1124
58398 1v1 - American Secession War-164 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 1123
57737 Sender Unknown ClassicGreyPress Defeated -35 1088
58416 Figure it out ManifestDestiny Survived -3 1085
57211 A Place We Call Home - American Indians / 4-day Ph GreatLakes Defeated -19 1066
58397 1v1 - American Secession War-163 Empire1on1 Defeated -4 1062
57448 Sussy amogus impostor World10 Defeated -25 1037
57814 World War 2-5 WWII Drawn 82 1119
56548 Felt cute, might colonize Colonial1885 Defeated -8 1111
58934 Southern Cross SouthAmerica8 Defeated -12 1099
58768 No whispers in Europe Classic Survived -39 1060
57477 Europe In Flames Europa_Renovatio Defeated -6 1054
58933 Lisan al Gaib Mars Survived 42 1096
56279 Splinter in a moshpit Europa_Renovatio Defeated -8 1088
59174 Where the hell is this? Habelya Defeated -25 1063
59721 Cowboys, Indians, and Mexicans ManifestDestiny Survived -26 1037
59452 Classic 7 Islands Gunboat ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -21 1016
57060 Vikings-6 Viking Survived 0 1016
56416 Europa Imperotia 3 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -25 991
58996 Us and Them A_Modern_Europe Defeated -11 980
59592 Fog of War Classic Gunboat Classic1898Fog Defeated -17 963
59450 German Tribes Imperium Defeated -20 943
58442 EU4 Roleplay-3 Europa_Renovatio -14 929
56552 Felt cute, might imperialize Imperial2 Defeated 16 945
57747 America 2024 Divided_States Defeated -20 925